Sexual alchemy questions

So, i was talking to a friend about inward ejaculation for men earlier

And i just wanted to make sure, this is when you do a kegal at the moment of ejaculation in order to prevent the energy from leaving the body?

Also, if one is practicing semen retention, is this considered a relapse?

What are the benefits? Any cons? What’s the difference in practicing this by your self vs with some one else?

Thank you :pray:


I am interested in this as well, kudos to u for the guts to ask this bro.


Ah were all here to learn man, we shouldn’t be ashamed about that bro

Although, lol, i did have trouble finding out how to ask it at first lol


whos your friend :face_with_monocle: :tophat:


It is supposed to squeeze the harder you can so that goes inwards?

that is the technique?

if someone its good at this would be awesome to learn :muscle:


Ah you don’t know him, his name is akira he’s a cool guy, i think you guys would would get along though Subaru!


My understanding is that it is rather about the preservation of Jing / Ojas than semen.

I believe, when you orgasm it is more important where you direct your energy flow in that moment than where your semen goes.

When you orgasm with a women you kind of get a “closed energy circle” and much less energy is wasted than when you orgasm alone and that energy goes out into the void…


I reccomend all episodes with Mantak Chia :fist_right::fist_left:

Very good info all around


Isnt that what’s done when “ejaculating inward”? Isn’t that meant to direct the energy upwards? I’d like to know if this is true or not lol

My assumption is the kegal creates a blockage, and through intent you can direct the energy upwards

But idk what this does really, I’ve done it like twice or thrice in my life before

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I’ll watch it in a bit after meditation :pray:


Ejaculation and injaculation are physical processes.
Energy flow is an energy body process.

While there is some life energy attached to your semen it is mostly a strong independent flow of energy through your spine, meridians and other energy body aspects. Energetically semen is barely of importance and just a means to transport DNA.

You can ejacalute and still direct the energy inwards in a circle (up your spine to the head and in then from the front of your head back down at the front of your body – something like this. Mantak Chia talks about this is as well, it is something that needs to be learned.)

Eja-/Injaculation and Orgasm are two different independent processes. For most men and mainstream science they are the part of the same process because they never look into the esoteric stuff.
But one can learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation.

Ejaculation is just the physical muscle contraction to shoot your semen.

Orgasm is an energetic process – a strong flow of life energy (Jing/Chi/Shen) through the whole body.
Because it is so strong it can dissolve energy blockages in some Meridians. In fact if you never orgasm (this is what most nofappers don’t understand), the energy will mostly build up in the lower chakras and create problems.
Also without a meridian cleaning orgasmis energy flow, those energy blocks in the meridians become stronger over time, leading to neurosis. You can observe neurotic behavior in people who never orgasm and don’t transmute their sexual energy upwards through the whole body. Wilhelm Reich talks about this in his book the “Function of the Orgasm”.

Also this – your body needs an orgasm from time to time to stay healthy:


Yes it’s described in a book recommended by Sammy as well, the multi-orgasmic man i think it’s called. I’ve only read parts so far.

I’m doing Kegels and reverse Kegels for years now and my performance is amazing, i would rarely need to release and if i do it’s like an explosion. So in that sense you could say i haven’t done what you’ve described, on the other hand i hadn’t really attempted it.

If you wanna try, you’ll need a strong focus in that instant, then direct the flow inwards


Yayyy Domo Arigato :orange_circle: :pray:


I’ve through a lot of research and experimentation regarding this subject as well. The best books i’ve found regarding this topic include:
-Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia
-Cupid’s Poisonous Arrow (On how orgasms create chemical imbalances in brain, author alludes to Taoist sexual alchemy still falls into this trap. Tantra and Karezza being the solution to help bypassing the biological trap while promoting pair bonding behavior. Love based sex. Do your own experimentation and find if it’s true yourself)
-Tantric Sex for Men
-Tantric Sex for Women
-Energy Karezza
-The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 2 (Contains a short instruction manual on Ankhing which is an egyptian method of ejaculation which utilizes the the sexual energy and manipulates it in a way to circulate back into the system and extend life and wellbeing)
^I’ve had very wonderful experiences with all of these, I can go into more detail if need be but I suggest you to read it yourself so I don’t bring in my own biases.

-Living the Law of One 101: The Choice ch 11 has 2 chapters specifically on sacred sexuality and the spiritual nature of the orgasm that I found to be very eye opening.


Hey thank you Jaaj!

I’ll have to come back later with some questions as I’m quite in a rush after waking up to get to work

Just wanted to let you know that a more detailed response is coming soon lol


I have been practicing the techniques from ‘the multiorgasmic man’ with my own little spin on things for a while. The kegeling is essential to control the contractions in your perineum. You kmow, those little sexual urges of energy pushing through in your whole private area.

Through kegeling, you gain strong awareness of these contractions so that they don’t happen automatically. You can hold your perineum so you don’t get them. Those contractions are what push the sperm to the deferent duck (I think. I’m not too good with human anatomy lol), from which then those urges result in ejaculation.

So what one comes to learn is that ejaculation and orgasm are separate. Orgasm is a release of sexual energy which results in pleasure. Ejaculation is the release of sperm; which is perpetrated by the release of sexual energy.

The purpose of these practices is to separate ejaculation from orgasm so that you can have multiple orgasms without losing any sperm/jing. Sexual energy doesn’t have to be focused on your penis area (we always ejaculate because it is) and can be focused onto other parts of the body.

What I’ve come to learn is that pranayama has come in real handy for this. In breathing my body while in the act, I am already feeling the flow of sexual energy. And so it makes it easy to focus that energy onto another part of the body.

So while in the sexual act/self pleasure, I would kegel as I feel more and more sexual energy building up. Most importantly, I focus my consciousness onto the crown of my head. Any feeling I get from the sexual act in the lower areas, I focus it up my back and up to the crown of my head. Almost as if the lower areas are in the crown.

And so, the ejaculatory urge is completely halted and instead all the sexual energy is directed to the crown of the head. And then eventually the pleasure gets so intense that I consciously intend the release of all the energy within the crown (I copy the sensation of ejaculation but instead, intend to feel it in my crown. Like intent to orgasm/release all this energy build up). And then the energy releases and pours through my microcosmic orbit and I have a full body orgasm.

Now the book recommends to circle the energy around the crown like 36 times but I don’t think that’s necessary lol. I also sometimes do the energy course technique of sponging and then breaking a donut in half. Helps release quickly. When I’m done, I always redirect all the energy to the navel energy storage center. That way all the energy is stored to reuse (otherwise having energy sit in brain or other parts of the body will cause imbalances).

Now I don’t expect any of this to make sense to most of you guys lol. These are all things you learn through practice. Would highly recommend engaging as I think this is indeed a spiritual practice. You learn to tame and cultivate your sexual energy. There is a level of willpower & discipline that one gains from these practices. I still haven’t fully mastered the practice yet but am slowly getting there. Very rewarding.

This is also possible for women as well and I think would be even easier to achieve for them. Not sure which book fully teaches them this as I’m not too educated on the female side of ‘sexual kung fu’.


Or just listen to Exalted States :slight_smile: :wink:


What is exalted States?

It’s a NFT that only few people in this forum have acquired :wink:
you can see the thread here :

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I bought the book “'the multiorgasmic man” and read it slowly, hoping to get the progress written in the catalog and what everyone said

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