Sexual Pheromones Female field

So… I was actually reading a lot about pheromones and the attraction to the opposite gender. I noticed as a female (25y.) that most pheromone fields or subliminals/binaurals are only enhancing DHT or Androstenol. After a lot of research it’s clear that for enhancing the pheromones of females Copuline is really important. Is there any morphic field which can enhance our copuline aka pheromone for females? Androstenol does scientifically nothing to womens pheromones.

Appreciate every post and help. Thanks !


Welcome to the forum!

You might be better off playing around with the openness and bonding pheromones (like oxytocin). Because couplins are derived from vaginal secretions, they can be–erm–pungent (even in tiny amounts) and, in many cultures, can send a signal that could be counter-productive for many women. (I’ve heard it called the “slut” or “whore pheromone.” :wink: Not politically correct, I know, but descriptive nonetheless.)


interesting… so oxytocin would actually provide a better result for me ? is oxytocin something I could use for attracting men outside?

The matchmaker tag has the effect of increasing ones personal pheromone production , whether it’s a man or woman. The store is momentarily closed and others correct if I’m wrong, but I think even before it closed matchmaker wasn’t sold anymore.

There are already a lot of threads on attraction, mostly men wanting to attract females, but I’m sure it will help you too.

If the matchmaker is available I can recommend you that, it might seem subtle but it works.

Btw Copulins increase arousal and testosterone in males that’s why they like smelling it . (Panty sniffers)
Females can also smell copulins on men and thereby know if a man just had sex with a women. The interplay is quite fascinating ,and how strong some people react to pheromones is quite surprising, it can be a night and day difference seen from one and the same person. But everybody subconsciously likes /dislikes certain pheromones it’s even different from ethnicity to ethnicity.


You’re correct. The Matchmaker tag was discontinued some time ago, because (as I understand it) a large number of the people who had the tag didn’t do anything to engage with the tag’s abilities (they didn’t go out, they didn’t smile, they didn’t approach others, etc.) and then loudly complained that the tag “didn’t work.”

As a result, Team Dream discontinued the tag and, despite a few concerted campaigns here on this forum, have–so far–resisted pleas to bring the tag back.


I can’t buy matchmaker atm :( yes all the threads contain the same answer on how to attract the females.

Without knowing what kind of “result” you’re wanting, I can’t really answer that “for you.”

The point of my reply (and, as Alexander has also indicated) is that pheromones (for both men and for women) are a much more complex field than you were presenting in your post and that you may want to do more research (of the topic as well as of your own goals).

Oxytocin can attract men who are interested in bonding (as well as helpful with the bonding process). Bonding tends to be more of a “result” that women typically want. Oxytocin is one of the pheromones assisting the bonding process.

Of course, pheromones (male or female) are kind of old skool, chemicals to do what we can do vibrationally with frequencies. Why resort to the old skool chemicals of pheromones, which can have social, cultural and genetic challenges to them, when we can enhance our energetic and vibrational signals (with the fields) which don’t have those challenges to them?

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True! I kinda understand now that oxytocin is in someway a good bonding hormone. Let’s say I’m gonna have a date with a specific guy, while my aim is to get into a relationship. Would playing oxytocin before the date, be helpful?

However, it’s also true that after sleeping with men, women produce oxytocin (after!) and instead of helping to bond them together, it actually does the opposite, and both partners want to do their own thing… if it makes sense.

Yes I’ve seen those messages . And i also wasn’t sure if it was working for me. Only looking back I see it was the most successful time with females in the last years . Coincidence? Maybe ,maybe not. The description did make it seem like you could just lay back and girls will just wanna to be with you though :D at least that was my impression. The explanations that sammy gave out later were a lot clearer . And these days dreams descriptions are a lot more vague. Maybe because of misunderstandings like that…

So it wont come back huh? Guess I have a rare item then :slightly_smiling_face: and I dont even use it …But soon i wanna get back into business :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


That’s not a result of the oxytocin. Oxytocin is the bonding pheromone. It’s what mothers secrete to help their babies bond to them (and vice versa, interestingly enough).

What you’re describing may well be a woman who has gone to bed with a man who has a more sexual agenda and who reacts (negatively) to the oxytocin produced (by both of them, actually). IOW, he senses the oxytocin and/or the bonding and gets the hell out of dodge, because that’s not the “result” he wanted. (BTW, the couplins you were asking about will typically attract men whose desired “result” is a one-night stand and who can be likely to negatively react to the oxytocin released during the orgasm[s], like in the middle example you’ve given us.)


Yep! You sure do!

Then hang onto your rare item and enjoy using it! (Oh, of course, feel free to gloat with your testimonials in the tag’s thread. :wink: )