Shadow worker 3

I don’t see why not. Just follow the instructions.

Is it okay if i listen with family members in the house and is there a recommended volume for listening?
Sorry for the many questions, I am new to fields.

If you want to affect them too then use but it’s a field that will make them feel like hell and unless they don’t know what’s going on they might feel like they are going crazy due to the effect but someone who knows what it does won’t have any issues like this. So be mindful of that and inform them. Otherwise listen alone. It’s fine as long as you can hear it.

And my suggestion for new users:

If you’re new I absolutely wouldn’t recommend using my fields as you need a certain level of understanding to use them otherwise you can’t utilize them fully. They work fully differently and has different commands and functioning. I suggest you use them after having better understanding of fields in general and if anyone reading this and is new to fields don’t use my fields at all (including those who doesn’t not have forum account) unless you understand my descriptions or what the command functions do. So I would discourage you from using what I create unless you’re really determined or something like that


Thank you for the information. I may use your fields when I am more knowledgeable and experienced with fields.

I’ve found this one to be pretty balanced and gentle. And I appreciate the difference between this one and 2.0.


Dear @Equilibrium , thank you very much for offering us this creation of yours with a very powerful effect, it is important to mention that I have used the trial version, however it will be a next purchase that I will not pass up. I want to say that when I used it, focused on 4 big problems and traumas from my past, I can confirm its brutal effectiveness, honestly I even forgot my name lol and on the other hand when I wanted to remember the past and what it generated in me, because I felt that there had a barrier there, an insurmountable wall that did not allow me to remember, an invisible curtain that made me feel that there was no way to go to the past. Beautiful, powerful and at the same time very effective and special. Thank you dear @Equilibrium !!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Yet to have to write the promised full review but this field for me became No. 1 not only in terms of mental and emotional health but also psychic health. Its intelligence level is on par with Healer and Dagon which means you can simplify requests by asking to work on trauma relating to X. Right now I requested the field to work on trauma relating to psychic attacks and omg it is indeed steadily reverting me to a state way, way before I experienced them.

Also remember that a “psychic attack” actually refers to any type of attack including verbal, emotional and other abuse. Try and feel the results.


I mostly get sensation in third eye area when using inquiry method. I am not energy sensitive/ psychic enough that I mostly would not get answer from my conscious mind.

Few days ago, after using this, I dreamt of a person that I loved, at the end of the dream I got feeling/impression that “how can you move on if you refuse to let go of that person?”.

Would that be possible that SW would reveal answer through dream?

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Not specifically meant for that

Still have to write a profound review but I believe I may have just found the ultimate command

“Remove all trauma I sustained and suffered as of the moment of my separation from The Source”

Definitely NOT for the faint of heart, even with SW3s “mellow” approach hits very hard, use at your own risk.


Update. After 40 minutes of feeling like that dude in the first Fargo movie they put in the woodchipper I am sitting and laughing like crazy with so much weight removed. Field is still clearing out some remains, but it worked! Ooh la la :slight_smile:


Also guys don’t forget that there’s also delete command function into it. I asked to check the description of previous one for a reason as everything from those is added


This was recommend to my by someone on the forum and at first I saw the price and when no way! But after reading all the comments., I am getting this as soon as I get paid.
It’s my #1 next field purchase. After a week of this , I will then get Subconscious Reprogramming.

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There’s also another cheaper version of this 2.0 (this is 3) and a free one even which is it’s first version. You can use them too

You can use them too instead of purchasing this one

I have been using the free one for 2 days now and I just love the commands. I will get v3 I and my family have a ton of trauma to deal with, so I will spend as much money is needed to heal it. It might just take time to get all that is needed.


I’m glad if its helping you but keep in mind to never get caught up in hype train from people and their comments no matter how positive they might be. Always be objective on what results you get and thats the only thing that should matter before everything else. Question everything and everyone including me and everyone else as well especially regarding fields and energy work. That’s just my advice to you or anyone new in this


So true, I do questions everything, and get what feels right for me. I have a week till I get paid and this will give me the time to soft out what DM’s/audios I next need to move forward and I will keep doing that.

Your commands are new to me and I just love them, as I can direct the fields and they are not passive. Most other products are passive.I have seen good changing in my 8 years of growth and so much more since my marriage ended a year and half a go. I am finding me, the true me and living my life as guided by myself. It’s been and incredible journey and I am just getting started.

I really got into DM’s on march 6 so I am still new to fields, and boy they have made a huge difference in the last 6 weeks. Looking forward to more change and growth.