Share your results!

your results are awesome, especially for working memory (as well as the way you describe it), there are so many applications and in so many areas. In addition there is the connection between the hemispheres (how do you live it ?!). it’s just wonderful.the most amazing of all is that it’s just in 1 day, and the first day :scream::scream::scream:.
you will understand, I am completely excited at the idea of ​​living his experiences (and more) with this tag of cognitive and memory improvement. only, I also aim for the upcoming course whose publication is imminent, I desire them both enormously … but I am not sure which one I should choose, s knowing that I have had enough for only one of them.but thank you very much for sharing your results of this tag with us.


Yes, that is a tough choice. Having an improved mind is such a benefit, I would choose it first and hopefully come back for the course. But go with your gut of course.

My description of working memory may have gotten a little convoluted. But imagine something you’ve spent time pondering in life that was a challenge for you to comprehend. Maybe because no books were written on it, or maybe because no one taught you or even spoke about it. Or for some other reason. And then your grasp of it becomes so much better that it looks like something simple to you.


And after just 1 day… I know, I hesitated to share results after just 1 day. Lol. I’d really like to wait at least a week. But I had to.


indeed, one might believe that it is too early to share feedback, but no, because we actually share what happened during the experience, and if something happened, then even if it’s only 1 hour, we are still entitled to share it.and frankly I very much appreciate your feedback, since its publication I always wanted several people to test it and give their opinions. without forgetting that if there is something else that happens afterwards, it may be difficult and complicated to transcribe everything all at once, and we might lose a lot of useful and relevant information, so thank you very much.


it’s just perfect, there are so many things that can seem complicated to understand unless you make a lot of effort,so it is often necessary to redo the work or to be constantly there to keep the understanding (a lot of parameters and variable to take into account). The craziest thing is when I tell myself that the results can potentially improve and increase over time.


Ordered my tag recently and I cannot wait to get it!


Thank you for that. That’s true and a good point. If I waited a week I probably would leave a lot out without meaning to.

I plan to give a 1 week summary also.

After day 2, I can say I’ve seen much of the same results.

Better handling toxic or parasitic type people. You know, people who try to get to you because they somehow get something out of making others feel bad. I handled someone like that very well today. It was cool. I think a lot of it had to do with the speech areas of the brain improving. And some of it was because of the better hemispheric connection.

I had another small episode today of exhibiting amazing spider man like capabilities. Lol. This time wasn’t me almost getting seriously hurt though. But it was pretty neat. I’m almost thinking I should take up a sport or fencing now. Or martial arts.

I actually remembered where I parked today. And when I remembered it, it was a vivid visual memory. Which is really sweet because I’ve never been a visual thinker. I wouldn’t mind that improving.

I remembered my dreams from last night far more than usual, and again the memories were very visual.

Life is seeming simpler. Things I’ve wondered how to improve for a long time, now they seem very simple, as in it is narrowed down for me to one specific thing I need to do first in order to begin changing everything else. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by needing to change many things, my brain is like “Hey, just do this one easy thing, duh, then that will set you up to change other things…”


Atreides, those are wonderful results, and quick! I think the field is also helping me a bit with physical coordination. I was doing rope skipping last week and could not do 2 minutes continuously… today I picked up the rope and upon first try did 11 minutes. This was after wearing the field for several hours today.

Does the ‘amblox and stem cells’ part of the fieldset for regeneration work only on the brain?


Physical subs I’ve started a little less than two weeks ago are advanced healing, teeth regen, hair regrowth, and weight loss.

So far, I’ve noticed a problem area with my teeth is much less sensitive to cold water than it was before. The occasional weird twinge I used to get sometimes when rinsing my mouth out a certain way is also gone. A big win, I’d say, and we’re just getting started.

I have too many emotional/mental subs to speak of, but I have noticed I’ve had an increase in luck since using a ring I imbued with the luck field and listening to the probability alteration field. Nothing huge, but there’s something funny about when you get an assignment from work where you have to go through pages of lists to identify what is applicable to your department and research what you want to buy while also justifying it, etc etc Long story short, I got through the list, went through four whole pages, and there wasn’t a single thing applicable to our department so I didn’t have to do anything. Hayyyl yeah. Almost feel a little guilty about that. :stuck_out_tongue: Keyword being ‘almost’.


I didn’t expect so much from the spatial boost. I thought it might make me more mechanically inclined. No. It makes you spider man.

I think the amblox and stem cells works only on the brain. I could be wrong because my skin is looking really good. But then I’m using other things that are probably doing that.

After your jump rope experience, you should see if you can destroy your friends at dodge ball. That would be hilarious.

Just wait til the NBA bans magic.


I haven’t played dodge ball since high school or something :slight_smile: … but that would be fun if I were in my twenties and still had a larger group of friends to hang out with… The NBA banning magic, haha!


I think that’s a bad strategy. Dmt will raise prolactin . Many of the benefits of nofap actually stem from lowered prolactin, since ejaculation increases prolactin . So to speak you’re increasing the fapping hormone just as if you would fap .


@Scy The Transmutation and Microcosmic field might help. It transmutes lower basal energies and instincts and redistributes and circulates energy throughout the body.


4 days complete now with Cognitive Enhancement (tag).

I’m wearing IPF at the same time. Something I’m starting to notice, is my understanding of people’s motives is going way up. I still feel I have a long way to go. But it has increased tremendously.

The other benefits I’ve mentioned are holding steady or still increasing at a steady pace. Better speech, better understanding, mind feels more grounded, solid, quick and clear.

I have not followed the recommendation of having a resting period with this tag. I’ve been wearing it 24/7. So, roughly 100 hours straight now. The results have still been good. I only had one moment where my words got jumbled up a little, so maybe I was letting it overstimulate my broca area. But that’s fine. I want the maximum benefit from this, so I’ll take a little risk and keep wearing it 24/7. But I am being cautious enough that I am not boosting it. As tempting as that is…

Wear this with IPF and APE and your mind will transform amazingly in social settings.

If you are trying this for social reasons, consider wearing rhodizite or rhodizite with jet and/or black jade on your left side.

Or just wait for the Lion tag to come in and add that.

edit: after reading the above, it looks like I’m wearing it for social reasons, just FYI, I’m not. But I can’t help but notice how much it is helping in that area.

Also, other than what I mentioned above, the only other thing I’ve noticed from not having a resting period is my mind feeling a little strained at the end of the day. Worth it. Not recommended of course, just worth it in my opinion.


thank you for these new results; I don’t have the cognitive improvement dogtag yet, but it’s true that I would not hesitate to boost it, it could really be too much to bear. do you think it causes gamma waves in the brain ?! I mean, if I listen to theta fields at the same time that I carry the Congnitive improvement tag, will they clash ?!

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I don’t know if it causes gamma waves but gamma is considered the default network signal of the brain meaning it’s main benefit is allowing multiple areas of the brain to exchange information with each other to a degree far more than usual. The tag has hemispheric connection enhancement, so at the very least you are seeing a big benefit that is comparable to what gamma can do.

The hemispheric connection was the main reason I bought this tag. After 4 days, I finally had my first epiphany without even trying, much like what I was describing when I suggested people should listen to hemispheric connection with Focus.

I’ve also noticed that I’m unable or unwilling to entertain myself with things I used to like tv or video games. I’m literally only able to be entertained at this point by college lectures on behavioral biology and physics, and John Oliver. Lol.


thank you so much @Atreides, you bring us a lot, thanks again


I know how much I enjoy reading reviews of a field while I’m waiting for it to come through the mail so, You are welcome.


Lol. Never catch me… maybe we’ll all go in different directions.

I only listened to the audio a few times.

I had an average memory. It seems better now but I’m not focused on it.


Dude! I love that game. The only game scientifically proven to increase IQ. How is not everyone playing it?!