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That was…deeply informative. Thanks a bunch for this info :heart: Will definitely be looping the Internal Crucible if it happens :ok_hand:t5:.

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lol. yes in INR lmao

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for all conserned souls …

when you listen to unconditional androstenol audio (the new version that doesnot work :rofl: :crazy_face:)… remember the description of the old one.

you drink a galon of water after listening two loops …we people tend not not read …READ the descriptions before complaining, follow what is said in them…IT HELPS!


@SammyG , @Captain_Nemo somehow i can accsess the forum only trough this app and my two browsers goigle chrome and opera give fishing alerts. please check it.

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@WellBeing wanted to thank you for the tip for using enviromental fields in the not so near past…made a stack with all enviromentals that i have without the lightning, placed the source of it on the floor, left it on loop.

finally… peace.



Aye yo the love graviton video might just be the best environmental field ever :flushed::heart:.
Been playing white light waves and radiate positivity whenever i could since two weeks ago and although the the vibe was raised, i still felt a sort of heaviness or negativity from me. Been wanting a video that can clear that feeling with the environment and i found out about love graviton in my search on the channels. My thoughts are calmer, my heart is at peace and i can manage my fear waaaay better than before :heart:. Anxiety levels dropped to 2% in two listens as well.


issue resolved

Number one audio for people on the bad side of a toxic relationship in my opinion is astral viber.
3 loops a day. feel the difference.

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I bought 2 nfts today and have been wearing them all day. some powerful creations for sure really appreciate this @Captain_Nemo

The eternal : Feeling really positive and social, no anxiety whatsoever, really comfortable in my skin and I actually want to go out and do things and if you’ve seen my posts you know that I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks that make it really hard to go out in public sometimes. It just feels so nice to not be in constant state of anxiety
No sleepiness after eating heavy foods. I usually get really sleepy after I eat, now I just feel great and energized.

unexpected: it’s weird but a lot of the people I’m meeting recently are so nice and we always have something in common, its so random I would be talking to someone and a topic comes up and we both are into the topic and end up talking for a while. I also got a sum of money I was not expecting whatsoever, I could’ve sworn I already got that money back lol


a little feedback of my current use of audios:

this is one whole stack to be listened without pause, hope you enjoy it:

  1. 3g4g5g Protection x 2
  2. EMF Shielding x 2
  3. Armor of light and glory x 1
  4. Aura and energy body repair x1 with one loop Plasmatron
  5. Crystal audios in this order one loop each:
    Kinetic quasi Crystal, Alchemical Zircon, Alchemocal Ruby,Alchemical Garnet, Black stone Shield, Crystal Charger.

6: PONR Stack as in the description of the PONR Audio one loop each in that order:

Ego Dissolution, Amigdala healing, Plasma brain of youth (or Brain refreshener), New perspectives, PONR Audio, Acu-Automation.

for further hmm conectivity? one can include the Animal Telepathy audio also.

Afterwards on should observe whether other clearing audios are needed, such as de-ihabiter, spell removal or bhooted boots or all together.

or you can use your other energy items for this goal.

every other day in the week one can do also this stack (took the idea from the energy awakening course, again one loop each):

Jindan, Microcosmic orbit, Pranayama raining, Transmutation, Chi in bone marrow, Chi in Lower Dan-thien , Jing, shen, Ojas.

hope for the best as allways, take care all!


I like a lot of the stacks you share bro. I have been screenshotting them and will try them.


Can you share with us what is your stack?

do enjoy! glad i am able to help!

:mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm:


i love the tools that @Captain_Nemo is giving all of us… the hope in them, the power, the extreme will and intelect in them. the research and labor put. the openenness, the sencerity.

i hope only for the best for the Creator of those goods. allways open and thankfull to you, Captain!


Hey, so you do not recommend using VLC to listen? Which one do you recommend?

Kind regards

pretty much everything else. of course i cannot share this here, one should probe.

Why you cannot share it?

My dad sold his motorcycle today! And he got me two big Mac :joy: he’s been so good to me! Ever since I use sword of righteous


I wanted to talk to this girl at work since the moment I saw her but I was scared for some reason lol

The 16-17 year old me would’ve done it with no issue, but anyways, I decided to play The Welcomed and Charisma and Glamour, and actually, I looped The Welcomed first and approached her, easy, made a new friend in seconds, then stepped back and Looped Charisma and Glamour, we hit it off. We talked so much and I’m honestly scared i’m gonna get in trouble for not working enough lol

Life is definitely, definitely improving, and I’m so glad about everything, even the “bad things”.

Once again, I’m grateful for all you do man @Captain_Nemo