Shatachandi Yagna

Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna or Shatachandi Yagna?

Which to choose?

What is the difference between the two

Can you help me please?

One of the two will be my next purchase.



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Semi-useless update:

I confirm whatā€™s been said so far about the Motherā€™s attention to details, like motivation to clean up, etc. A new version of Stop Procrastination.

Iā€™m doing short trips here and there lately. Today I was planning to pack for a longer trip. I was just going to throw a few things in a bag and en route.

But no, La Mamma has pushed me to clean up even the most secret shelves of my cupboard (is that the right word? Too lazy to look in a translator now. Basically, the thingy in which one puts their clothes).

Iā€™m usually not a super messy and dirty person but still, I was surprised to find some shelves untouched for at least 2 years :s Iā€™ve found some hats, my fancy Nirvana t-shirt and other things that I keep wearing since 1997. Not everything :)) but a few things. ā€œSlowed Perception of Timeā€-y mindset.

(Psychoanalysts would have added harsher comments here).

And I cleaned up the shelves with some good bubbly soapy waters. Cleaner conscience was the reward.


Haha never tired of your comments and reviews :partying_face::partying_face:

Have fun!!! Safe seyahat! :two_hearts::notes:


The word you are looking for isā€¦closet.


Think she mean armoirā€¦or Davenportā€¦or maybe the Chesterfield :rofl:


Probably you already made your choice?

  • If wealth, prosperity, abundance, these are your immediate concerns, get Ashtalakshmi Yagna
  • If protection, difficulties in life, health problems, general spiritual progress, etc. are your immediate goals, get Chandi.

You canā€™t go wrong with either as both are forms the Goddess anyway, different flavors of the energy with different specialized applications though.


Hola, muchas gracias por tu respuesta. Me ayudaste a CONFIRMAR mi decisiĆ³n. Comprar:

Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna



Can we do other things when listening to the Yagna series?, or is it more appropriate to not multitask when using the Yagna fields.

I recommend that you sit or lie in silence when listening to this field.

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You are worshipping Goddess forms - Shatchandi & Mahalakshmi - in these Yajna (pronounced yagya) fields. They should be given due reverence. :blush:


From another, similar question in another thread:

(I think the rest of the post would be helpful to you.)

Do the ā€œother thingsā€ you want to do convey your respect, love or good vibes to the goddess? Would you do your ā€œother thingsā€ whilst you are in the presence of someone you love? Would you ā€œmultitaskā€ in this way with a dear friend you are glad to see who has come because you called them at that specific time and place and you asked them to spend that time with you? Is that the way you would like to be treated by someone you love?

Iā€™m NOT criticising you in asking these questions. Instead, Iā€™m putting these questions to you to guide your own practice with these fields.


Thank you for the lovely answer I completely understand after I experienced myself how beautiful the energy is when listening to the Yagna series.
it is impossible to not enjoy the wonderful and nurturing presence of the Shatchandi field, and it taught me how it feels to be loved again since Iā€™m not accustomed to that feelings cause I got separated with my mother from early ages.


try playing ego dissolution and SLR before when you have time

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If I called over a human friend, I would be likely to show that friend more undivided attention, BUTā€¦

These are god/dess archetypes. Lakshmi isnā€™t just hanging out in my home waiting for me to speak to her while I play the audio. We are communicating, sharing energy. The very act of playing the audio honors her.

Yes, you get more out of a meditation or communication, but it is perfectly respectful to play these in the background, IMHO. We must avoid limiting gods with the silly emotions of humans.


I am listening this audio since yesterday night. I love it so much that the only time I didnā€™t listen it is when the pc putted on the screensaver and musc stopped :stuck_out_tongue: .

this is what I found for the audio I guess for Shat Chandi Paath and Yajna

Benefits of Reading Durga Saptshati

Three times - in order to get rid of the effects of black magic
Five times - to get rid of difficulties caused by planets
Seven times - in order to get rid of great fears
Nine times - to remove obstacles, hardships and to achieve success in endeavours
Eleven times - in order to get over the fear of death, sorrow and disease
Twelve times - to get desires fulfilled and destruction of enemies
Fourteen times - to attract Women, power, name and fame
Fifteen times - in order to get a pleasant life and obtaining immense wealth
Sixteen times - to get sons and grandsons
Seventeen times - in order to reach the highest post
Eighteen times - to get occult powers
Twenty times - for putting the war to an end
Twenty-five times - for powers to command and rule
Hundred times - in order to health, harmony, power, name, fame, and fulfillment of all desires


Silly computer.

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Wow. where is this information from?

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the audio is 100 times also so with one listen it will give you all these benefits


Thanks @Zen . I remember getting some rudra beads and stone from this site so long ago! Completely forgot about them. I didnā€™t see results from them so stopped wearing them.

I wonder if rudra beads work. @Maoshan_Wanderer would you know?

Sorry if off-topic.