Shatachandi Yagna

(Knowing what you’re meaning. :laughing: )


wasnt these fun?
maybe we should do more travelling.

lol, well you know… everything with a grain of salt.
Conduits usually add their own perception and words to things from their internal knowledge base, which may change the information to fit what they are comfortable with.


Please Captain :raised_back_of_hand: You’ve forgotten a very important detail here:

+a few other spices… :p

Absolutely fun! As long as it’s with the New Nautilus, I’m ready to go anywhere :partying_face: :rocket:


Hahaha ohh I love you @Bronyraur


As for me:



Last comment off topic cause come on:

:slightly_smiling_face: sista from somewhere up there! :yellow_heart:


Agggnnn I feel like a compulsive reviewer today lol. Trying to leave some notes before being away again from the forum for a while. For “on vacation part 2” + silenzio.

I haven’t mentioned yet how much I adore the music. Yes, adore as in adore. Blanket-type of music.

I’m tempted to drop anything else for a while and just immerse into this one only. The Personal and Emotional Supporter is another of my preciouses and it seems that I have found its equivalent for other realms. Or the parts of “me” (gnnnn) who aren’t “trapped” in the human shell.

Atreides knows, there’s a divination card pic with which I got obsessed a few years ago. So much so that I printed + framed it in a bigger size and hanged it at my entrance wall. It’s basically a fortune-teller woman with some connections to Astarte, etc. (you name her).

I won’t write a wall in here about her (there’s even a book about that specific fortune-teller but hey, doesn’t matter here). The only thing is that this figure is one of my… “chosen guides”. Like you know, the kind of guides that you choose to visualize nearby yourself when you’re within rocky situations, or some guided meditations, etc. etc. etc. x 3648859.

Today, while meditating on this field and although it was a messy meditation, constantly interrupted, etc. I could finally see her. Without trying to visualize.

“See” is not even the correct term since she was entering in my eyes with some sunlight. Or sunrising into my eyes, if you will. Lol.

I’ve been through bizarre experiences with a whole bunch of Intercessions, etc. until now. I don’t mess with physical fields and try to follow the recommendations. But with others? Well… I even wrote at some point that I was feeling like losing my mind :))) A few months ago.

But maybe they were just preparing me to this specific field. A huge one, undoubtedly. And I’m pretty sure that without that “preparation”, it’s rather today that I would have lost my mind.

No need to interpret this as something scary though. It’s actually quite the contrary. But honestly, I don’t have words to describe it any further. Sorry.


Haha a lot of us can relate to that.

Thank you for that awesome review Brony :pray:

Ps: your post is the 111th of that thread :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 Like

Thank you Boris! :pray:t2:

I can imagine. And you guys also relate to that one, don’t you:

-Brony, what the hell are you doing there, sitting like a plant?
-Hush, I’m meditating on Shatachandi!
-Shata-what?? Kezako??
-Never mind man, never mind :expressionless:… So how’s Ethereum doing today?

Gee… :)))

Cool! But…
What was the meaning of that one again? :p @Atreides would know. By the way Atreides, I count on you to warn me if anything important while I’m away.

(Insert Atreides whistling and elegantly ignoring the “task”) :))


I don’t know how I would accomplish this. Are there things to be warned of within the forum? I’ve been so ignorant.

1 is completion, something that is complete in and of itself.


Ah thanks, I remember a little now :)

Don’t take it seriously, it was a kind of… poke :)) However there’s definitely something catchy on this forum. That often makes one think about it even while away, like “how are they doing, hope that they’re ok”, etc.


The forum here has seemed to have captured that ineffable quality that makes the difference between a bunch of people typing things online and an actual community; more so than any site or forum I can think of. Seems like we were discussing something similar to this in a parallel reality.


@Captain_Nemo do listeners have to follow the rules while listening to it like avoid consuming alcohol & meat?

What difference do you find between this forum and MAITREYA’s?

It is an off topic question but I am not the last to do it …

I haven’t listened to either one. It’s safe to ask this on the “other channels” thread.

Seems the question was edited.

There’s more activity here. Longer running conversation history. More threads. More people.

Many of the off topic or non field threads see good interest and participation here which brings things to life.

Maitreya’s has some of the same. Differences in quantities of quality rather than differences in quality.


It’s funny that I fasted for 24 hours and cleaned my house almost top to bottom… then got the message that this field is for me. it’s a beautiful, loving and gentle compliment to blueprint of life


I believe you get benefits . :muscle:

But for Greater benefits this :mechanical_arm:


I just got this field and have listened more than half a dozen times already. I’m sure I’m not supposed to but I can’t help listening to it. I’ve been trying to pinpoint the feeling and @Maoshan_Wanderer described it so well in his posts above. I always learn so much from you, Mao!

There is a tenderness that is so so sweet, loving, and deeply moving. The piano music just enhances that feeling. It’s something that I haven’t experienced before and was quite emotional. Of course, I haven’t experienced any of the other benefits of this field yet since it’s so early but my initial experience is likened to being a precious baby wrapped in the softest blanket snuggled in strong arms, and given so much love, kisses, and feeling of safety. I can’t wait for the rest of the effects.

Thank you @Captain_Nemo for this divine field. :pray: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I find this field incredibly nurturing. Really grateful to have this presence in my life, or awareness of this presence I should say

A question for @Maoshan_Wanderer … hey bro, is this a tantric ritual either through unbroken lineage (or evolution within the lineage) or does it have roots in the tantras? I couldn’t quite make out in your previous posts… which are awesome btw, we’re really blessed to have your depth of knowledge of sanscrit and non dual philosophies here


Yes. The ritual fields deserve a seperate category of respect.
no casual listening , eating listening.
We shd treat it the same way as actual rituals are performed.