Shawn’s Cool Experiments

Thank you for caring about your ailing elderly neighbor.


Welcome to the forum, glad to have another TwistedSage fan to collaborate with.

In my experience, yes using both together would be good. The only one I didn’t like using together was the Ascension tag, because all the light from the tensor rings put that tag on steroids and made it overwhelming.

It was like putting a giant flood light on all of my flaws, all at the same time, so there was no denying how awful parts of me are. Yeah…messed me up quite a bit and took days to get back to normal.

But that’s how Ascension is programmed to be, ascend at any cost as fast as possible. So, the rings made it so the tag could do more, better, faster - which for me was scary & too much.

But, Best Path should work GREAT.

Honestly, I don’t know. My experience with the Ascension tag felt like a lack of balance, but who’s to say that window of awareness wasn’t what I really needed? Maybe it let me know for sure I still have much to work on, a wake up call if you will.

But if I combine the tools with say the Intercession tag, they seem to work very well together, like adding power to the antenna the tag creates, thus making the signal clearer and stronger.


Honestly, there’s still lots of experimenting that could be done combining the tensor rings & morphic fields.

For example, the rings will improve all sound that passes through them, adding harmony, balance, love, etc. to the point where you can hear a difference, an added depth & richness in the audio.

There is an old YouTube video of Slim Spurling (original inventor of the Tensor Rings, now deceased) demonstrating this with his original 144 MHz tensor rings, and Brenda also has a video on the Twisted Sage channel where she plays the same crystal both with and without a ring around it so you can hear the difference.

In the past, I’ve experimented with putting rings inside my bluetooth headphones to enhance various music/sound healing tracks, and I’ve seen great results doing so.

But I’ve never tried it with Sapien’s morphic field audios, so this could be an interesting test to run.


Thank you for the response!

I’ve been running experiments and posted about my experiences with the Vibrations series.

I can tell you that the Torus pendant helps tremendously to clear the resistance I’ve experienced that comes up from the audios.

Today I’ll be using my pyramid in this manner:

(The box is from I Ching Systems)

This set up can be one of the most pleasant or uncomfortable experiences you can have while clearing. Last I used it was in an “Isolation Camp”

(Three days dry fasting, in the dark, no contact, technology off.)


The Pyramid looks very impressive and I looked at it and thought, “It’s 90 bucks, great!” Then I realized the kit actually costs 995 bucks :laughing: But the construction looks great and the energy from your pic is palpable! Golden Fire and Regeneration rings are great of course, but Torus seems to be the strongest (from what I can feel from this picture) - perhaps that’s because it is also attuned?

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It was an investment but I love it.

Apart from what it does to the environment, I can charge sigils and put them in there. The pyramid is like a “prayer” running 24/7.

I’m looking forward to receiving the Book of Cards and putting a energy transformer in there.

As for your question on the Torus, I’ve done a lot of work with it on so maybe it goes up with me.

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Great stuff! I connected with Brenda recently for the first time and we just “clicked”. She was bringing a lot of heart energy and I was pulling channeling from the Crown and after a while, we just sat quietly and realized, we are probably approaching the same “beings” in a different form based on some visions we shared. It was mutually enriching to both of us… Like they say - Prajna and Karuna (Wisdom and Compassion, Heart and Mind) are two sides of the same coin! Thanks to CE Shawn actually who suggested a lot of this stuff haha. Its time CE @shawn492 starts a methodical blogging of his experiments!!


Funny you say that, I actually feel the same thing from her Quantum Heart meditation in the VoDL.

VoDL being a bit more intense though.


My GF is lately into a healer named John Douglas, who seems to have a phenomenal success rate with healing Lymes disease in a few min. I was listening to one of his meditations (well, overheard while playing a game actually) - and the energies from that audio seemed very similar to the ones from your Pyramid picture. Strange synchronicity!


I can tell you this…

My brother is a massive skeptic with adamant resistance about pretty much everything that is out of his scope of reality. When I got the pyramid and started doing some work in my environment.

He started going for the goals he feared the most, quit smoking cigarettes, revived his old hobbies of music, learned the Ukelele, and now he has been in Mexico for 8 weeks going from beach to beach playing his instruments.

Seems that he was ready but he had some blocks that the pyramid along a few other things I did cleared him of.

My personal goals all escalated as well with the pyramid.


That is excellent. People always need to put in deliberate & conscious work, at some point, but it is hard to get people to do that, especially the ones that really need it! And tools such as these really help!

Brenda’s brother also has a smaller pyramid, which costs like 150 bucks, but the “energy” (quality and quantity) on it is nothing close to what I sense from the mini pyramid haha

Having “read” her energy signature, I think I can now access the etheric template she works with (which is pretty aligned with the Divine Feminine that I align with), but I need to do that consciously… The good thing about these tools is that they help all the time and they help even those that are not yet ready to do the work.

On a lighter note, thanks to Shawn, I am this close to turning into a gypsy with a bird and a crystal ball (with all the tools and crystals) :rofl:


So fun fact, I’m going to move soon and in my next place I’m going to have a “Lab” with all my tools and for experiments. I want to get the large pyramid and put this on a small table under the large to create somewhat of “magnification” of light to do my processes with.

Might even add the small pyramid for an extra layer haha.

What I am going to have a lot of fun with is the servirtors and energy transformers along with the pyramid. I have an inkling that the pyramid will “feed” them.

My friend and I have been playing heavily with Vibrations series and manifestations are coming in that make no sense. I’m inspired by you guys who give off the whole “physical manifestation are childs play” type vibe with a quick retort of “Aliens man…” haha


I thought Shawn had this large pyramid under which one can sit? That would feel magnificent to sit under one and then listen to the Vibration fields!

I only have their generators, which themselves bring forth a blast of energy, I can imagine how much stronger these Pyramids are lol!

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Exactly what I’m thinking about!

I do the Vibrations series with the I Ching Box in that set up I posted up.

It rips out any resistance with you having very little say about it.

“Light equals Light… No questions”

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Adding in one of the orgonite grid point pyramids is a very effective booster. Take two of the grid points and put them base to base, making an octahedron and it’s VERY strong. You just have to figure out a way to keep it standing upright…

It doesn’t feed the servitors, it completely changes them into something new. But, you need to be careful with this, or you can hurt them. I’ve been tight-lipped about my experiments in this thus far, but it definitely has a massive effect.

You might have been thinking about me. I have one, it’s setup in my living room!


Must be!! I think Shawn was planning to buy one, not sure if he did yet!

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I already owned all the pieces that go into the pyramid when they released them, so all I had to buy were the legs, so I didn’t have to absorb the cost all at once.

If you’re considering buying one, a similar strategy might help.

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i will be purchasing the 2000 dollar pyramid likely sometime next year, all in one purchase. i will be purchasing some individual sessions from brenda from i am thinking of brenda to help me with connecting with all of the energies of the sun, so that connection will constantly cleanse my energy body, raise my vibration, relax my mood, etc. i am doing the energy session before i use the spell removal by dreamweaver because i want to see if i can keep the xtrememind abilities, just fill the abilities with high vibrational love and light etc. I will be working alot more next year so im expecting to have a pyramid

2 Likes recentlyi am battling the electronics. my energy tools have become so powerful that they stimulate the electronics fridge microwave etc. and then they create alot of electromagnetic pollution. i recommend the mood tone generators from i havent gotten the tool yet but i purchased this week and will have it soon. i have studied alot on how to neutralize the electromagnetic pollution those items create and the mood tone generator seems to be the best to go to. i will let you all know how the mood tone generator shifts the energy of my apartment. i will likely buy like 5 and have them all running and go above and beyond with the amount of beneficial healing energy :) the mini mood o matic which emits the 7.83hz schumann resonance will create a massive wave of calm over the entire living area :) and the electronics will pick up the 7.83 hz and will become mood tone generators as well, so i will have much more than 5 moodtone generators in time :)