Shielding 3.0

Gotten this two days ago and I was in an emotional and physical wreck. Lots of sad feelings and thoughts that were too strong to let go, on top of that, I have been hit with a sickness. Everytime I played this, the flu would become more stronger and man I had to take a break from this for a little bit and loop virus disruption field.

Overall, I’m currently in a bad phase right now, but it should be temporary.


That’s one of the best purchases you’ll ever make!

Also when the flu symptoms are strong that’s usually a very good sign that your immune system is at war and giving the virus all its got.

If I were you id still carry the mandala at least and if you feel like shit that’s your immune system telling you to sit your ass down and rest amigo and let them do their job!

Hope you feel better soon :pray:


I’m so glad I got it as well. Shielding 3.0 is even great for grief. I experienced this first hand. It does the job of so many fields… Very versatile.


P.s nabs, you’re one of the most wholesome people I’ve ever seen, and we’ve never even met or spoken. Thank you for your advice you’ve given my friends @anon3411921 and @Dyslexic_Professor , because it helps me too.


Thank you, I appreciate your support. :slightly_smiling_face::heart:

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Thank you for your kindness Jojo! Know that feeling me, you’re also aware of a part of yourself.

We’re all in this together! We’re so interconnected, that our evolution depends on each other.

Ultimately we’re fragments of All that is experiencing itself from infinite perspectives.

It’s an incredible experiment that we are in together here in this reality to forget who we really are and play a role with a theme to learn something about ourselves, to gather experience and bring it back home to the ever expansive All that is.

The journey never ends, only becomes more exciting :heart:


Yes, he is awesome. Know many truths than just speculation. I wish you were more famous here, Mr. nabs. :two_hearts:


Thank you Sunflawy :heart: but fame is not for me. I like to keep a quiet profile and contribute when I can. Im just so happy to see the growth and consciousness awareness that’s happening here it truly is magnificent!
To witness someone who has had self-destructive patterns that makes the choice to transform being consistent and becomes a confident, happy, loving constructive person who goes out to the world and helps transform others is so amazingly inspiring brings tears to my eyes on what the human is capable of.


Speaking of patterns. I have 0 semen retention urges for 7 days after spamming this like 1 hour. Depatterned all entities, then spammed dopamine fields like advantageous brain plan and brain game.

I’m free again LOL. I haven’t done a 150+ day streak in ages and I miss having a high vibration. I will appropriate my diet to flow in negentropy with this. 7 days have never been so easy ever… the first week is the hardest usually.

Now I have to stay away from women… I probably shouldn’t get too many haircuts. :skull_and_crossbones:


if you continue to use this regularly…it will be only the most apropriate people that approach you.

if so the woman may be special.

the field has a strong filter and i think it knows your intention.

so keep it simple and dont condition your self with what should or not happen, but simply maintain your streak, which is solely up to your will. it enough not to masturbate and not to watch porn. if you use jing chi etc it is more then enough.

and remember: intimate contacts with suitable partners do nothing harmful and even can give something to your own efforts.

my last advice… just ignore if you get an erection for no obvious reason.

and also if getting sexually exsited without apparent reason also dont focus on it.

i fathom you dont have problems with porn, so there i dont give advice.

brain first takes those occasions as sth interesting or worth your attention and those things are not worth any.

use mstate copper and vibration of divine love to loose some of the heat and remain hmm… non -primal.

i wish you to succseed in your goal!


Thank you very much for the advice!

I used blueprint of life and PoNR for hours and a little bit of ascensionaut.

I also use tejas which helped with transmutation I believe.

I will still stay on retention, but last streak I had attraction from so many women I came into contact with. I didn’t know how to decipher what to accept.

But shielding 3.0 won’t make me invisible to people with good intentions right? I’m guessing that’s how only suitable partners can be attracted?

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yes of course.people suitable for you will approach you. it wont repel all people. those NFTs are for happy life not for prison hehe.

what is your exact goal with your streak if i may ask?

“women i came in contact with”. you looked for them or they searched contact with you?

oh… the Preceptionist NFT is something that will show you


I want to create a new life for myself. But on a very higher level.

I want to make a business, then move myself to a different state or country.

I’m in a very bad environment. Not because of gangs or anything like that. But because I am of a distant age group and race, and also happen to be in the most secluded state in my country.

I need a new state, new people, new experiences. There’s literally barely anyone my age here, over 50% of the population is senior citizens. The other percentages are overwhelming people 30+ with children who are younger.

This isn’t somewhere you stay at around my age lol.

I need to elevate and find a new place. Preferably somewhere that connecting to new friends, eating healthier foods, walking on beautiful trails, etc. becomes easier.

Looking back, I had far more connection to others than I do now. I miss those days. But now I want personal contact with higher vibrating people. This for sure won’t cut it though.

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When working or at college I had women come up to me to start conversations that were not really necessary. Getting looks and choosing signals, etc.

I never really say anything, they just approach me and the conversations are kinda random.

But now with shielding 3.0 I’m a ghost unless I get a haircut :joy:.

I would love to meet a young woman on my rhythm who is going where I’m going or will choose to go with me. (I’m only 21 so there’s a lot of time for that.)


i would work hard on that sentence first

before you try to escape your enviroment.

for me it sounds judgemental to what you are.


What would you recommend?

I’ve been stereotyped quite a lot by the older people. Purses clutched when I walk by. Weird stares. Interesting conversations and some racist comments.

Since it’s mostly older people they were around during that Martin Luther King Jr. era.

How would you recommend navigating this? I ended up deciding to just focus on ego diss+ and ignore them.


first you should chill out. try a coctail of utter relax audio and if you have them acu -automation microkinesitherapist and myophascial release. one of the last three or also withoutt them.

for me you have forgotten to breathe freely and to rest properly. you are healthy and strong and it seems the envroment which you still recognise as sth relevant ist trying to burn you out. find 30 mins to an hour every day where you stare blank somewehere and just breathe… no technology, no people arround you. practise this forever.

loose the high or any expectations of others and keep having your own expectaions.
not be a dog hound, dont chase life and things in it. stick to yourself and what you are achieiving. dont consider the comments or best make jokes out of them even for your expense. be bold in it.

be a king not a dog.

as for women. dont make them a problem. You are in the choosing position. filther who you like and likes you and enjoy them also intimately- and please dont thing of long term relations until you are in your middle 30s…enjoy your freedom.


Thank you. Maybe this is why I haven’t felt as at peace as I did in the past when I elevated.

I used to meditate for an hour outside. Then everything else was less stressful.

Gonna bookmark this thanks again.

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most welcome. i love to support potential. you will build yourself very nicely. take care!

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I have a friend who is being attacked at night during sleep (since childhood) but has become very frequent occurrence. Would this or PU Naga Shield be suitable?

I was thinking of suggesting Exorcism, Neg Entity, Cord cutting also.

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