Shielding 3.0

Did you get an answer to this @JAAJ

So what did you find @Maoshan_Wanderer ?

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No, I didn’t yet.

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Oops … I just bought this field for the numerous benefits it has but I ofcourse don’t want to be invisible lol. I want to shine while I am protected :smiley:


I don’t find this clashing with any Sapien fields.


I am not using any fields like charisma, glamour etc… I just want to know that the cloaking element in this field … it can’t hamper with your natural Charisma right ?
Thanks @Maoshan_Wanderer

By the way I got this field today and played it a couple of times and it instantly made me feel happy and light

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I have never actively invoked the Cloaking aspect.

And if there is any inbuilt cloaking aspect, that does not seem to hurt me. I use Charisma field (now Golden Glow) but essentially before important meetings or addressing a large audience, I chant my mantra, expand my aura to cover the audience and people listen to me spellbound. And that has not changed with Shielding 3.0. I get a lot of positive attention everywhere, and that has not diminished with this shield either.

Dream is very very very smart - when he designed this field, he would absolutely not put contradictory functions that hinder his own aura & charisma fields.

From what I remember from an earlier Dale field, the cloak aspect was smart and would be activated in case of danger and not all the time.


Thanks for your response @Maoshan_Wanderer :hibiscus:


Here is my experience with this NFT. It is IMMENSELY powerful. I literally feel it scraping out all negative attachments out of my brain, aura etc… This is non plus ultra. All you need to do is concentrate.

As to the audio: if your browser (like Firefox) starts playing it, right-click above the play tab and then “save page as”. Et voila :)


Experience Day 2.

This is, indeed, something else. It appears that once you integrate this shielding into you, and meditate thoughtfully on the image while listening to the audio on repeat, this also scrapes little by little old family / bloodline curses and negativity, both placed ON and BY.

It also appears that once you integrate the image itself into your subconscious and aura, you do not even have to carry it around physically, but simply invoke it. Mind you, this is only Day 2, I will test further and comment. But having these results on Day 2 is just WOW.

Its effect is multiplied and assisted by the Subconscious Limits Dissolver like x20. Now, we all have these etheric cords tying us to bad stuff, especially toxic families etc. As this one gradually weakens and cuts them off, once the shielding is within and around you, then SLD appears to have maximum effect on you (as you are no longer energetically influenced by others’ negativity). I can literally feel rewiring and burning of stuff so old it is unbelievable. Getting close to kindergarten memories already. Wow.

I don’t usually recommend buying stuff, but this, especially if you are a high-level empath or even a Heyoka, is the one item / track you should definitely get.

My deepest gratitude goes to the team behind this. Angelic work indeed.


Yes! Entities. That’s it. Same experience, really. Mine runs in the bloodline and is immensely dark.


Im wearing this NFT on a custom tag along with Astrologically Inclined NFT, and I use audio everyday too.
I have noticed two additonal benefits:

  1. When drunk or under influence of other substances, I’m always “myself”. Before using this field, substances would make me negative/aggressive/argumentative/lustful etc, which probably has to do with being more expsed to entities while not sober. Now its no longer the case, I can enjoy myself during various social eventes without turning into “another me”
    It’s really funny because I would literally say “no worries, no worries, I am still me” while durnk now.
  2. I practice semen retention on and off since years, but after my initial few months “streak” in which I managed to be free from sexual thoughts for few months, I exprienced night releases week or two into every streak after the initial one. Now its over a month and no releases at all! Good to know that shield keeps those entities at bay too!

Hello all,
Can anyone send me the music file because I lost it? I acquired the shielding from trade not the shop


Something I’ve been trying out recently is to have the audio playing in the background while meditating to the mandala and imagining myself being the person shown inside the chamber, while mimicking how they are sitting. The effects are integrating much better this way.


Would you guys say playing the audio 3 times or simply placing the mandala in my phone case would be sufficient in regards to protection, or do I need to absolutely meditate with the mandala?

How you interact with it is up to what you feel inclined to do, be it listening to the audio or carrying the mandala around, and how much it integrates depends on how much focus you put in that interaction (generally speaking).

So, if you’re staying home for the day, interacting with it passively might be enough, but if you’re going around town all day long or subjecting yourself to heavier weathering, you might want to meditate to it with the audio or the mandala.

That’s the rule of thumb I use regarding shielding.


Thank you very much. I still have to learn a lot about NFTs lol, I got my first one like a week ago.


Nice. It’s a rabbit hole that I so very much love going deeper into.


It is for me, it’s been on my phone case since last september and I only think about it when I feel like i’m in danger, havent failed so far.


Could anyone please clarify for me if this field conflicts with similar fields for shielding? from other creators in particular. Or should I avoid using other fields on this topic at all?