Shielding 3.0

Thanks for comment, I appreciate it.


Excited that I just got this! Unfortunately I got it 2 hours ago and it’s still not downloaded or email sent:( Does this take a while to download?

I got the audio but I can’t claim the NFT:( The email is sent with no button to claim it:(

how did you get the audio if you can’t claim it?

Audio comes in another email

I personally feel like this is just fear mongering or a blatant lie. Shielding works just fine against all things even if they’re higher vibrational negative entitys I myself can attest and others I know that they’re just as weak, negative energy is negative energy doesnt matter in what form. Don’t give power unto it nor don’t ever limit yourself, you are creation. Me personally source transmutes everything and that’s a given.

That is your belief and maybe it works for you because of your own belief. but I’m not telling any lies, there are many people here in the forum looking for a shield that works for high-ranking entities and high-vibration aliens because shielding doesn’t work against them. I lent shielding to a friend from another country who is fighting with an high vibration entity(something like a Cthulhu), and it didn’t work for him “Nothing”.

If shielding 3.0 works for all kinds of entities, parasites, larvae, etc many people in this same forum would not be looking for other protections such as dragon bone, which is energetically more neutral and can works better in these cases.

Shielding may works you with the spoiled childrens low demons, shadow entes, minor parasites, larvaea, but you may not have the same luck with the drakonian seraphim 11d, Annu seraphims 10d and its sons(annunakis) pleyadians 6d from black sun ghost matrixes, nephilims 5d-6d, and other fallen races and their descendants and many other fallen races of high dimensions.

But come on, these high entities do not attack you if they do not consider you a threat. threat is to be awakening consciousness. "“and I’m not talking about ascending dimensions or activating chakras”.

I am not giving power to anything. I’m just stating the facts… shielding 3.0 is a good field for its quality as physical protection, emf protection etc. but for the spiritual it is not the most advanced field that we say.

You talk about transmuting them, that’s fine, but that’s not a shielding 3.0 thing anymore. It is yourself who can do it if you have the power🙂 “By the way”, I personally don’t have problems with entities, I’ve managed to achieve invulnerability to those things (excluding moments of carelessness that can attack some archon very high level, the top). In my case I used shielding only for protection from physical dangers.

You are free to give your opinion. that’s fine, but you don’t have the right to say that “I’m lying.”


Let me get to it.

Tag me tomorrow


You are creation itself you are the universe this mentality of giving them this position of being a high level or high deminsional being is only making it a further struggle for yourself to ever defend yourself against such a thing. My words come from experience not copying things off the ascension website.


Its the actual ETs that are a problem.

If you meet the wrong one its a pain. They will chant the. exorcism rite with you lol

Definitely need more fields for active combat.

Like crosses and daggers or swords fully fielded.

To cause actual damage.

But only the non incarnates on earth get affected.

I remember dreamweave said he sold coins with exorcisms on it

I wonder if he will consider seling physical items for non physical combat.

Like stabbing an ET to death literally

or behead a demon full medieval priest style rofl


the matrix of time is mental and all its parasites. You must reduce mental noise so that your conscience makes act of presence. So you are becoming self-aware of yourself and accessing more to your divine qualities and being able to burn these entities easily. The contracts that you may have to receive ets interventions are also being eliminated when u are awakening. although if you want to eliminate contracts faster you must learn mental projection or dream techniques( like carlos castaneda techniques) to burn the contracts from the lunar planes or in some cases from astral. asking the entities that have the contracts to make them present, and rewriting them so that this life is focused on what you want. many times these contracts are held by the reptiles that control the current fallen matrix that we are in (this holographic gaia crystal). Matrix After of atlanti… fall, for the war of Enki (Lucifer) against Annu, his father and his brother Enlil (Michael archetype). The so-called war in “heaven”.


Until you learn those humanoid ETs are 10x worse than anu and his amphibian kids.


The ego is the issue. But I personally believe that we should respect nature and its laws.

We are guests here but I guess colonizing ETs who see it as a labratory and playground dont see it like it

Man I hope sapien makes some alien combat field

If you wanna chat more you can pm me, interesting discussion regarding matrix

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:100: this

And so much more, more than “everything “

The tantras talk of the infinite cosmos being a speck of foam on the ocean of what is(nt). We are the ocean :ocean:



Is Shield 3.0., or Dragon Bone Armor or Warrior monk sharable with family or only working on owner of nft ?.

Shielding works little as Max heal for the enviroment. not sharable
Armor and Monk not shareable.


I want to buy this nft but invisibility aspect kinda worries me :expressionless:
ehh nvm just bought it :smiley: with Astrologically Inclined and The Ascension-naut now I have all NFT-s I wanted.
must be New Release: Woven Worlds - Contentment and Capital Governance working
It feels like Im coated with some kind of glass and negativity keeps slipping away, and cannot stick to me


@SC448 Does this make this field smart ? As in, will it listen to your intentions ?

Or will it force-work ?


It recogninzes Your intention

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It moreso causes your Aura to blend in to your surroundings, yet it diverts any chance of injury away from you. I had the same concern about Cloak of the Shadows (at first) until I had read something about the safeguard for that. This, I believe utilizes the same concept.


Yesterday I had quite intense experience with this NFT.
I made myself a playlist of NFT audios (Shielding, Ascension, Astrolgically Inclined) and Conceptual Realizations, which I loop when asleep or sometimes during the day, when Im not using my usual stack.
During 2nd or 3rd loop I felt an urge to “integrate” shielding field fully, so I stared at NFT on my monitor while looping audio file.
After 20 to 30 minutes, It turned into what felt like battle with entity.
At first I only felt pinches and chills in parts of my body, where entity was attached.
Then it tried to scare me, I think, sending disgusting/scary images of parasite/bug like beings to my mind.
Or maybe it was how it looked like, and I felt its own fear because it was attached to me.
Thinking about this made me realize, that over the course of years, entity and me kind of merged with one another, if that makes sense.
Its even possible that, with certain actions in my past I have created this entity, yesterday for a moment it felt both like it was part of me and my “energetic children” if that makes sense.
What Im 100% sure about though, is that I have oftten, unknowingly feed this entity and made it stronger, while attempting to achieve something else.
Im pretty sure it played its part in my drug addiction, and some of the very ill-intended, disgusting even rituals and spells I performed while under the influence of those drugs.
No other living beings were directly involved, but the intent of those was enough to feel ashamed and disgusted about what I have done. Some of them worked, probably not because of reasons I thought they worked at the time, most of them backfired, and It all only made guilt deeper.
Im not saying this to clear myself of responsibility, but to give clear picture how those beings work.
Because entity would later use this guilt or shame, to convince me that “there is no going back now”
During my darkest days, I used to empower my intentions with my own-made subliminal messages, or other kinds of “audio magic” which I used along with rituals and spells.
Despite most of that being ill-intended, I have to give myself credit of being quite creative when I was doing it.
Or perhaps not, because I realized yesterday, that I was probably manipulated by this entity to create and use those those audios and rituals, so it could attach itself to even deeper layers of me, into my subconscious mind and nervous/dopamine system even.
Because I would use those while performing rituals and flooding my brain with dopamine.
And because they were “many voices” subliminals, words often merged into uninteded ways, making entity root itself even deeper into my being, or “speaking to my subconscious” through them.
Thats why for a moment it felt, like this NFT was tailor made for me, because of subliminal blocking, de inhabiter and spell removal aspects, which I directed directly to memories of those actions I performed, as well as their intent, chakras I used or I was trying to use during them etc.
Or perhaps NFT directed me?
When I was realizing all of those things, I felt stronger and strogner sensations in those parts of my body, and my brain/nervous system!
Then, another realization came: the fact that entity is and remains attached to me, means we have to resonate or “agree” or some level.
That made me kind of feel bad for it, and I started to calm it, while it was being depatterned:
“Don’t worry, you will come to the light” “You dont have to feel fear/obsession anymore, its ok”
And other ways of calming it or “sending it love”
Then I focused on de-patterning and aura- repairing aspects and feelings of NFT for some time.
I looked at the clock, and It turns out the whole thing lasted for near 2 hours!
Then I felt very blissful sense of liberation and euphoria, which stayed with me untill I felt asleep.
Today I feel much cleaner, and much more like “my original self”
But I have a feeling that its not completely over with this being, so Im not letting my guard down.
Perhaps I still have to work on certain parts of myself, to not create conditions for another similiar attachment, but Im pretty sure I can achieve that with effort + fields ^^
Also I would like to say, that I was using Exorcism field every day, and while it worked really well, It seems it wasnt enough for this attachment I had, but Shielding 3.0 worked.
Im pretty sure it was “stronger than usual” entity, and very, very cunning indeed.
Shielding 3.0 has been massive help in combating it.

TLDR: If you are wondering wheter or not you should buy this field, buy it. :smiley: