Shielding 3.0

@Captain_Nemo Does it protect from a non-native EMF? Thank you.


It should protect and evolve to protect
whatever damages your system.

That is included in the build and most of the requests on the thread.


a ? that poped into my mind when reading ur comment.

U know when u say a field is smart and it grows to learn new things over time.

Can u see what it learns? Like can you go into the feild and see what the fields intelligence picks up?

Sorta of like a AI thats learns and the cooders can see what new code it learns.


Went to sleep last night feeling a bit loopy or disassociated, don’t know if the shield or some practices I was doing or both.

But I woke up bright and early but with a feeling that I was in a daze I couldn’t see or was blinded by. Thinking back the moment I received the Shielding 3.0, a bit of pressure around my head and body started.

Cleared and corrected some stuff and deeper peaceful clarity is beginning to rise. My mind is extremely quiet, if I’m not focusing on something I’m beginning to zone out.

This message took me a bit longer than usual to write. New weird feeling but good.


Cap would it also work to protect your system or get it back to normal quicker after it has been overstimulated from being a very silly man who has used too many fields? (I’m definitely not talking about myself here)


for you
I think so… in that, you are highly over stimulated and over sensitised to the world around you.
but try with stacking normal protections or aura building shields.

a robust internal system, will generate a stronger auric or energy field, which can weather the environment a bit more.


Thanks man. I foolishly thought because I was able to listen to Plasma Flaunt for more than an hour or two that I would get faster healing benefits but I was obviously mistaken. I read Beltloop’s post in the Plasma Flaunt thread and it made perfect sense that I was just doing more damage than good to myself by doing that and now I’m all messed up. Lesson learned now though, listen to the guidelines and don’t be a fool :joy:
I have many of the protection fields and Eternal and Caladrius have protection aspects in them also but I’m obviously just allergic to this world because I still get affected by stuff most days. All will be well soon when I take better control over my life and stop messing up. This is definitely moving to the top of my list though :ok_hand:t3: Thanks for the reply Cap :pray:t3:


Weird dreams after getting this yesterday, witches and demons. Not sure if I am releasing something or catching new ones :sweat_smile:


I got this last night and pretty much right away i could feel a huge protective wrap around me!

I went to bed and noticed the negative mind chatter was gone! I have a “difficult” family and life which led me to have insomnia and lots of negative thoughts and dreams at night. Well i had probably the best sleep in a very very long time and i woke up feeling fresh (a feeling i hardly have. Usually it takes me 15-20 minutes to fully wake up)

I’ve had Caladrius for a few weeks which has protection already, but Shielding 3 seems more robust so far.

I’ll know more in time as all the negative baggage inside me is cleared, but I’m very happy with Shielding 3 so far!

Thank you so very much to @SammyG who gave me the approval to start a public community thread to create this and @Captain_Nemo for all the time and work to create this!

And also thank you to everyone who helped put the field ideas together! We definitely showed how creative we can be when we all work together for a common goal!


I am so happy for you, SC! I pray you will continue to be blessed by this precious creation. Thanks, again, Captain and SammyG. :slight_smile:




Just now seeing this. What’s up brother? Were you just thinking about me and wanted to let me know this was out? Thanks, Mao! :pray:t3: I wish I could get this.


Lots of copies thankfully! So you can get it later too :slight_smile:


This is true. I used to be one of those people who thought I HAD to feel something in order for it to work. But the Plasma Flaunt field has healed this slight pain that I had in my left foot without me ever “feeling it” working. I’ve never once felt tingles or any sort of sensations on my body as many people comment here. Maybe except that I feel warmer than usual. It’s just like listening to regular audio file for me. But the pain just disappeared in 3-4 days. It’s really strange how stuff like this actually works.



so the ego dissolution and subconcious field is not mandatory before listen to any other field, is it that what you mean? especially for the new fields it isnt necessary?
Thank you for taking the time :slight_smile:

I wanted to know if the functions of the
Shielding 3.0 was what was noted in community and slide projects
I will buy the NFT;
and also be sure that from the moment I buy it even if I declare myself later to the group which holds the NFT, I will see later
but I would like to be sure that with the image it will work for me; and that they put the name of the person who pays with the blue card, because I do not have the same name as on my mailbox
sorry to ask you so much, I’m going to start learning English in September, because I can’t wait to understand everything, especially since I have things that have happened to me since I was young, but no one to talk to about it, you are fine you are as crazy as me lol
thank you


Yeah, thankfully both this and The Eternal have a lot because that’s another one on my list! :pray:t3:


Yes it includes everywhthing from there and a few ore last minute additions like protection from natural calamity and EMF radiation. So you’re good to go


How does it differ from the Dragon Bone Armor?

in the easiest explanation, this doesn’t have any of the dominance and respect that you generally get with the dragon bone.