Should I try listening to one of sapiens audios for a year as I haven't gotten results listening to any of them for 2 months?

Idk if I have thyroid issues sk I guess I’ll try that to see if I get results then.

Idk how to

What can I do to make my subconscious accept the requests of my conscious?

That’s a lot of money. Is it worth it?

It is

It is even better than having sex on a beautiful beach near the lively blue ocean

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HOLD UP. Is this a troll account? Or… Are you genuinely seeking for a valid answer here?

You have asked a similar question on looing fat, stating Sapien Med audios not working & you gained weight, instead of losing. This is the thread you created exactly 4 years and 2 months ago :point_down:

Why are these frequency I’m using on Sapiens channel not working? Listened to 3 frequencies to lose weight for weeks and I’ve gained 7kg since yesterday. Please let me know

What’s going on here? You have to explain a few things here before we waste our time with trolls.

issues are multi-causal in nature.

there’s no universal path to things. every person is particular and has a singular solution.

you may have biological, or psychological or many other reasons that are stopping you from your goals.

i’ve used sapien to heal my back but didn’t work because my problem was inflammation. and i wasn’t using audios for inflammation, i was using spine tapper.

unawareness of causality of issues is what makes issues consistent in time.


What do I gain trolling on this forum twce over the span of 4 years? Absolutely nothing. That alone shows that I’m not trolling. And yeah I’ve tried listening to the fat burning audio for years. And tbh when I was gaining weight 4 years ago I thought it was cos of the audio but it still happened when I stopped listening to it so me gaining weight wasn’t cos of the audio. But it happened depending on what food I ate. Pm if I ate like rice for example I’d go up no matter what. Even if I barely ate all day and just had a bit of it with kidney beans or mushy peas. Also I gained weight after masturbating too weirdly enough for the most part. Those were the factors mainly that led to that. So cos I was going up after eating rice I thought that I was insulin resistant but after listening to the diabetes audio for 2 months nothing changed.

I just dk why that fat burning audio has never worked for me so I’m trying to see what I can do to make it work. Tried the diabetes audios and limits removal ones but I haven’t tried the point of no return one or the thyroid one so that’s what I’ll be trying next. And tbh I forgot about the forum I made 4 years ago.

How long did it take for you to see results in things after buying it? Just so I have an idea as to how long it can take me.

Must be. That’s why I’m tempted to listen to the thyroid audios cos maybe that has something to do with the problems I’m facing regarding these audios not really working for me