Why are these frequency I'm using on Sapiens channel not working? Listened to 3 frequencies to lose weight for weeks and I've gained 7kg since yesterday. Please let me know

So I’ve been listening to the fat burning frequency, the extreme fat burning one and the fast metabolism one as well as the subconscious limits removal one from Sapiens channel but after listening for 3 weeks I’m gaining weight. I was 95 when I started listening to this and then I weighed myself yesterday and I was 98kg. Then I weighed myself today and now I’m 105kg. So I’ve gained 7kg in one day yet I’m not eating unhealthily or too much food. Please can someone let me know why I’m gaining and not losing weight listening to these and what I can do to start losing weight. Especially since I start college in September and I keep going up for some reason when I need to go down. I would listen to the fat burner frequencies for 15 minutes to an hour each day and I’d listen to the fast metabolism one 3 times a day and the subconscious limits 3 times before. Please help me man because if results continue to be like this I’ll have to stop listening. It’s really depressing honestly. But when I listened to the smart frequency I felt like it was making me more eager to revise, so why are these ones having the opposite effect if that isn’t.


Are you taking any supplements? Some of the best supplements for skin care hydrates your skin but causes you to hold water weight.

If you are starting college you may be of the age to still be growing taller. Are you getting taller? Have you checked?

Are you gaining muscle mass? Have you been working out?

Could you be pregnant?

Are you sure you have a working scale? Gaining 15 lbs in one day sounds damn near impossible. Or 7 kgs.

I wonder if you changed your diet about the same time you started listening. You are eating “healthy” but what does that mean. Low carb/Vegan/Low protein/low fat/high fat… there is a doctor or ten out there to tell you that any one of those diets are healthy. So I wonder.

Maybe you’ve been eating too “healthy” and your body is storing more fat, meaning it’s in survival mode.

Edit again:
This is what I meant:

Too few calories can lead to weight gain.


I’m a guy so definitely can’t be pregnant. And I have gained 7kg since yesterday. It’s actually crazy I was 98 yesterday now I’m 105kg. I’ve not really been getting taller and I’m not working out either. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 98 and weighed myself today and I’m 105kg. Unless my weighing scale is wrong which I doubt I’ve definitely gained something. I don’t know. The truth is I’ve never really ate that unhealthily. I just have a naturally slow metabolism. I’ve got friends that are 10-11 stone and they eat more and way worse foods than me yet they maintain weight. Whereas for me I usually eat cod or chicken and vegetables and maintain weight even when I’d eat cereal I’d maintain and the few times I’d drink fizzy juice or something I’d still stay at like 95ish but now I’m gaining weight for some reason.

absolutely reasonable questions. any technology (morphic fields or subliminal) is not a magic wand. it is an additional assistant, a powerful catalyst for processes. but if a person just listens to audio files and thinks that a miracle will happen, this is a fallacy. a person must work on himself in all respects. a person must not only want to change - but also work on himself, to exert effort.
I do not want to offend you @Cero - all that I wrote refers to me personally… the desire to change is a change in one’s habits, thinking, lifestyle, diet and so on …


I hope my questions don’t offend also. Cero may have already thought about all of these things and ruled them out. But if we are going to help solve a mystery, it’s helps us to have some clues.


If we are going to assume there are no natural causes for the weight gain… then I’ll offer a few possibilities.

  1. Subconscious resistance so strong that it’s reversing the effect. That doesn’t make a lot of sense though because you are using Subconscious Limits Removal.

  2. Physical Resistance. Similar to Subconscious resistance, but different. The body itself can adjust to and reverse the effects of many things, like hormone supplements and prescription medications. It basically changes what it is doing in order to get the same result that it was before the hormone or medication was added, because it “thought” it was doing what was best for the entire system. I don’t think it’s impossible that the body could adjust to a morphic field. This would mean you would need to find the reason the body was storing extra weight in the first place, before the morphic field was added, and remove that reason, like lack of iodine for thyroid function or etc.

  3. Malevelont Spirits

  4. A weakened solar plexus chakra. Many times I’ve heard “gurus” of one sort or another explain that they only overcame being overweight after they worked on their solar plexus chakra and they believe the body was storing extra fat to put a physical barrier between their solar plexus and the world.


7kg in a day seems implausible. Must have been a problem in the scales. Anyway, you should try using the Energy Blockage track. Helped me with the others


I agree with the others probably your scale isn’t right 7 kg seems too much for 1 day. Why don’t you start taking body measurements of your chest, waist and hips every morning and see if they go down?

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Bro, I honestly tell you that others here will not say that if you have a genetic predisposition to being overweight and your body is Mesomorph or Endomorph, then weight loss will be a daily struggle, all weight loss results will be temporary, it will take a lot of effort , and if you stop following strict diets and do not listen to audio for weight loss, you will quickly gain weight again, as before. You will not be able to change your genetics, all this will be temporary, if you have the time and energy to change yourself every day, then you can do it.


I’m not taking any supplements. I’m a guy so I’m definitely not pregnant. I’ve gotten 1cm taller since I’ve last checked. I’m definitely not gaining muscle mass as I havent worked out. My weighing scale says I’ve pretty much gained 7kg in one day unless its wrong. And I’ve never really ate that unhealthily tbh. I just naturally have a slow metabolism which is why I am using Sapiens frequencies to try speed it up. I usually eat cod and meat and veg and stay the same ish. Sometimes I will have cereal and still stay the same. This was before listening. Now I’m gaining weight instead of losing. Not to mention I dont even overeat or anything so I dont know what to do. Should I keep listening or is there something else I can listen to for results to not reverse on me?

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Thanks for the help but what should I do then to stop gaining weight. It doesnt even make sense man at my weight you aee meant to eat like 3k+ or something calories to stay the same weight and I eat around 1.5k-2k calories yet gained 7 in one day.

But my diet isnt poor though. Especially for my weight. I should be eating like 3.5k calories to stay the same weight. I eat 1.5k-2k yet gain. And I’ve seen many people in the comment section of Sapiens videos eat even worse and still lose weight listening to these yet I’m gaining really quickly. Are there any other freqencies on Sapiens channel I can use which can stop this? Because I wasnt gaining until I started listening to the fat burning ones and the metabolism one. Point is, I dont eat like someone 90+kg does and even people I know have realised this. I know too many friends that are 70kgs and eat loads of junk food and stay the same weight whereas I’m just going up everyday at this point regardlese of what I do. I might try exercise but I need to know if theres any other frequencies on Sapiens channel I can use to stop this otherwise I may have to stop listening to these altogether.

Bro, do not pay attention, I often noticed that many people in the forum want to convince others of their truth, firmly defending their point of view, give advice, although they themselves do not have the knowledge and experience to advise something. Do not waste your strength and energy, answer only to someone who knows what he is talking about and from whom you can ask for advice.


Thank you so much man, I’ll start listening to that. How much times a day though is good?

The thing is though I really need this weight loss to work. The only thing I can do really which I havent for weight loss is exercise but it doesnt make sense anyways because I dont even eat like I’m 90+kgs yet it says I’m 105kg.

I’ll try to then. I hope its not real because 7kg is like an extra stone I’ve got to lose. Worst thing is I dont eat like I’m 90+kgs. A lot of my friends have been suprised by what they see me eat for my weight and that i somehow struggle to lose weight. If I’m actually 105kg this is beyond depressing since I’ll have to lose 30-40kg and I dont even eat like I’m 90kg+ but my metabolism is really unhealthy.

Perhaps listening to the audio stack from the Point of No Return article might help. The combination of audios can be great for overcoming resistance to changes and removing blockages that might prevent you from seeing results.


Bro, in order to lose weight you need to use one of the modern and effective diets, move a lot, listen to audio from Sapien for weight loss and speed up metabolism. If you just listen to audio for weight loss you will not get good results.
The following materials may also help you:


On this forum, you can often hear that Ectomorf can gain muscle mass quite easily, and that this can be done simply by listening to audio, and the muscles will grow, but this is complete nonsense, believe me, no one succeeded. To gain weight, Ektomorf needs to eat a lot, go to the gym 3-4 times a week and listen to audio, then the muscles will grow. So you have to lose weight, follow a diet, move a lot and listen to audio. But consider only that you have a genotype in which your weight loss success will be temporary, and if you quit your diet and stop making efforts on yourself every day, then you will again gain your weight, which you had before. Like Ectomorph, all its muscle mass disappears very quickly if you do not play sports and do not eat 5-6 times a day. Just keep this in mind. Easily lose your results.

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Another very important point is your nervous system, if you are nervous, you always lose weight, if you are calm then you are getting fat, always take this into account.