Why are these frequency I'm using on Sapiens channel not working? Listened to 3 frequencies to lose weight for weeks and I've gained 7kg since yesterday. Please let me know

If you’re eating your macros right don’t worry about weight changes every few days. Scale yourself every 2 weeks. That’s just water weight, not fat. You gain nothing scaling yourself every few days, since you will always have changes in your water weight.


I assure you it’s not 7kg fat, that’s completely impossible. It’s just water weight, unless you’re eating massive amounts such as 10,000 calories per day (because 3500 calories in a pound). Just count your calories and you shouldn’t worry about the scale.


To everyone listening to weight loss combo audios. I repeat, don’t weigh yourself everyday. The human body always has changes in water weight. You should weigh yourself every few weeks to see if you’re actually making progress. It goes without saying you should learn about macros and counting calories if you actually want to lose the extra weight. The science applies to everybody, there’s no exception, though some may have to eat more than others, that largely depends on exercise level and your BMR.


Thank you, a really good diet plan:

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Absolutely true, but many fanatics on this forum are sure that they can ignore the laws of this planet, and they grow muscles without food and protein and without doing sports and they lose weight by tens of pounds just by listening to audio while sitting at home, and not following a diet and doing sports. They themselves believe in this and convince others here.

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I don’t understand one thing: what is the point for you to write something on the forum, to prove your point here, you are probably an egoist or is it all your ego, you just live in your reality, and it seems good there, mister. It seems that you are one of those ectomorphs that build muscle just sitting on the couch, and those endromorphs that lose weight by tens of kilograms just by listening.

My point of writing is to help people realize that they’re not just bone and blood and to get the brainwash that fake “scientists” put in your skull out.

Look at most doctors, they all look like shit.

Memorizing a few formulas like a parrot then walking around like some “healer” , while all they care about is your money.

I have already helped many people on this forum here, they realized the world isn’t “fixed”.

Also “ectomorph” blablabla, even if you are born a certain way, nothing is fixed. You can change every little thing about yourself and mold yourself into who you wanna be.

All that is required is an open mind, most scientists and doctors are cunts who either serve an agenda or run a busines disguised as “healers”.


Your guides aren’t blocking anything, if you have been overweight for a long time then your ego is gonna resist anything that goes against your natural state.

It’s your ego, not your “guides”.

Anyway the 2 audios that I mentioned will help with weight loss, try it.


Bro, if you know something about it, prove it by your own example, change your genotype and build up weight of 2 pounds a day without protein, food and training. Change yourself, fly and don’t go, create your reality, you are a god, you can do anything. Get down to business and not blah blah blah. Is it possible that the gods again have nothing to do besides writing something here and proving that they are right on this forum. Where do we fly today? To the moon or to Venus? Or maybe we will fly to planet earth to the very forum where we will tell people that there are no laws and everything is in our hands?

Lol why do I even try, i’m done.

Don’t cry when the depopulation plan begins and you’re targeted.

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Before you write anything, first try it for yourself, take a photo with your progress in muscle building, record a video where you fly like a bird, and so on, and your words will mean something. But I suspect that the gods most likely do not have a body, so from a divine point of view, everything is possible. Unfortunately, on this planet we live in a duality of 3 dimensions, here there are laws and we have to reckon with them.

This is nothing yet, you’ll see.


Who make the distinction between filth and no filth? Just to be clear

That’s right, bro, Sapien audio is only one of those tools that you must use to achieve your goal. In addition to training and dieting, use audio, mandalas, sigils and more. A miracle will happen when a person uses all means to achieve his goal, if he wants to gain muscle mass, he will eat 5-6 times a day, train a lot and listen to audio, change his lifestyle and achieve good results. If he wants to lose weight, he will follow an effective diet, exercise and move a lot and listen to audio. This is not that planet and not that dimension, so that thanks to your intention, or desire, your muscles grow and weight decreases. Using a set of measures to achieve your goal you will achieve good success in your affairs!

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Here is an article written by Dreamweaver’s teacher, Dale Power, which might be of interest to this discussion:

Psychic Healing: Weight Loss Techniques

The techniques might be a helpful addition to one’s efforts.


Hey Roku, which two audios did you mention that would help in losing weight? I don’t see where they were mentioned. I’ve enjoyed your posts in the past, so I’m interested in knowing what you said. Thanks in advance!

You say you are eating very little. It is possible to eat so little that your body stores more fat. You can check this tool to find how many calories you are burning a day:

I’ve heard that 500 calories below your daily calorie burn rate is as low as you should want to go.

But again, if you gain 7kg in one day, you may want to see a doctor, that sounds like excessive water retention and it’s hard to imagine it being any thing other than that. And you would want to find the cause.


Fat burning genetic advantage twice then chi compression in lower dantien twice.

Use speakers and focus on the sound, don’t multitask or get lost in your head.


Thanks I will do exactly that. Curious, do you have a background in neigong?

I don’t know about others but this is my experience so far.

The automated workout audios really do make it possible to lose weight and gain muscle without any exercise whatsoever. You still need to eat because the body still hasn’t learned to absorb energy directly right now (maybe possible in the future but who knows).

I’ve currently been using the myostatin audio twice a month ever since it came out a few months back. The result is that I’m muscular overall and have a six pack now even though I haven’t worked out in months.

Belief is very important to have the fields work on you. Sometimes we think we believe in the fields but in reality certain things are embedded so deeply in our minds that we don’t realize it