Why are these frequency I'm using on Sapiens channel not working? Listened to 3 frequencies to lose weight for weeks and I've gained 7kg since yesterday. Please let me know

Nope, I used to practice Judo and the lower dantian is the #1 most important thing for balance, strength etc.

It also helps with metabolism and weight loss.

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You can also use this video and it may help, even if your blood sugar is normal (I listen to this daily for prevention). From a user, who I think is also a member here, the comment below has many replies:

[Tammy F]

If you have issues with losing weight even with Sapien Meds other weight loss videos I suggest you use this. If you are insulin resistant type II then it may be damn near impossible to lose weight no matter what you do. I had that issue for a while until I finally used this video. Not even intermittent fasting was putting a dent in my insulin resistance as I would hit a certain weight and be stuck there while slowly gaining what little I had lost it was a nightmare. That was until I started using this video twice a day that was when the weight starting coming off. In full disclosure I do have the weight loss pendant from Sapien but not even that worked until I starting using this video. Insulin is the fat storage hormone and it does so very well. I just wanted to share this in case someone comes along with the same frustrating issue as me. This started to work within a couple of days and within a week I lost close to 10 pounds no kidding. I do intermittent fast eating one meal a day but in the past when I did this my weight would bounce up if I even looked at a carb. I testing myself last weekend by eating carbs throughout the day stepped on the scale the next morning not an ounce gained. In the past eating carbs like that would blow me up at least 3 pounds. This works hope this little testimonial helps someone out.


Bro, thank you for sharing, but it would be nice for you to send your photos before and after with an interval of time, so that this would give your words more weight. If you really think that you can just listen to audio and do nothing else to build muscle every day, then your experience in this regard would be especially valuable to everyone with your evidence, such as photos and videos of your body before and after at intervals .


If you really achieve such successes simply by listening to audio and not doing anything else, please share your experience with others, share your progress, and if you just write that you have achieved great successes without reinforcing it, I personally have the impression that you are fooling yourself and deceive others. I would very much like that we all achieve our goals, share our real experiences, and do not turn into fanatics and sick people who are obsessed with something. Many people on this forum listen to audio for months and even years; most use audio along with other means to achieve their goals, such as training and everyday sports, getting good results.

Some people here are convinced that just listening to audio is enough and nothing else is needed. The forum has very little real progress of people who just listen, like very little progress of people in general, I would like people to share their progress, but unfortunately this is almost absent on the forum. The experience of people who just listen to audio and get huge results from their words is especially valuable, I beg you to reinforce your words with your progress then your experience and your words will cost a lot.

Unfortunately at the moment there are very few topics on the forum where people just listening to the audio have changed their genotype, the thin ones have become full, although most people have been listening to these audio for a long time and would like to get as good and fast results as possible and I think that you should help everyone with this, start with yourself, just listen to the audio, achieve good results and upload photos and videos of your progress at intervals, believe me, this will inspire us all to great feats!

I really would not want this forum to turn into a community of mentally unhealthy people who themselves are obsessed with something and convince others of something and their experience has nothing to do with reality. Let us help everyone here to become better, become healthier and fulfill all our goals, thanks to our common experience and support! But our experience should be real, not fictitious, and the advice that we give here should be really useful, if you yourself have not achieved success thanks to your advice, then you should not give advice that this will help. Your mirror will say a lot, and photos and videos will confirm your success for all of us.I see a forum from Sapien Medicine as a community of people who are changing their reality right now, becoming better and achieving their goals, rather than a community of sick, obsessed people


No problem. I use it 3x. Also recommend the Point of no Return stack suggested by @uial.

There are some subliminals that improve Morphic fields, but they are optional.

I use intermittent fasting myself, in order to get shredded.

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Same here for the workout videos

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I think you should look for other causes.
If your liver isnt working properly than ramping up your metabolism isnt gonna do anything for you .
As a matter of fact ,as you saw it can actually have quite the opposite reaction since its gonna raise stress hormones ,which is gonna lead to more weight gain .

You also have to look for the cause of your liver problem which is often a gut problem ,caused by bacterial /fungal endotoxin .

If I was you I’d stop all weight loss audios and listen to the bacteria /fungal and liver audio. You will see results probably in less than a week.


In addition to @Alexander’s great suggestions, you might try Leptin Resistance (Patreon), Endocrine System Rejuvenation, Pancreas Regeneration and Diabetes Type I and II Treatment as they can help with pancreatic and hormonal dysregulation that might impede weight loss.

As you are female, Meno-Unpause also rejuvenates female organs and hormones to a peak of life and functioning.

Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal might also help as it contains the Fat to Stem Cells field, which transforms visceral fat to stem cells.

Liver Cirrhosis, which @Alexander suggested, Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant, Vitamin C (Patreon) and Far Infrared can improve detoxification and the biliary system.

IBS (Patreon) removes H.pylori from the digestive system, which can also help with the possibility of digestive dysregulation impeding weight loss.

As @anon28389016 suggested earlier in this thread, Fat Burning Genetic Advantage and The Chi Elixir might improve metabolism and be of help with weight loss.

The techniques from this article earlier in this thread might be helpful as well.

Here is a part of the article that might be of interest:

Overlooked in the standard equation though, the eat less and exercise more truism, is the fact that we are not only physical beings but psychic ones as well.

There are too many techniques to go over all of them here, it could literally fill a book, perhaps someday it will. Right now though action needs to be taken. Americans are gaining weight at an alarming rate. From our eldest people to our youngest, we are plumping up at levels never seen before.

We need to address three main areas if we wish to bring about long term weight-loss. The mental, emotional and physiological aspects.

This could be a road just as hard as the strictest diet and as painful as running a marathon. It could be, but It’s not. Using a few simple techniques, you can bolster your self-discipline, your metabolic rate and your positive feelings about losing weight. You can also relieve hunger pains and feelings of angst over your current weight.

You can do these yourself, or have a friend or professional help you with them, so don’t be worried that you might not have never tried anything like this before!

Here are some basic techniques you can use to aid in losing weight. While simple they are very powerful. You still have to diet and exercise, these methods will make that easier to do though.

*Start by calming yourself and quieting your mind. Just take a minute to not worry about anything, relax and let go of any distractions.

*Hold the idea in your mind that you are already thin. I know that this seems strange, but if you want to lose weight it helps to convince yourself that it is possible. If your mind rebels and tries to tell you something different just replace the thought with the idea you are thin and healthy and don’t worry about it. It will take a bit of time to train your subconscious mind how to be thin. Spend a few minutes just “knowing” that you are slim and trim. You don’t even have to visualize it. In fact, to your deeper self it is more helpful if you don’t visualize it.

*Now imagine your day. “See” yourself eating a healthy breakfast. Go about your day until lunch. Hold the concept of all this time passing without much hunger. Imagine enjoying a lunch of healthy foods that you arranged in the morning. Know that stresses will happen and you will let them go. See yourself going through some exercise and really enjoying it, is it hard? Sure, but nothing you can’t handle! Go through dinner in this way as well. Notice that you are not craving sweets particularly, hunger is not an issue for you either. Perhaps you will have a small snack before bed? That is up to you.

The important thing here is to use conceptual thought as much as possible. If you haven’t gotten the trick of thinking in ideas yet, just do your best. Visualizing your desired day will work too, just not as powerfully.

*Next we are going to hold several different concepts in a row. These will actually be building powerful psychic fields around you, so make sure you keep the ideas/concepts you are maintaining very clear and as constant as possible.

  1. Hold the idea of energy in your body. Feel the energy coursing through you. Buzzing and exciting your system. This will increase your metabolic rate. Feel it in every part of your body. Hold this for at least a minute.

  2. Hold the idea of warmth. Starting in the center of your body warming each part of your being. This will increase your metabolism even more. Again maintain for at least a minute.

  3. Hold the idea of a lack of hunger. This is so powerful that you must use care not to strip yourself of hunger all together. This will actually dampen your sense of physical hunger and appetite. Keep this up for a minute.

  4. Finally, hold the concept of happiness. Everyone should practice this regardless of their desire to lose pounds! It will ramp up your morale enough to stick with your diet and exercise program.
    There are many other things that can be done to help a person lose weight using psychic techniques. For instance pain control methods can make exercise more pleasant, as can simple mood elevation. Ideas of what kind of foods are tasty can be changed both internally and from the outside of yourself with a little help. Metabolism can be increased and adipose tissue can be triggered to expel fat rather than conserve it.

Sure you will still have to watch what you eat. Yes, exercise is good for you and should be part of your daily program. These and other psychic healing methods can help to increase the ease and effectiveness of weight loss efforts though, making a definite increase in your quality of life.


No worries, glad to be of help.


For anyone interested in authentic neigong practice this book can open a new world ;)

A Comprehensive Guide to Daoist Nei Gong by Damo Mitchell

Also his youtube channel here



There is a sigil in this book for breaking curses. I’ve never used it. But the sigils in this book which I have used worked very quickly and noticeably for me.


Id add the ego dissolution one to the playlist and this one https://youtu.be/ooyXPxA8JcE

Also drink a glass of warm water with half of a lemon with some ginger as you wake up. Dont eat anything for half hour.

Good luck

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Bro i don’t feel comfortable sharing my photos on a public forum. I have my own reasons for that. I share what I experienced with the audio maybe it didn’t work for you, its too bad but I don’t want to share anything that could lead to identifying me because I’m in a engineering postion where I’m responsible for a lot of people and if any of them find out they’ll think I’m nuts for even being on this forum.
And if the videos don’t work for you just move on to something else which does.


You dont need to share your results. Its fine that you just write the results. Skeptics can gtfo.


It’s been a while, I am not sure you will see this @Cero.
How did you go forward?

I found this question because I was looking for reverse result experiences.

You got a lot of skepticism here… I will assume it was not the scale and you literally gained that weight (together with basically gaining a whole clothing size etc) overnight.
I just wanted to say that normally, this is not possible - calories in, calories out blablabla. However, I have witnessed something similar in real life twice.
One woman gained a similar amount of weight in 2 days (and no, she didnt eat through the weekend like a pig), while around the same time experiencing significant hormonal issues (loss of period in early 30s).
The other girl had a rare disease, her thyroid is not working anymore and is taking the hormones orally. While the right dose of medication was being “calibrated”, this kind of weight moves were pretty normal for her.
I won’t suggest a field as I am pretty new myself, but I would suggest for you to see a doctor to run some tests. That is, if you live in the country where doctors wont completely discredit you with your “miracle weight gain story”.

I wish all the best for you!

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was this beacuse they were using fields?

Dude 7kg a day is almost 15lbs…that’s impossible

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Seems unlikely even with say massive water weight.

One instance where I saw like a 11 pound weight gain was a person with terminal cancer where water started collecting in various internal organs.

Minus something that drastic, if one gained 15 lbs in a single day, time to see a doctor.


It was thyroid issue