Sigils helping

Can you help me create sigil: becoming successful Entrepreneur or millionere
And can you advice which audio will helping me
For my journey becoming successful Entrepreneur? :pray::relaxed:

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woven world million
abundance mindset New Release - Abundance Mindset

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Cool :sunglasses: thank you :pray:

they are many that address wealth and abundance or success

just search the forum

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What about sigils :question:

sigils unless you want NFT

because sigil won’t be much effective to get large a mount of money because your energy have to play in it some how

i would say get a servitor from Energetic addendum which you can find on patreon
and instruct it to help you with energy on matter of being successful entrepreneur
give the servitor all ressources it can use fields and books on being success entrepreneur


Use the Gallifreyan translator, put in the intent, “I am wealthy and successful in business”.

Unless you mean a Sapien sigil, in which case I think the NFTs and paid and free audios are the way to go.


If you can share more info, cause iam new and dont understand much :sweat_smile::blush::+1:

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Thanks so much for your reply :relaxed:

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In traditional magick, a sigil is a representation of intent. There are many ways to design sigils (Google is your friend), but since it works on a higher subconscious level, Gallifreyan from Doctor Who is a fantastic way to design sigils.

Just Google Gallifreyan translator, and use statements of intent, and it will generate you a circular Gallifreyan sigil.

there is a website will automate things for you

you can still use both fields and sigil troward one purpose


Thanks so much :+1::blush:

Read Frater U.D’s and Phillip Cooper’s books on the subject… unless you properly connect to a sigil and charge it, it’s just random scribbles on a paper… some sigils have a collective unconscious charge, but most of those are reserved for particular lineages/circles.

The books will serve as a nice introduction for all things related to your “power”, if you will.

A key thing to examine is if you genuinely want to be a successful entrepreneur and millionaire at a core level… it comes with a lot of responsibilities and your heart/soul might be blocking the path to it for various protective reasons (it may seem silly, but it’s a blessing in disguise).

Meditate on the subject, examine all possible negative aspects of it and see how you “feel” about them. If you in earnest in both your heart and mind feel like it’s you life purpose, you’ll achieve it somehow, eventually.


Thank you, Alkul!