Simple question

Should I meditate when listening to filed? Or do I need to focus on the field? So does it work well?


in my experience they work better when you meditate/ focus on them but i still get results when listening passively, just not as fast


fields are ressources
when you actively work with them you get better results

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I get good results even if I listen passively (no meditation or special interaction with the fields playing), however, for Much Better Results, I recommend adding Kinetic Quasi Crystal to your stacks or other fields which have similar effects: Boosting fields or those which are helping you integrate them better.

Still, interacting with them is probably the best choice, if you can, when you can or if you want or when you want, of course.

Think of it like a conversation with somebody.

In what situations will you be more available to have a conversation with that person?

The fields interact with you on a conscious and subconscious level, so there are many parts in the day where you are “available.”

Anytime you’re in a more passive state I think the fields will be more able to interact with you, although no matter what you will feel their influence.

Let’s compare two situations. In one situation you’re cleaning a window alone. In another situation you’re walking down a street in a fast paced discussion with someone walking with you. The field is present in both of these situations, but perhaps you might feel the field’s influence more in the moment if you were cleaning a window alone.

Now, I personally don’t think that affects results or change. I think your willingness to change is more important. I think you are going to be influenced no matter where you are or what you’re doing, but I do think a field can hit differently if you’re in a more passive state.

Sleep is another matter, because
In that state your conscious mind is asleep but your subconscious is wide open. I do play some fields during sleep but I have no way of knowing whether I’m responding or not. I’m sure others can shed light on their experience with that


can you check my affirmations list?
I am love
I am loveable
I am more in love with myself
I am full of love
I am feeling more loving now
I am feeling more loving every day
I am feeling more loving every second