Just wanted to take a moment to simply appreciate this forum and all it embodies.
For me in particular, for the longest time I’d say i was looking for a place in which i could sense open-mindedness, kindness, spirituality and other areas that people may or may not deem weird.
It brings a really nice sense of well-being and i have a feeling that this forum in itself is imbued with a morphic field of wellness.
I’m really happy to have signed up here and I’m looking forward to all the discussions.
The probability of a mass ET contact still depends on the readiness of the mass consciousness. There’s been many distractions in human consciousness and one big one being the involvement of AI. The time is coming closer and closer for us to finalize our choice for how we want our futures to be. Some choose a variation of full ET involvement, some choose a purely AI run world, some choose pure natural utopia with gaia but in my opinion we’d be the biggest winners if we choose to include all of these possibilities in a balanced way for the most unique expanded experience for our consciousness to explore here on Earth.
Unfortunately as a mass consciousness we still have lots to transmute. There are pockets of people throughout the world who do make ET contact regularly but it all depends on how fast we can get the masses to rise their vibration feel more comfortable with ET contact. One of the things holding them back from landing in mass is our free will.