Singing auditions stack

Hey there, everyone!

So I have singing auditions tomorrow and I’ve been trying to come up with an effective booster and success stack.

I am a proud owner of the Lion Sage servitor so I can put these fields ON throught the audutions.

I currently have:

The Divine Voice NFT
The Hand of Glory
Self-confidence/Self-esteem boost
The Lucky Artist

And other recommendations? Both paid and free (I probably won’t be buying any paid fields right this moment, but it could be useful for future auditions and the like).


mana circuits 1x
blueprint of life 1x
minor blueprint of power 1x
core strengthening 1x
tejas alchemy 2x
hyperbaric compressor 1x
divine voice 20x
acu-automation 1x


(Note: I also have The Lucky Artist on full-auto through the Lion Sage servitor. Gonna add Aura of Opportunity!)


and loop divine voice on super low volume level #1 while performing

at least that’s what i would do

maybe you can test it

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Thanks, I’ll give it a shot. The audio is very quiet so it could work. :slight_smile:

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What is this one? Could be my memory but I don’t recall this one.

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The auditions went pretty well, I did not get the gig though. :frowning: :wink: I think I need more time with the Divine Voice NFT and more Hand of Glory!

Still interested in suggestions for future reference!


well done!

you were auditioning for which gig if i may ask?

with the stack from above i got amazing results and my voice is still improving and becoming clearer and more open

these fields are like boosters & preparation fields to absorb the energies better and create the right conditions

or another workout field were the core is included is fine too. it give you the physical abdomen straight towards effortless singing

tejas or another energy cultivation field will give you more than enough physical & spiritual power by absorbing more prana to sing effortlessly

this one opens up the lungs alveoli to the max and give you a huge lung capacity

divine voice speak for itself

acu-automation will spread all the energies evenly through your system

i forgot to add supreme grounding so your system doesn’t get overwhelmed

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Thanks for the descriptive explanation. For energy accumulation I currently use Your Energetic Being. Hyperbaric compression sounds great, though, with the lung opening effect, I’ll try it out.

It was audition for a chorus at an opera house, a full-time gig. They listened to both of my prepared arias which already is a success. :slight_smile: They had just one opening, though, with multiple people auditioning.

I already signed up for another audition for a solo part this time around, waiting for reply. :slight_smile:


so you’re into ethereal singing :blush:

for me singing with pure flow is the most beautiful & high spiritual experience there is

the coming together of two worlds. the earthly & the spiritual world


I’m working on that. I want to achieve both proper, physical technique as well as emotional/intuitive expression, the best of both worlds!


i’m not a professional singer but did a good amount of sound healing

removing blockages and trauma by making sounds

the greatest gift i got from it is that i learned that the voice, heart, body has an intelligence of its own and the more you can allow the more it leads you to your essence and effortless singing as if the singing just happens if that’s makes sense

can i hear you singing somewhere?


Fantastic post!! I’d love to try The Divine Voice.
I’m a singer too, but haven’t used those fields.
And confidence! I keep forgetting to use that one.

Wishing you all the very best :heart::heart:


All the best to you as well! If you come up with some nice field combination that could help with singing and auditioning, do share. :slight_smile:

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There also some other fields for voice
Now i think Divine voice covers everything, idk that field (except teeth)

Throat & Chords
Vocal Strengthening and Range Increaser
Voice of reason (new throat chakra field)
Blarney Stone

Extra upgrades:(helps energy flow)
P & R Dentistry
Shark teeth clinic


I use these on occassion. I used to play Vocal Strentgthening and Range Increaser regularly for an extended period of time, but I’m not really worried about my range anymore, I’m more concerned with quality, technique and expression.

Throat & Chords I use as needed.

Never tried Blarney Stone, gonna give it a shot.

I do own The Voice of Reason so that’s a good idea! (Although Your Energetic Being works on all the chakras in unison).

Thanks for the suggestions! :revolving_hearts:

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I had another singing audition, for a solo part this time around, and I spammed the following fields in the buildup throughout the day:

Divine Voice NFT
Hand of Glory
Journey of the Chosen One
Lucky Artist
The Potion of Manifestation (with the intent set to win these auditions :slight_smile: )

I also played:
Your Energetic Being x 4
Inner Armor Shield & Magnetic Resonance x 4


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber x 1

The auditions went so well I’m going to be a little disappointed if I don’t get the part. :wink: So I’ll be continuing to spam The Potion of Manifestation to manifest “good news, everyone!”