Single or in a relationship? - Now also featuring a poll

I agree with a lot of things with Sammy. He enlightened me in different subjects. But in this one, I have my own point of view and I hope people (Sammy included) respect this latter.


Nice guys have nice on their nick name :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nice Girls start with Id and End with unn :heart_eyes: :kissing_closed_eyes:


But why should we expect women to just open up to us if we are heavily troubled and going through deep traumas? Are you or all the men out there willing to be open to women who are psychologically troubled or considered unattractive? No. Most men aren’t willing to take on that sort of responsibility either. Most men want someone healthy and of a more balanced state of mind.

Us men have standards too! We forget that. If we didn’t, many of you guys would be going for the millions of ‘what are considered, below average’ looking women out there that are also lonely and looking for someone.

We can’t be hypocritical here. The same standards we all gloss about women having, we also exert our standards of the kind of women we want. In essence, many of us that are struggling, wouldn’t date the female version of us. Those of us struggling lack so much confidence that we aren’t even attracted to how we look or how we are. So why do expect others to feel this way? The world doesn’t just grant us things. The majority of us that aren’t so lucky to be born with luxuries such as good looks or money, have to earn attraction.

Now I know it sounds like I am being black and white. But I’m not. I know that men like you and many others feel like nobody gives a damn about you all. Like women look down on you all. Like there is no syhmpathy. ‘Get strong you lil punks. You all sound like wussies.’ All that talk. You feel like the world isn’t there to support you in these times. Well…

All I can say is you have this forum. We are open to be helpful and not judge you here. But we can’t expect anything out of the world! The world is what it is! Nature in general is unforgiving. It doesn’t empathize with the weak. It moves on. Humans… as chaotic and separate as we are… still are reflections of nature to some extent. And we cannot expect love and compassion from all other humans. It just doesn’t work that way. I wish it were that way. I really do. But to be at peace, I’ve come to accept it isn’t that way but still choose to be the change I wish to see. I still show love and compassion to everyone despite the world not being that way.

Because… you get what you project. For the most part, I get that love and compassion back. The only little control I have over reality is my interactions with people and how they turn out. That’s it. Other than that, I have no expectations and you shouldn’t either.


That statement right there - if all you do is go for someone’s looks then you will be sadly disappointed. You need more than looks to make a relationship work.

To the guys on here, just relax, stop over thinking about it, because that is the killer. You want to get the girl, then get your energy right, work on that, next do things that you enjoy, be proactive rather than reactive. Have something interesting to say, enjoy being you, because you are unique, be your own best friend, and believe in yourself. Find out who you are, what your strengths are, and work on your weaknesses. We all have things to work on, we are developing all the time, but if you only focus on what needs work, it will show in your energy, and your vibration.

Women love a confident man, an uplifting man, someone who is a joy to be around, and we love humorous men. Laughing with a man is so lovely, and so sexy, it is warming, and soul connecting. Also, get off the internet and go and live and experience, confidence comes from doing, and not from pondering. Real life interaction, not online fake nonsense.


I’d like to disagree with on you with this one. People don’t get attracted just because, there’s always a reasoning behind it. But what the reason is, is not always the same. Generally I’d say it’s what @anon76664106 mentioned, a confident man. If we go up the extreme, the reason for extremely confident men may lay in the fact that they have a high social status, which is what @mauvaisgars saying - just more controversially. :wink:


I go straight to the point, @repperfreak. :dart:

But, a man can be confident even if he’s not successful.


I agree. But the confidence must come from somewhere, from earlier successes in the childhood probably. Example: you were extremely good in sports as a child. That definitely made you more confident than and the brain developed around it.


ameen 𓂀 :hibiscus::butterfly::pray:t3:

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A much lovelier soul for you awaits :)
Until then, enjoy the journey

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most of our problems with the opposite sex could be solved by balancing our female/masculine energies I feel like but idk how to do it; the only thing that comes to mind is the BPoL

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Its all trauma.
It needs to be transmuted
And then turned into love and light

Crucible series + smart cord cutter
Followed by entwining worlds of beauty and joy


Thats it. Thats the field.
Entwining worlds of beauty and joy.

Thats the field i believe will heal all of “this” all this toxic gender stuff we have on either or, or both, genders

We only need ourselves. And once we have self love we see the world through such different eyes than the ones filled with hate and resentment.
But - thats more of the post operation phase

For operation phase id say crucible series plus smart cord

And pre operational phase, ego dissolution plus new perspectives
Throw in PONR too, if you have



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For my single friends I recommend you to find hot girls friends to act as your wing girls lol since it’s so much easier to find a partner when you already have one :rofl::yawning_face:. Eye opener.


I don’t think a field can fix this.

This is actually quite true. Experience tends to inspire confidence more than anything.

Getting out in the field and practicing. Actually trying… is truly the only way people can get out of this rut. And that’s the problem. People feel so helpless and like the world is against them, that they don’t have the will to try.

And I get it. It’s hard to do it alone. It would be much easier to do if you can do what @Byjrodriguez says and have attractive ladies be their wingman but… well that’s not easy. Well… ok, it might be possible actually. I’m getting ideas lol.

I have been thinking of a solution to this even if I probably won’t ever be able to solve it. I don’t have my hopes up for that. But it’s an interesting puzzle my mind likes to try to piece together. I have ideas and hope to try them eventually.


it can certainly help

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The way I’m talking about sexual social dynamics here do not prevent me to show respect to females and treat them like my peers in real life.

But deep down, I know what they all about and I don’t blame them for that. They are subconsciously programmed to pick the best partner (alpha) so they can assure their survival.

Survival in 2022 is all about wealth.

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Of course. In a sense. Fields are already the wingman lol


Personality and confidence are essentials too. I’ll say = 33% looks, 33% personality and 33% for wealth.

(66% are enough when it’s about normal relationships)

Here, I’m talking about long term relationship (marriage).

*excuse my grammatical faults, i’m not a native speaker


If you want to talk about subconscious programming, you are biologically programmed to inseminate as many females as possible and not stick around to help raise the child. That is the evolutionary trait we have just as women’s evolutionary trait was to pick the stronger men, so they can have stronger and more fit to survive, children.

Yet… we evolved to become a mainly monogamous species. You see how all these biological traits don’t exactly fully correlate to reality? Your perception of reality isn’t the full thing. You can’t see the fuller picture. Niether can I. So both of us can’t sit here making these massive generalizations of all women being this or that. All men being this and that. And I never do.

But you’ve allowed yourself to be so convinced yourself that you know all women that you have blinded yourself to the possibilities of women out there that aren’t out to take what’s in your pocket. Actual possibilities of fulfilling relationships. You repel it all with these thoughts.

And again, I prefer to speak to people quite softly. Quite suggestive. But when men tout evolutionary biology and all that stuff, I’ll talk to you man to man. Because I mean, if you speak of nature, nature is quite harsh.