Six Healing Sounds

I was thought these sounds by my Bio-Energy practitioner and also some thumping. The triple warmer thump was one that always stood out to me that felt great.

First was Collarbone Thumping
Tapping gently on the collarbone area on both sides.

Then Sternum Thumping.
Move tapping downward to the center of the chest and tap gently on the sternum/thymus area.

Next up was Kidney Thumping.
Tapping on your sides, just right below the armpits (kidney area).
Tap gently on both sides.

I think it was around 10 thumps and to do it 2 to 3 rounds each time and use your intention to activate and balance the triple warmer energy.
It used to feel great so I can only imagine how this field would feel.

I’ll definitely pick this up soon, the benefits of activating and balancing the triple warmer are huge.


Not sure how many Chinese people are using this forum, but for six healing sounds, it has been a method used since Chinese ancient time. However, the Chinese pronounication is different from the current Mandarin (Chiense was used to be cantonese, and then it was changed to Mandarin).

Anyways, if you know Mandarin, feel free to watch this video below.

Start from 2:46


Can this make any physical problem mentioned by Chinese medicine, including all abnormal constitutions, adjusted to a normal constitution?

Urgent Ask. My friend got 4th stage colon cancer.

I want to buy these 6 healing sounds for him. These tracks are on Sapien Shop.

As they are audio only, can i buy them for my friends through my account (so i am the owner), while the only user is my friend? Would the audio still have healing effect on my friend, as i am the buyer/owner.

Same question for the new chakra series in the shop. He is too weak to do the phantom wallet setup


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He will be the only user, thats fine, its all about intention.

And just remember you can send him healing through the be the healer portal on loop using 2 devices the other one playing on loop anti cancer field + Lymphatic effussion since at that stage is doing metastasis through the lymph nodes. But like a few hours not kidding.

If i may suggest, instead of the new chakras id buy him the Mitochondria protector and the robust organs for sure.

Good luck :pray:


When everything has stabilized, it is recommended that the plasma series or Senescent Cell Audio


If i don’t have his consenouss that i am sending ‘healing energy’, would i get back fired? i remember that it needs his acknowledgement before i can do that. But it’s a good suggestion.

Let me research what is Mitochondria protector. For robust organs, it’s gumroad, so i can buy it and send it to him. Only i can convince him to use it…

Thank you. Plasma series means Plasma Combo 1, 2, 3, right? Thanks!


Plasma light 、 plasma flaunt、plasmatron


Also add if you have

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Luna recommends these two are great

Mitochondrial malfunctions lead to cancer cells


The Saviour of the world

(Red Oil of Antimony)

this and other alchemical that help dealing cancer are

Sun Oil and
order by 3

but check here If something works Various Metal Oils - Rudraksha Ratna


This is tier 22 subscription on Patreon


This is Black Label tier, has to be bought by the listener, these are the ones most protected of all


@Haura Got it, Plasma light 、 plasma flaunt、plasmatron (i have the first 2, but not the last one).

Mitochondria Protector Blend is $121 on gumroad. I think Plasma Mitochondria Charge is on patreon, so i will let him use that first. Robust Organs for sure is $160 on gumroad.

Thanksl. Saviour of the word is patron premium. Gold oil of the Sun ($35) and order by 3 ($255) are good suggestion. I have gold oil of the sun, and the music is great.

So thanks for all the great field suggestion here, on top of six healing sounds.

I was very busy in a wedding and post production, plus recording Cantonese version of some buddhism stories for my friends, as i hope that can plant some buddhism seed (bodhi seed) into his akashic record (or the 8th sense in Buddhism).

The suggested fields are very advanced, and i am not sure would that overload my friend for now. He is so weak and ‘shrinked’. I actually made a youtube list for him, Anti Cancer Treatment , Blood Brain Barrier Repair, blood clot dissolver and senescent cell removal (before sapien youtube was down), but my friend seems like he is not interested. Maybe in his mind, he may be afraid that these energy products will affect his result from chemotherapy.

So thanks for all the suggestion. Even for free field, he doesn’t want to use them. So i will no longer push in this direction. Rather, i bought him a PEMF mat. PEMF is great for pain management and generate some sort of energy to charge up the cell. well, at least it is physical and NASA used it, he seems to have more interest in it.


Yes! Respect him opinion, you have given him great advice

everything will be fine

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What liver shhhh does???


The 6 Healing Sounds work by using specific sounds and breathwork to stimulate and balance the energy of each organ. The sounds are believed to help release negative emotions and tension from the body, while the breathwork helps to circulate fresh energy and oxygen throughout the body.

Shhh balances the liver and helps to release anger


Any long term user can report the benefits from this? So tempted to get this before the biggest sale ever ends.


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I love this series. It leaves me feeling very well balanced physically and emotionally, I’d highly recommend it.


Thanks, buying it.