Sleeping problems


Haha am going to create a how to go to sleep thread…
Let’s see if I agree with this article.


Try to get some carbs before sleep and a little salt . This lowers stress hormones, which make it hard to fall asleep.

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@Alexander is right. I’ve been dabbling with Keto and Intermittent Fasting and both seemed to affect my already few hours of sleep quality.

I switched to a high protein, moderate fat and low carb diet and that seems to work amazingly well for me. Also, I keep my fasting to the day and reserve my carbs for the dinner and that absolutely helps with sleep.


so… since youre vegetarian, does that mean youre basically living mostly on legumes and high protein grains?

Edit - ah yeah I forgot about dairy…
I dont eat dairy so without protein powder I find it complicated to put together a diet that is high in protein but not high in carb.

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I tried living with “all natural” foods only, but meh, did not work well for my needs and lifestyle haha…

A couple reasons:

  • We basically don’t cook at home at all. We rely mostly on salads Mon-Fri (we both have pretty great and healthy cafeterias at work, thankfully) and “cheat” during weekends and eat out lol… Though I left Manhattan, I guess Manhattan did not leave me. I find grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning consume a lot of effort and time and I don’t enjoy it. Since the last decade, I’ve tried to do, to the possible extent, only things I enjoy, and this is true for myself as well as my S.O. Some mundane tasks have begun to seem too mundane to me lately, and I am constantly trying to develop more equanimity so that these tasks don’t throw me off neutrality by a wide margin.
  • Getting all nutrients through natural foods seems like a big lift! Precisely for the reason you stated. The amount of ingredients and calories need to get there is big! My metabolism is not one of those eat what you like and stay skinny kind, so I do need to watch my calories and workout (and regularly use Sapien workout fields).
  • I travel a lot for work, so I need a sustainable, healthy solution to survive in airports and hotels.

So, I’ve been a supplement junkie and that has worked well for the most part.

For protein, I also use a powder. I’ve been using this brand called Huel Black and I quite like it!! It is plant based protein, diary free and that is certainly one of the factors I like this one. Do note that it is pretty fiber rich, so some folks initially have tummy troubles. :laughing:


it’s been 5 days with only 4-5 hours of sleep i give up i’m just going to the doctor again sigh

Hey, have you tried looping the new sleep audio more than 3 times?

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no i did as described i tried to play it once, twice, three times it just feels like it’s making me more awake

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should i try looping it?

This might sound unusual but are you drinking a good amount of water? If you’re dehydrated your blood doesn’t flow as well and can keep you awake at night


oh not really i’ll try to drink more water thanks


If you feel like it.
There is also bedtime stories. You can loop them too.
These are designed to create a small protection bubble while being played, helps you to relax while providing a nourishing love and support.


I really hope that’s the answer. You might find yourself peeing a lot at first as your body releases toxins, but that’ll subside over time


This happened to me also when I started using the melatonin field. It didn’t work because I was also tired but wired like you. Your case could be different from me, but what helped me was the Cosmo-volt field + Kidney and Adrenal Healing (for over-stimulated HPA axis). Especially the Cosmo-volt, that really made me sleep, drink and eat a lot. I listened to the Cosmo-volt at 2 PM, by 6 PM I would be sleeping, and I woke up at 6 AM the following day feeling well rested.

After one month of using the field suggested by MonkeyOwl above, the melatonin field could finally work for me.

You can try also charging the water. Some people here seem to be able to drink more after charging their water.


this gave me hope i was really sad that the sleep inducer wasn’t working for me lol i already started listening to the kidneys one, what does the cosmo-volt field exactly do? also which field do you mean? all of them?

so i gave the sleep inducer another try listened twice and just observed that my heart beats fast, my fingers shake and i feel sick in my stomach maybe it’s anxiety around the idea of sleep but i already listened to the all purpose anxiety before bed tho :thinking:

What have you listened to from the suggested?

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Yeah could be anxiety, or if it doesn’t work just don’t listen to it…

For me personally actual physical melatonin tablets didnt work either when I was in a similar state 🤷


Usea Heart Strenght can help you to relax a lot , :heartbeat:

do you think its possible provide more information about you?

Im pretty sure that issue have solution !! (like all issues )