Sleeping with Auric Body Cleanser(s)

Last night, I decided to sleep with both Dream Seeds Auric Body Cleanser and Quadible Integrity’s Auric Body Cleanser on repeat, with both playing simultaneously.

Woooooo :flushed: I felt like I did when listening to Advanced Healing on repeat: Herxheimer reactions. Drained of energy, but that’s to be expected.

I think I’m going to start doing this weekly, and putting the idea on here for really deep, deep cleaning. I am probably going to add the other audios from Point of No Return next time, along with Subconscious Limits Dissolver. I feel l like need this level of cleaning, and maybe someone else will.

Also putting the idea out there for listener to Subconscious Limits Dissolver on repeat for sleep. I know I need it.


Yeah putting limits dissolver on repeat will dissolve the limiting beliefs much quicker and is super beneficial to the mind. I think I’ll start doing that too whenever I go to sleep

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Also, I have experimented with playing 2 Sapien audios at once for similar categories, and it is totally effective (like 2 workout audios). I haven’t yet tried it for different categories. So if you’re trying to reduce the amount of time you spend listening to audios, you can try that!

I might double with Quadible Integrity’s Subconscious Beliefs Purger, but that one requires headphones. I might just play from my computer audio connected to my Bluetooth speakers. And I might even throw in Root Cause!


That sounds great!! I’ll definitely use leg day and upper body workout together!!!

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I also wanted to ask you a question. Does hyper state sleep state interfer/clash with height booster? I earlier suggested HSS to someone on the forum and they said they did not want to use it because it might clash with height booster.

I don’t see why it would… But if anything “clashes” with each other, give at least an hour between listens. You listen to HSS when awakening, shouldn’t be a problem to listen to Height Booster later in the day. Sapien himself recommended an hour listen in between listens to Fat to Stem Cells and the fat destroying audio that destroys fat cells. I don’t see what between HSS and HB would cause the other not to work, unless someone has an idea?

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I think he said it because t gain height you need to get enough sleep. I think he is wrong because HSS gives you the exact same effects of sleep, only in less time, so that should not interfere with Height audio at all.

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I agree with you, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work together. I see where this person is coming from. Our bodies release growth hormones during (deep) sleep, but the audios implant their effect directly on you for the duration that you’re listening to it, meaning that the hormones and whatever else is being adjusted for Height Booster to work is adjusted while you listen to it.

Even though it creates a permanent change, what it means by that is that doesn’t permanently cause you to grow indefinitely, the adjustment happens while you are listening to it.I don’t think the audio works by increasing during sleep, but it may.

As long as you are getting sleep each night, you are fine lol. Listening to HSS wouldn’t take away from HB working, because you already got some sleep. So, do get some sleep!! And listen to Theta/Delta brainwaves to induce deep sleep. You can do this when you also a few nights per week. I believe Theta is the brainwave that is used to help create changes is your body and subconscious mind, and can be used for reprogramming, so you can also use that one.


Thank you!! I will use HSS and HB and enjoy my results!! HSS causes a gene Mutation on DEC2. That gene is rare and lets people sleep for 4-5 hours and get the same benefits as someone who sleeps 8 hours without this gene. Based on this logic, HB would definitely work without any drawbacks.

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U listen to both at the same time?