Slow down perception of time, potentially permanent?

Totally agree. Ive tried this before very randomly, but for the past month every day in the morning stack (once only because its long -how many times do you?)

And a few times when i remember in the eve.

My work has been crazy busy the past month too yet i get to do everything and more, i different than you am working more hours but they feel so smooth like i am enjoying it, thats the difference. And at this rhythm I should be exhausted but not at all (of course other fields play a role here) but i do notice in my brain and outside everything is stretched out, i dont know how to explain it but im sure you know what im talking about.


Are you asking me ?
All day everyday because itā€™s a custom item I wear and itā€™s boosted (last item I boosted, I couldnā€™t resist, I thought it would make time even slower)

Thatā€™s why I forgot about it months ago


Ah maaan thats cool.

Yes i was asking, i just really dont have more time haha too many fields


i just really dont have more time

*Plays plasma light before slow perception of time


:blush: thank you.

Torsion should be good too, i had it before but my morning list was getting too long.

Id use Plasma L when aiming to enhance body healing but not this :nerd_face:


`now I listen to speed time because of work :sob:


I guess itd be hard for you to notice what ive been noticing with this field because you have it permanently but every time i skip this one maybe 2 or 3 days the effect is more noticeable :face_with_monocle: than when i religiously play it daily.

Its like if you throw a rock in a pound it creates ripples and they keep growing and growing until they fade (as in lasting longer with the passing days) but nonetheless wider, but if you were to throw rocks one after the other the effect would be deeper like deeper sinking in your consciousness (perhaps your case) but not expanding wider and slowly deeper like in my case.

Fascinating noticing this on a big escale in the days i am not playing it!!


@LunaMoon Youā€™re right, I noticed that phenomenon when I was listening to the audio version.

I thought about taking breaks, but Iā€™m not going to stop wearing my item for even a day lol



So im gonna played x 2 x 3 times a week or 3 days in a row at the beginning of each week, but i also think as you said that this will eventually become permanent or just to play it once a week or every some weeks dopeeeee :star_struck:


is it just me, or is there a harsh tone as the audio for this field?
especially, since the track is so long

Yeah, some days I find the tone uncomfortable to listen to too. But hereā€™s a tip: you can always turn the volume down as low as possible, as long as the soundā€™s not mute it should work fine.

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thanks Danny. Good idea

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How many days/weeks or regular listening? Does it slow down even more with a progressive listening schedule? Thnx

There were custom tags offered at one point in time, but not resumed since then. You can find some offerings in the same selling thread for NFTs or randomly. Some third-party vendors AFAIK may offer services to embed a field on an item, it will still be through custom trade only.


Booster is just through field booster sigil. But I never tried any service to embed a field on object, you should seek forum and check threads, people reported it being done (maybe on their own?).