Slow down perception of time, potentially permanent?

As you listen more and more to the audio, and your subconscious gets more and more receptive to it, can you, overtime, and with regular listening, maintain to some degree, that slowed down perception of time ?
First post on this forum also, hi to all !


Hi Eli,
I think you could make permanent the decreased perception of time.
You’ll body and mind should gradually accept the new changes.
Try and see at least 6 months!


Hi @Eli welcome to our awesome Forum :grinning:


thank you ! yea im planning on spamming it :slight_smile:

thank you !! :smiley:

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I had to stop listening after a few weeks Coz I fucking hated how everything was going so slow.

So the effect will become visible the first time and with prolonged listening you’ll feel time go even slower.

My perception has reverted back to how it was but I only listened for a few weeks.

You can ask @DR_MANHATTAN or @Josh. I read those two listen to it.


Wow. Didn’t except it to be so efficient ! That must be quite the experience. Thank you for sharing

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yeah bro it goes back to normal once you stop using it after a while,

but I had to stop using it lol a day felt like a year


that’s tough.


@Daniel I have slow down time on item. Been wearing it for a while.

Lol, I have been wondering for days what was different this year. I forgot about slow down time. I’m smashing my yearly goal and it’s only April.

Anyway,I think it slowly gets deeper to a degree. But I wouldn’t notice, I stopped thinking about time the old way, it’s so relative, doesn’t really make sense. I reached a “time abundance mindset” if that makes sense (I’m sure you’ll get what I mean)


Love it. I have only experimented this a couple of times and yes i accomplished a lot those 2 days i used this.

Im gonna use it more


How many times per day did you listen man?

3-4x or more.

It was different every day. Didn’t really follow a proper schedule for it.


Does it actually slow down how fast others move, etc ? everything ? thank you

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same question as above, thank you !

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Try and see?


Not talking to me, but no.
Sometimes it just feels like your days are 36h long.
Or it just feels normal, but when you look back you did more in 2 month than 4-5 months last year


I did. for an hour. didnt see much. I’m asking to know, if it does, on the long term :slight_smile:


thank you ! that’s still very impressive. Will keep using it


Recently I’ve been thinking, this year is really different, everything is going my way. It’s only June ! There are good and bads, but at the end it’s still the early morning.
I have a high opinion of myself, but still. I must have been doing everything twice faster… but I’m working much less. So I must be blessed. Where is the stress from life ? I used to rush and feel stressed from all the things happening at once.

It’s like playing an arcade game in slow motion. I’m still the same age, 5 years from now, it’s over the horizon, it’s getting harder to plan.

Then I remembered I’ve been wearing slow down time since the end of last year :joy:
I made the best choice possible.

Ohhh, I just realized while typing, it’s the first year I didn’t make an official plan. Usually I plan everything, my budget, what field I’d use in what month, everything was scheduled to be efficient because there’s never enough time. I was thinking “damn, when did I get so chill about life”, I never connected the dots, it’s probably because I have so much time lol

Super cheat code, I don’t feel the time slowing, but looking back the difference is massive.
The mindset is like “I’m gonna play until I’m tired, then I’ll walk to work and I’ll still be early”.

Edit: also, I started reading books about the art of hedonism and other leisure literature. I would’ve never wasted my time, but now, I’m more interested in lounging and going slow.