Small questions about dog tags

Can I wear it 24/7 ?

Is it water proof?

Is it better to have it resting on skin (chest) rather than over shirt?

Does it affect other people if in close proximity?

How many can I wear at a time?

How will audio fields interact with it like angelic vibrations for example?

I’m sure I have more questions but this is probably too many already haha.

  1. Yes although you should build up to it

  2. Yes.

  3. Doesn’t matter.

  4. Yes, it affects anyone within 5 feet (gain the effects).

  5. As much as you can handle without having any side effects

  6. It’ll amplify and speed up your results. For example (Happiness and Joy dog tag with the serotonin audio or any joy audio)

  7. Bring them on :grin:


Thank you, i appreciate all the answers!
One other question i have is; How many times can I boost the tag using the destinus sigil?

Post by sammyg about boosting items: