So, if im still facing limiting beliefs

If ive previously done a month of PONR stack… and yet my limiting beliefs are still calling the shots… bearing in mind ive experienced what i believe was severe trauma (via abuse to me or witinessing it to others)… so in short im still rather messed up haha… should i just go back to yhe PONR stack for a good while?

I did notice a difference WHILE I WAS LISTENING TO IT… but not so much after it…

Cheers guys!


unconcious clutter removal and perhaps autism field should help digest all you are up against.

what is your goal?

also blockages in spleen and liver would mess up your growth.

heal them together with using the PONR Stack.

and never forget good shielding before pratices.

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Please do let yourself off the hook. Trauma is not just instantly gone - there are layers that will reveal themselves and then they will go. Important to begin to embrace a new you - one that doesn’t identify with the person that experienced the trauma, but one that realizes that isn’t the real you.

Keep up the fields that give you a sense of relief. Might throw in the Archetype of Parental Love and the Alchemical Revision of Innocence. Smile at your inner child and at your inner beauty. Gratitude for Blessings. The limiting beliefs will dissolve and be replaced with the truth of your true unlimited nature.

Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Angel on stairs


For this part people have recommended
*Kinetic Quasi Crystal
listened to before a stack.

I continue to do this myself.
(Plus it has many of the delicious MStates.)


Revisit those experiences and bring back those emotions + While playing Smart tap tapper.
Go through ALL of the experience - why it happened, what happened, who and how are responsible etc.
Try to drain them out any feelings of trauma, grief, stress, hatred, sorrow, disgust and NEUTRALISE your perception towards it.
Smile and say, forgiveness and letting it go! This is the test if u have really left or faking. Then the real Pheonix, the true self will rise from the ashes of those trauma!
Till the time there is polarity in the view of that traumas it’s impossible to escape from that haunting imprints.
Try to change that view.
Try emotional release at the end and grounding for sure - don’t neglect.
Fields definitely helps, but manual participation amplifies 1000x times.

Warning: It can be intense emotionally but worth the effort. Taking small steps now can reap big benefits for the future.

Play PONR as usual in ur stack.


Try fasting while listen to audio

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Besides PONR a while ago IDK your stacks for releasing this.

The Alchemical Revision of
*Childhood- if it happened in childhood/adolescence
*Inner Self Love

VERY highly recommended:

If u havent given them a good trial already.

A shout out for:
*Emotional Alchemy- put your thumb on the NFT (can be on the screen) and ask that the negative emotion be released

"This represents the emotional pain felt via loss, the very real heartache you experience for whatever reason, This is the energetic alchemy of that pain, whenever experienced, into a ready clean empty that can be filled with joy and light.

(Audio Included works automatically) "

*Crucible of the Past

Also 1 month is not that long to listen to a field or a stack


Absolutely agree with this, especially when dealing with releasing what could be a part of a lifetime of unprocessed deeply buried traumas, untangling of the shadow layers, unhealthy attachments, healing of the ancestral karma and ending the repeating patterns.

As my hypnotherapist would say, healing is non linear. Through all these active steps, deep work we take into healing, we should not forget to be kind, compassionate and patient with ourselves. It won’t happen overnight (in this case a month). I’m still actively listening to PONR field (with Ego Diss and SLR) consistently going 7 months now, that liberating feeling is amplified overtime.

But surely, you will emerge with the best version of yourself. Looking with wisdom and calmness on life, seeing how even the worst and most painful situations have a meaningful purpose. I know you will. @Kindfulness1