Okay I know I’m nitpicking. But here’s the thing. There’s too many audios on YouTube pertaining to too many different fields. It would be a shame if someone doesn’t find something simply because he was bogged down by so many options and didn’t know where to look. Again, I’m nitpicking. But it would be of great help if you could just declutter your desk. Same for the audios on patreon.
Thanks a lot :-)
Bigger leaps on Growth, healing, wisdom etc come from researching, testing, trial-error Oneself, when things are handled so easily it loses the deep connection that could settle better if you proactively engage in the process.
Just like the Master shows up when the student is ready, you come across audios or learn about them when its time to start listening to them or to be added to your existing list.
So are you volunteering to help out or what? You can suggest all you want, but end of the day they’re still a small team. You can contribute to the List of Hypothetical Stacks thread. If that’s not satisfactory, revive the thread or start a new one, and add value to it. Be the change you want to see, bruh.
Now you’ve given this info via a comment. And Sapien does it too. Giving same info time and again through comments. Repetatively too. Which only reaches a few. Anyway. Nevermind.
HGH can help with anti aging, muscle growth, collagen production, wrinkle reduction, reversing hair greying etc.
From the description of the Collagen video:
will cause your skin, bones/joints and cartilage to increase its natural collagen production, resulting in a younger looking and feeling you
Sapien puts a lot of information in his YouTube videos. If he can’t add descriptions, because it’s a licensed music release, then you can find the descriptions here.
Cool that you didn’t saw the problem. But I did. For me there’s many similar fields. Descriptions. And too many confused patreons. Just my two cents.
You can explain to me all you want, but not everyone has the same motivation to read through it all and connect the dots. I don’t want to miss great info on something because I didn’t read sapiens comment buried in between 400 other comments.
And as for playlists. Do you know how many people keep asking does this audio go with this? Is this version better than the last one? Wouldn’t it be much more easier if the playlists could have a little bit more specifity to it?
My point is can we MAKE ALL OF THIS a little easier?
You don’t see the problem because maybe you’re following the forum much more than others. But does it mean that others should miss out on great stuff? No absolutely not. And look at the importance of all this stuff. It’s absolutely life changing . So would it hurt anybody if it could be organised a bit more?
I only wanted to convey this message to Sapien. And I think I’ve already done it.
Look I get it. You want a more organized system. You want a minimum standard of official information to be included for every released field, right from the get-go. With searchable keywords/tags, and cross-references and suggested usage and combinations. You want all of that in the YouTube description box, in one place, not scattered in little bits in a forum with hundreds of posts. Where one has to use the search feature, and read a lot and take notes and put the information together themselves.
It’s very kind of you to think of this for the sake of the lazy.
Secondly, watch your tone here, which reflects NO gratitude towards the Sapien Team which is making these videos available free to people. Your concern, if worded better, would have been received positively as constructive feedback, but you are literally whining, and assuming the whole wide gamut of Sapien users is confused! Nope, most people are not.
Sapien is an artist, so to speak, his work is a result of insights and inspirations that come from a much higher plane than you probably understand. So yes, he releases several audios sometimes in a row because that’s how his creativity flows! I see that worthy of no other reaction but being thankful.
Already life is easy - thanks to these audios which cut down hours at the gym, esthetician, doctor, etc., and you still want it simpler? It’s time we get real for a change, and stop expecting people not only to spoon-feed us but also to chew and digest food for us - we gotta do SOMETHING!!
You should speak for yourself and not assume everyone is confused. Very helpful folks like @gpo@uial@_OM and others spend a lot of time and effort voluntarily answering queries etc, here as the Sapien team is just two members (Dream and Sam), and errr…they have lives and families too, you know?