_Social Room - Hello? How are you? Hope youre good ❤

Very useful/informative goldmine of information for those who know of the link between the macrocosmic and microcosmic.

Check it out. Seriously. Mean it. Now.

add the video bro

Niceee :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Just did man,I lost my shit once I realized it has been streaming for a few mins and that I might be the first one to post it.


I was sleepy as hell before playing this,now I feel like I can actually even study.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 777 (Luck and Blessings) Lucky study/meditational/Motivational Music

It must have been luck (pun intended) that I noticed it so fast.


OOOOOH WE BOTH THOUGHT THE SAME AT THE SAME MOMENT :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


:broccoli: :muscle:


Bet 20€ that it is :joy:


“Oh, that’s sharpened? No, THIS is sharpened!”

And then you just stab the feller.

  • with a different sword, for sword LARP purposes, because this one is for magic
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Grimnir! It refers to Grimnir.

Oh my me, dude.


You are so funny man!

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Thanks man.

There’s even a wink in there to Hugh Jackman being spiritual, and something about capital covernance and spoiling the cheesecake.


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Hands down best youtube videos. Very intresting all tho he makes like 3 videos a year there is a lot of effort that goes in them.

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(post deleted by author)

Beyond Limits :mechanical_leg:
:heartbeat: :fire:



muscle beyond limits #1
fast twitch muscles #2
superhuman mutant #3 (or so i think :) might be number two with some training)

haha it’ll be sick if I get a world record in my name.

epic video; interesting comments:

From what I understand this man is (obviously) in the Matrix. As many comments stated, no human legs can run 100 m in 9 seconds. Being a top athlete, his will was far beyond his physical limitations, he bended the Matrix momentarily to suit his will, changing his legs. Agents got caught of this and started chasing him, and while he’s running he saw a glimpse of the Matrix’ line of code possibly because of him breaking the limits and that his mind was aware that his body was not his own. When he woke up in his vat though, he was just put back by the maintenance robots into the Matrix. He was severely injured because he was running at such a high speed and his mind couldn’t recover from the shock, his body flailed around. Aside from this injury, agents might have put a limiter on him too, and now he’s in healthcare. He wanted to stand, he wills his body to stand despite his health and he broke the limits again only to be put back in place again.