One day I’m going to sit you all down and lecture everyone about the heart being a dimensional mirror to source and how it perfectly aligns with the mechanics of Mark 11:24.
Listening to higher self connection made me say those words btw. I truly am the Higher Self. Which from my perspective seems like God. But it’s a step below that.
Yeah. I dislike the ‘higher self’ analogy because it implies that there are multiple ‘versions’ of oneself. And thus a barrier between them.
I just see it as another step in development, what you could be. If one would ‘vibrate’ a lot ‘higher’. (which isn’t something as 2-dimensional as a higher vibration, it’s a lot more than that, but that’s term everybody throws around these days)
Man, imagine if we developed into our adolescent selves with perfect teachers. No world filled with nasty conditioning, mean families, nasty teachers and un-fit classrooms with all kinds of children fit in disharmony. No overconsumption of television, no over-exposure to pornographic material. Drugs. Fluoride. Food that’s cut down from ‘spirit.’ Plastics.
We would already be flying around. But, this only makes the view so much sweeter, when we get there.