_Social Room - Hello? How are you? Hope youre good ❤

Oh my me, dude.


You are so funny man!

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Thanks man.

There’s even a wink in there to Hugh Jackman being spiritual, and something about capital covernance and spoiling the cheesecake.


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Hands down best youtube videos. Very intresting all tho he makes like 3 videos a year there is a lot of effort that goes in them.

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(post deleted by author)

Beyond Limits :mechanical_leg:
:heartbeat: :fire:



muscle beyond limits #1
fast twitch muscles #2
superhuman mutant #3 (or so i think :) might be number two with some training)

haha it’ll be sick if I get a world record in my name.

epic video; interesting comments:

From what I understand this man is (obviously) in the Matrix. As many comments stated, no human legs can run 100 m in 9 seconds. Being a top athlete, his will was far beyond his physical limitations, he bended the Matrix momentarily to suit his will, changing his legs. Agents got caught of this and started chasing him, and while he’s running he saw a glimpse of the Matrix’ line of code possibly because of him breaking the limits and that his mind was aware that his body was not his own. When he woke up in his vat though, he was just put back by the maintenance robots into the Matrix. He was severely injured because he was running at such a high speed and his mind couldn’t recover from the shock, his body flailed around. Aside from this injury, agents might have put a limiter on him too, and now he’s in healthcare. He wanted to stand, he wills his body to stand despite his health and he broke the limits again only to be put back in place again.


lol alright, calm down!

So now you get to learn all about that perseverance and consistency I’ve been blah blah blah’ing about.

Can you shave a second or more of your 100m times?..sure…

But that’s takes LOTS of consistent training, humbly listening to good coaches, staying disciplined with near everything in your life, and seeing time “micro” improvements that come and go depending on a myriad of factors.

Welcome to the same journey but in a different way :slight_smile:


The World shall remember the new Usain Bolt

Zensquirrel Bolt to di world!! :muscle:t4:🦵🏽 :sunglasses:



Guys I have a guilty confession to make, and I didnt know where to share it:
I just called in sick in work just to stay home play video games adn watch TV :smiley: (I dont do it often last time I called sick in winter and it was legit) It’s the most pleasurable thing I have done for my self in a while why does it feel soo good :smiley:


Well, I call in sick sometimes just to have a day for myself.


I did same when I moved a month ago, I called in sick for 3 days . Otherwise it would have been super stressful because I did a lot by myself . I’m the least sick from the whole team . I had to convince myself to do it ,but I feel absolutely no regrets, for many reasons.

I think it’s okay if it comes from a place of taking care of your self and self love , not laziness.


You are 100% right but I did it out of pure laziness :stuck_out_tongue: I’m Lazy since I can remember but I had to control it. But being lazy for a week two times a year is not a crime too I mean if everyone was lazy there would be no wars :wink:
Im justyfing laziness but hey Im only human after all


At least you enjoyed it.
As john Lennon said : " Time you enjoy wasting , is not wasted " :wink:


That’s inspiring man

You’ll be the hero of the next generation, they’ll study you. Your way will be the standard method, kids will train and eat like you. There will be a before and after Zen, you’ll change the game bro :muscle:

Lol, you know what, your competitors will admit that you’re the better man, they’ll be happy to get second place after you and shake your hand. Your family will be proud.


My visualization is really good. But you are on another level creating images on people’s mind through your writing.



And yet the flow is off.
Chronologically the second paragraph should be first. Or the last sentence of the first paragraph should go up and connect with the introduction.

Then the unfolding is rugged, try and read it, it’s bumpy. It drops and goes back up, the sentences should be balanced with each other.
It requires too much engagement.
Also too many words and not specific enough, I could’ve said more with less. The words should be more closely associated with the theme, without the readers having to “micro-think” to adjust. The concept could have been emphasized more to reinforce the picture before switching to the next motion. Like how much effort for how much unfolding. Low ROI

Every sentences feels off, as if the writer added more themes. Feels like a draft :man_shrugging:
But hey, I go with the flow


The active engagement and deliberateness are what set the style apart. The curious readers have to do the active work, but the results last a while. The themes are dispersed but still coherent. The bits and pieces create a full vivid picture.


That’s another way to see it :thinking: :+1: