Solfeggio 9 in 1 with 0

Yeouch! That sounds…uncomfortable?

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No, you did not start the discussion “to find the best possible protection”.

You called the creator out with twisted logic.

Implying that the majority of potential new Sapien field users will just blindly use some pirated fields and then come to conclusions.

Implying that the majority of potential new Sapien fields users are too dumb to discern whether they are listening to an authentic audio or not.

Implying that the majority of potential new Sapien fields users will pay for stuff from shady sites and not realize that they are not buying from the original creator.

You assumed that the majority of people would be that dumb to not check what they buy and from whom they buy – which is exactly the cognitive dissonance that thieves and tricksters operate with.

And you didn’t even research for the conversations that already took place on this forum about these topics…


I dunno it hasn’t happened to me so far so I can’t give an opinion… lol

Maybe it feels good? 🤷


I’ll have my fire extinguisher handy, just to be on the safe side. :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I was just referring to stolen property.

Thanks brother! I’ll get it one day when I can afford it. I’m still off of work taking care of that thing I told you about.


Got you. But generally curios about it.

You got this in the bag bro. In due time.


For sure. The light’s already appearing at the end of the tunnel! :pray:t3:



Filing a complaint with the copyright or trademark office will result in a response that can effectively act as a deterrent for future theft. I never said it was going to be perfect. It’s just another layer of protection.

Hey guys, let’s bring back the topic to the field?

Blessings Dream, feeling so blessed to be on the same path as yours :pray:

Never experienced so much love from a field and everything behind.



I won’t continue arguing it man

You just finished saying this

But then your ego is trying to find for little ways to continue this

It’s the least effective way of combatting the thiefs there is

Whatever lol


Let’s delete that one brother, and start fresh

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I think this all serves a good purpose, I’ll leave it

This will make headlines on “

This discussion was all needed for future purposes.

The pirates will be talking about this


Thank you for that little ray of sunshine. Serving a good purpose was what I wanted to get out of it anyway.

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Nah man

Not like that either

You where on the wrong side of things


However you allowed for there to be explanations of why protection will be needed for those whom don’t understand why thiefs deserve a backlash

You remind me of that guy that got kicked from the forums who always stirred up drama playing devil’s advocate saying he was doing every one a favor


I forget his name

This also served as a final warning to the pirates as well

But you really just stirred up chaos, this could’ve been over long ago


More than 135 posts are made that none of them is related to the field itself. Captain knows better how to protect his products.


Orrr you do Venus work on Friday and Sun work on Sunday. You summon up mad amounts of love and harmony Friday and then divine empowerment on Sunday. :grin: