Some help for these goals

Hello friends, I’m new to SapienMed.

I have 3 goals, just wondering how to accomplish them.

  1. I have an upcoming practical exam where I’m required to have a lot of memory and think quickly on the spot in reaction to things presented to me. Anything for “fast thinking”, “memory” and “anxiety”?

  2. Have been working out but I’ve had a lot of stubborn fat that doesn’t go away even after fasting. Was wondering how I can get a six pack - is it possible with these audios?

  3. Also related to my first goal is becoming more charismatic and less shy. Anything for this?

Thank you once again.

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  1. Gamma brainwave,
    Cognitive enhancement
  2. Diabetes
    Stomach shrinking
    Core strengthening
    Extreme metabolism
  3. Charisma and Glamour
    Extreme confidence

Sorry, couldn’t give you a more comprehensive information.


Thank you for the reply! Just some clarifications…

“Cognitive enhancement”, is this “Permanent Brain Enhancement”?

Also, is it safe to use ADHD and Diabetes sounds if I don’t have them? Thank you. :slight_smile:

yes it is
and for ADHD and Diabetes they are totaly safe

good luck


Thank you everyone. :slight_smile:

I don’t know about the first question. I have found it has same sound and length like the one available on Gumroad.

They should be. I read the comments on YouTube. Diabetes audio can help reduce subcutaneous fat because of fighting insulin resistance.

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Hello, I was wondering if there is anything for anxiety and exam nerves? Also, how to naturally let the examiner feel I am competent? It’s more of a practical kind of exam.

print, keep it by you :D

Will also let the examiner naturally feel you can kick his ass. Might try Confidence and Attract Positivity mandalas together.

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if he fears you, he will think twice before giving you bad points

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Eh maybe. Never underestimate passive aggressive vengeance.

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depending on the person really, good natured ones wouldnt think about vengeance, if its a psycho who doesnt like to have fear against somebody, that will look different in the outcome,
but Confidence and attract positivity sounds good

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Ok. I’ll do meme-speak now.

Majin: mentions good natured people
Atreides: Wonders if Majin lives in America
Atreides: Wonder just how jaded Atreides has become
Atreides: Stops meme-speaking 'cause it’s weird

Point well taken though.

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haha well I dont live in america, dont know how the people are there

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