I have 3 goals, just wondering how to accomplish them.
I have an upcoming practical exam where I’m required to have a lot of memory and think quickly on the spot in reaction to things presented to me. Anything for “fast thinking”, “memory” and “anxiety”?
Have been working out but I’ve had a lot of stubborn fat that doesn’t go away even after fasting. Was wondering how I can get a six pack - is it possible with these audios?
Also related to my first goal is becoming more charismatic and less shy. Anything for this?
Hello, I was wondering if there is anything for anxiety and exam nerves? Also, how to naturally let the examiner feel I am competent? It’s more of a practical kind of exam.
depending on the person really, good natured ones wouldnt think about vengeance, if its a psycho who doesnt like to have fear against somebody, that will look different in the outcome,
but Confidence and attract positivity sounds good
Majin: mentions good natured people
Atreides: Wonders if Majin lives in America
Atreides: Wonder just how jaded Atreides has become
Atreides: Stops meme-speaking 'cause it’s weird