Soul/Core Energy Restoration

If you re on semen retention or wanna get rid of porn addiction…just buy this and you’re good…I love this…This is a long term investment that will even extend your life expectancy


Happy to have finally have joined you guys in soul/core restoration listening…

i feel the effects exactly where I want to feel them and i feel so many sensations in my upper body when I do this.


I feel mild pressure at my stomach and relief from sentiments of injustice and anger from being misunderstood and mistreated. Feels as if puncture wounds in my spiritual core are epithelialising. On top of all that, I feel…safe. This is a healing chamber :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll be playing The Ojas after this.


Been looping this at nights and apart from confidence and energy boost it also feels like Im becoming an immovable object.


wdym by immovable object haha

How tf do you guys loop this overnight, I get so energized and I cant sleep at all


any1 practice qigong aswell as listening to this audio? not at the same time but yeah I dont wanna maybe “overstimulate” my lower dan tien coz ive heard qigong can acurally be dangerous

I bought this and its doing something good for past day already. I have a feeling of more calmness.
It also has already unblocked some energy pathways or something in regards to my male member. That could be from new steadier energy or removal of past negative things not sure! Or because energy is now flowing into my lower regions i forget the name dan tien?

Will etheric cord cutter audio do anything different or better compared to soul core restoration? thanks

Yes they are different.


Etheric Cord Cutter cuts your etheric cords all around your energy body but it doesnt restore the energy or fix any energy center like Soul Restoration Audios.
It says so in the descriptions :stuck_out_tongue:

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Intermediate reported benefits compared with original description:

  1. Repairing Core Energy Center: The field works on repairing the core energy center.Users have reported a sense of unfolded, expanded, cleared, and more “solid” energy.
  2. Removing Energetic Drainage Cords: It seals and removes any energetic drainage cords and links that may be draining energy. Users have experienced a reduction in avoidance tendencies and increased protection from negative entities.
  3. Enhancing Life Force Connection: Strengthens the connection to the original source of energy, enhancing and widening the flow. Users have described a feeling of having their own energy back under control, leading to a sense of wholeness.
  4. Addressing Emotional Pain and Blockages: Works on blockages and fragmentation caused by emotional pain and being taken advantage of. Some users have reported deep emotional experiences, including confrontations with pain, reduction in self-insults, and improved self-compassion. Another user feels it working on his/her teeth.
  5. Health Benefits and Anti-Aging: Mention of potential health problems and aging due to energy blockages. While some users haven’t noticed significant changes in physical health, there are mentions of increased energy and a feeling of well-being.
  6. Protection from External Attachments: Seals leakages and external attachments that try to remove energy, including parasitic beings and people. Users have reported feeling more protected and experiencing a shift in their interactions with entities or negative energies.
  7. Compounded Effects with Regular Use: It has a compounded effect the more you use it. Users mention that effects should be felt in the first few listens, and some describe ongoing positive shifts with continued use.
  8. Take Back Your Life Force: Empowering users to take back their own life force. Users express a sense of regaining control over their energy, making positive life changes, and rediscovering themselves.

Other benefits/reviews mention:

  1. Social Transformation: Users have noted shifts in their social behavior and interactions. There’s a reported decrease in avoidance tendencies and an increase in the willingness to engage with others. This includes positive encounters with acquaintances and improvements in relationships.
  2. Physical and Energetic Effects: While some users haven’t observed significant changes in their physical well-being, there are mentions of increased energy, protection from negative entities, and a more grounded and solid energy experience. Some have also noticed shifts in their interactions with animals, such as increased affection from pets.
  3. Emotional and Psychological Changes: Testimonials describe a range of emotional experiences, from deep introspection and confronting personal issues to profound feelings of rage, pain, and catharsis. Users have reported a reduction in self-deprecating thoughts and increased self-compassion.
  4. Assertiveness and Personal Boundaries: There’s a mention of the audio contributing to a shift in assertiveness, with one user specifically seeking recommendations for becoming more assertive. This could suggest that the field has an impact on one’s ability to set and maintain personal boundaries.
  5. Transformation of Self-Perception: Users have reported changes in how they perceive themselves, including a reduction in self-insults and an improved self-image. Some have experienced a sense of liking and compassion towards themselves, along with realizations about the impact of psychological attacks on their self-image.
  6. Integration with Other Fields: Users have experimented with combining Soul/Core Restoration with other fields, such as Ancient Arts/Internal Alchemy and Vibration of Creation. This suggests a personalized approach to using different fields in combination for a holistic experience.
  7. Increased Self-Control: Users have reported positive shifts in assertiveness, emotional well-being, and a sense of regaining control over their energy. These changes might contribute to increased self-discipline, which is essential for overcoming habits like excessive or compulsive behaviors.
  8. Emotional Regulation: The field may assist in addressing emotional pain and blockages. Emotional regulation is crucial for managing stress, anxiety, or other emotions that might contribute to engaging in habits like excessive triple x consumption.
  9. Base for other fields like Chi, Jing, Shen and Ojas: While there isn’t a strict prerequisite for using fields related to chi, jing, shen, and ojas, the “Soul/Core Restoration” field can potentially complement and enhance the effects of these energy-related fields. The “Soul/Core Restoration” field aims to prevent energetic leakage and external attachments. This could contribute to the conservation of energy, which is fundamental in various energy practices, including those related to chi and jing. The restoration of the core energy center can address emotional pain and blockages, fostering emotional and energetic balance. This balance is crucial for practices involving shen (spiritual energy) and maintaining overall well-being.

Note: In summary, the reviews align well with the intended benefits outlined in the original description. Users have reported a range of positive experiences related to social interactions, assertiveness, emotional well-being, and a perceived restoration of their life force. User experience are anecdotical and may vary from person to person.


3 days ago I got this field and I’ve been playing it twice in the mornings, and today I noticed that I was way more open to being close and intimate with my partner. My attachment style is avoidant and even though I love her very much, there’s just this sensation of backing out when we get very close and personal, but today it wasn’t that way. I hung with her for hours, cuddling and laughing in a very genuine way and didn’t feel bothered at all. Beautiful creation, thank you.


I just bought this field, first listen and I already feel much better, I was undecided whether to go for this or negentropic jing but in the end I decided on this, I will buy neg jing next month because I also feel that I need it in my teens were years of excessive masturbation and other bad habits. Any suggestion to listen to soul/core restoration is welcome


There are no limits with this one, use as much as you can / are drawn to

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Thanks for this!

its a precious gem. enjoy


This + Jindan is like


Throw in some ojas after jindan and man are the ladies going to look back

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After having experience with this field for a year, I must say you need high energy sensitivity and high consciousness for this to FULLY work. I do not recommend spending that kind of money IF you do not have high energy sensitivity.

What is your reason for that? explain more…

Same could be said for every field no?