Soul Restoration I (Core)

This is just an illustration. No one knows what will happen after 3 years of daily Soul/Core Energy Restoration. But this is what we think will happen. It’s our best guess.


Lmao, yea after 2+ listens that’s what it starts to feel like.

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I’m feeling so good and so much energy now I can’t even describe it. I’m about to start looping this with Creation. And see if I don’t turn myself into a Niffin…

Another result I’ve noticed is if I listen to this a ton, I can still fall asleep when I go to bed, maybe even better than before, but when I’m just relaxing laying down listening to a talk or whatever I will have micro-dreams. I’ll fall asleep for half a minute to one minute and have crazy vivid dreams. And then just wake up. I think there is so much energy in the dreams that it wakes me up. Usually they are full of clear meaning from the imagery and I understand it. So if anyone is interested in that, there is another result you could start using this field for.

On the side here: If anyone is good at interpreting dreams, One of these as described above, I don’t really get. I was with a group of people, like LOTR type people, sitting at a round table with a mountain cave behind us and a beach in front of us. A woman who was Death, walked up to us and everyone was scared shitless, getting ready to fight but knowing they had no chance. Then I started talking to her and telling her we should make a pact or something, like “hey we can be on the same side”.

I held her hands in mine while saying all this. Then she gave me her “terms and conditions”. All she asked was that I trusted her. If I trusted her, then we would be on the same side. I kissed her palms to show her that I would trust her. She was like ok then, and she left me her hands to show her agreement or that she would keep her side of the deal. She just walked away to do some mission she was on and I was left there holding her hands. Wtf. Any ideas?

She walked away without her hands. Not sure if I was clear about that part.


Calm down Dean Winchester, next thing you’re gonna kill death itself.

But srs now, it could be a message from your soul/higher self.

Since your higher self decides when you’re gonna die, maybe it wanted to tell you that you shouldn’t worry about death and trust it…?

Or perhaps the other characters who got scared were certain habits/traits that had to “die”…?


Dean Winchester… I wish. No I’d be that gangly guy that tried to be the Winchester’s side kick. Lol.
Ok, I’m not quite that nerdy, but I’m definitely no Dean. Now if we had a field to turn us into a total badass archetypal male demon hunter… sure I’d use it. But hey, we have Thor and Lion, so I’m thankful.

Yes I think you’re on the right trail. Habits that had to die. Any change is like a kind of “death”. So if I’m not afraid of change or death, I can have the power (the hands of death?) to make changes. Cool. That does fit with how things have been changing for me since using Soul Restoration. Now I’m using Vibration of Creation too. Can’t wait to share results.


Yeah, or the men of letters assassin, forgot his name but that dude was badass.


Ahahahah… funny woman


I know! She had this attitude like “I don’t need these to do my job, they’re inconsequential”


This field felt very good to me too… I’ve just stopped using it till the end of the course


I respect you making that call. I can’t stop listening to it. I’ve just looped Soul Restoration with Vibration of Creation 3 times. Just bought Creation today. This is what I was looking for. I feel like I could do anything. Like make any positive change in my life. I can only imagine what I’ll discover after a few days with this.


Use your vibration energy on this video! :wink:


For me meditating with Creation makes me incredibly aware and sensitive of the beginning of every thing appearing in that moment (thought, image, sound… whatever)…
Don’t if this makes sense in english lol

What I mean is emptiness from wich everything comes to reality become obvious

Gradually recognizing thoughts about myself/ego comes from that emptiness, so I’m quite sure Creation have effects on dissolving Ego too


I know Sapien’s fields work so well, that people get doubtful if they don’t start noticing concrete results “in a few days”,
but please remember that these heavy spiritual ones like Ascension, Vibration of Series and this one are meant to speed up a process that would normally take lifetimes.

So I’m glad you’re noticing results so quickly, but it’s hard to quantify how much this will change you over several months or even years.

Quite simply, like Ascension, one will go thru multiples changes and effects from these fields over time as they work thru, again, lifetimes of corrections, healings, and growth.


I agree. I only say that because I get to experience these fields so strongly and quickly. Part of it was just my make up from the beginning getting good results. But then some fields have made me get even better results. I get what you mean though.


I think it could depending on what your aim is. Realistically, for almost any aim anyone would have in listening to Vibration of Divine Love, Soul Restoration would complement it very well.

If I had to attempt to get close to the results of Core Energy/Soul Restoration with other audios, I would listen to Etheric Cord Cutter and Pranic Swirls. But it wouldn’t be the same. Adding in Chi to lower dan tien, those 3 together may come a little closer, but still it’s not as great for what Soul Restoration does.


I think it would help. But I would use Cord Cutter more sparingly than the other two. All 3 of these together are 23 minutes while Soul Restoration is 17. But again. I’d only listen to Cord Cutter once a day and no more than 1/3rd as much as the others. It’s good. But it is heavy duty. SR on the other hand, cuts cords to the core energy, so your vital sensitive inner emotions don’t get touched by parasites, but your outer auric field still interacts with those around you so they don’t misread you as retracting like a prey.

Edit: felt the need to clarify. Though not solicited.

Cord Cutter is wonderful. I find it appropriate for cutting deep attachments like a friend or love who betrayed you. I find SR more appropriate for keeping free of common workplace parasites. And it does much more than that but just addressing the “cutting” aspect for now. And it’s probably great for the deeper stuff as well.


@Captain_Nemo @SammyG @ any moderator who might know

Can someone describe how Chi Compression to Lower Dan Tien relates to Soul/Core Energy Restoration? I’m using them both right now and I can’t tell what’s happening. I feel something but I can’t figure out what.

Oh and I’m using Pranic Swirls too. To bring more energy in for the other two audios to use. Does doing that make sense?

The core center where the life force resides in is probably the lower dantian. So that’s probably why you feel a synergetic effect. If it fills up it spreads through the entire body so… it can be a variety of things that could be triggered by more energy flow. Probably not that helpfull lol but I wouldn’t overthink it too much.

As far as I know the other fields work independent from the energy thats in the environment. So not really necessary. Besides if you want to draw more energy towards you the energy accumulator would work better I guess.


I’ve been doing this for hours and I couldn’t tell what was happening. But right after posting the question… I think I’m starting to notice a build up of sexual energy. That makes sense I guess.

Ok. Now I’m feeling the energy moving up into my chest too, not sexual per se. I think I should have just given it more time before asking. My bad for being impatient.

Still, it would be cool to hear from someone on the inside, how these two relate. You very well may be right though.


Yeah that’s possible. Time for transmutation&orbit :grinning:

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