Soul Restoration and Three Treasures

No without specific practices


Do you think Ojas or transmutated audio could help with that ?

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Thanks :heart:


From what I think I gather: the 3 treasures and restoration series- can heal all that TCM regards-like all the meridians/channels…? (ie like spleen meridian)? I know there is the acupuncture field and I have that as well, but I would like to start to focus on balancing all the meridian pathways TCM states, as I wish to create harmony in both my body and mind- (I would say spirit, too, but I’m not to sure if I am mixing up TCM with Aryuvedic principles).

I have most of the fields now, so any other recommendations to try to achieve this “balance” would really be appreciated. (And also how many times a day, etc).

I would really love to hear from all, especially @Maoshan_Wanderer , @uial , @AkiraTheWild , please ( and only if you have the time, of course)
…&& obviously Dream, but would prefer I not to be of bother lol

Thank you :blossom: :leaves:

AkiraTheWildWasHere :paw_prints::
:point_down: :100:


New Release: The Mana Circuits (Super Charged)


MICROCOSMIC ORBIT :globe_with_meridians:


The above suggestion from OM its notch class , you may want to see what can offer that field to your body experience .

Just in case you are not working with the microcosmic orbit , i believe time and experience working with the same fields , also make progress , since you start to recognize parts of your body that you thought didint exist . So its like learn to move your innvisible arms or something like that , like your “dormant” limbs , always there , but now you realize.

Observation : if you Dont have the AWAKENING COURSE , which its a set of audios with lessons an guided tutorials by a handsome CK model man ;) you should see it , its awesome and very well explained .




As @_OM said, this is probably the best field for addressing the meridians directly at this point (and strengthening the general energy system).

The Three Treasures and three Dan Tiens (Soul Restoration Series) are always an excellent foundational place to begin for one’s physical, mental and spiritual harmony, though do not necessarily address meridians in specific detail as Mana Circuits would.

(and yes, ‘spirit’ would apply to what the meridians and Three Treasures affect. :slight_smile:)

Feel like Full Body Negentropic Coherence from the Mythic album would help as well.

1-2x per day is probably plenty to begin with for the Negentropic Treasures in your situation, but see how you go with them. Once may even be enough for each of those.

For most fields, the usual 2-3x is well balanced.


@_OM thank you :heart:

@AkiraTheWild ahh I’ve had the course since like June and I forgot to start it sos (yet i made sure to attend the webinar so go figure lol) thank you!!

And don’t kill me but- I read through the many comments for EAC, but one thing I can’t seem to grasp: even though the “rest days” are mentioned to not use any other Sapien audios, is this also applying to the body primer days, healer days and crystallization days (ie: on the first three days, just follow the protocol for body primer, as well as making sure not listening to any other morphic fields - or energy work for that matter like physical acupuncture)?
Wee bit embarrassed for asking but thank you in advance :slight_smile:

@uial and ofc thank you, sir, for (once again) coming in clutch :relaxed:


Has anyone else experienced a new level of energy they’ve had to get used to? I’m feeling a lot of energy coursing through my body even after grounding


Hi dear friends,

I’ve been using Sapien Medicine for a considerable amount of time and was looking into some of the paid fields because I have a specific issue that needs urgent attention. After some research and investigation, I’ve concluded that I need the removal of attachments, entities, cords, because it feels as if I’m being drained, almost as if energy is sipping from me.

I looked over in the store and the Soul Restoration series absolutely sparked my attention. It is exactly what I need.

It feels as if my Soul is fragmented and a lot of the energy is stuck in my higher chakra’s.

Now, purchasing all three of the fields would set me back a huge chunk of $300. I was curious whether Sapien has discounts, or sales, anything of that sort?

Any help is always appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


It is recommended to use soul/core for a period of time before starting the other two.

Yes, every once in a while, keep following the forum, there will probably be something soon

Oh, and welcome to the forum! :smiley:


There is a discount on this momment of 14%
Use it !

Let me find the code


Let me quote it.

Just wait a second my man.

Thank you!


Oh, right! I’d forgotten that soul restoration series were on gumroad xd Thanks for chipping in


Hi @rigel and @AkiraTheWild, thank you for your service. I appreciate it.

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Hello, in a couple of weeks after my psychic center is fully restored (brow energy center restoration) i want to include the vibration series again to work together with the soul restoration series.

Can i have your insights and explanation on where to put each of the series in a stack? :star:


you should buy the upgraded chakra audios if you dont have them. The scheme should look something like this. note this is only my opinion from my experience up to now. there it goes:

For the energy body:

  1. Auric repair x1
  2. Manaciruits x1
  3. energy blockadges x 1
  4. Chakra Audios: base, solar, throat, ajna, base x1 each.
  5. Grounding x2
  6. Vibration Series audios 1,2,3 one loop each,
    7.Grounding x 2

this stack is good if you are in a energetically friendly enviroment. and please try to be outside in the nature. you will benefit more so.

Take care and good luck!


Thanks, i bought the chakra fields 2 months ago, were they upgraded at that time?

And where to put the soul restoration series?


i dont know this… you can download them again from your gumroad account.
i thought you ready with the SR series…hmmm… okay…
you begin the stack so: Auric repair x 1 SLR1,2,3 x 1 grounding x2 and then 3. to 7. from above.

Does anyone have this pdf?