Soul Restoration File

I recently bought Soul Core Restoration and found out i can’t access it’s file on gumroad through my mobile. I tried through the app but it won’t sign me through my gmail. I went around this issue by downloading it on my laptop and sending myself an email of the file and downloading it. But now I’m concerned if it will recognize me as an owner or maybe the file got corrupted somehow. Was my move safe? Can i still use it? I wouldn’t be wary of this and just try it and find out, but i just had the first listen on my laptop and while I’ve had a wonderful freeing experience, i experienced a lot of weird symptoms of detox later. So i don’t wanna risk it.


Hi @Perplexed_Madara

Nice to see you Spirit Animal

You purchased the field so no worries about the other. Enjoy! Soul Core is truly a treasure, so accept the blessings! :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for the confirmation :heart::raised_hands:

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No you’re fine. I play and exchange the files on all of my devices depending on what I’m doing and what devices have battery at the moment. As long as you’re not sending them to friends or something you’re good. No worries