Soul Restoration II (Heart Storage Center)

Field is definitely worth buying but it’s not the right fit for the solution you’re seeking.

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I don’t have any course audios. I’ll research about chakra tears later.

I thought it was a good solution. Wouldn’t this audio be good for heart repressed energies?

I mean the yam mantra, the Sanskrit mantra.

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Are you referring to Krishna mantra? :thinking:

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You could try the Emotional Release or the SP-Heart Chakra Audio from Gumroad but yeah this one would be ideal


Base mantra of each chakra, yam is the heart chakra mantra, lam is the base chakra mantra, are the basic chakra mantras, search the heart chakra mantra on youtube, all related videos are that, I can’t send here because it is a topic of sapiens.

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So much respect. Although I don’t think Sapien team would mind, you can always pm the user tho.

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It’s not really specifically for clearing repressed energies so I don’t think so. You can give a go to trauma release, forgiveness, and emotional release if you don’t have the course audios


It is though

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It does clear repressed energies. It removes parasitic attachments that are siphoning off of your energy and connects it back to true pure source. The repressed energies being blocked will flow more freely and not be drained from you.


There’s no audio that can replace soul restoration and vibration series of sapien…instead they replace many other…it’s like you are asking if I can replace an original iphone 12 with a Chinese 100 dollar iphone lol. It’s definitely worth buying.


I understand your point Kaz lol


When I used Heart storage I could feel my heart area almost pulsating and it slightly heart each time it did, cleansing and purifying.


Chakra series too.

Ego Dissolution along with the Soul Restoration series and the Chakra series in my opinion are the best foundation fields especially for more intensive fields like the vibration series.


Yes…many believes that they can replace chakra audios with vibration series…but it supplements chakra growth doesn’t replace them.


I have to admit I was neglecting this one and the Brow center. Looped the heart and brow one and they were really great as well - helped out with leakages wrt to emotions and psychic drainers.


A lot of people skip out on the heart and brow storages, but they’re definitely still important.


How did the heart one help you? I’m thinking of purchasing it.

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Was running Abundance Mindset and noticed a lot of tenderness emotionally with a lot of hidden subconscious blocks. Running this helped a lot.


Looped the audio the whole night and from 2 days my neck and shoulders hurt a lot, hardly move. To listen to it more to clear everything or to do something else?

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