Sounds in my head

other than tinnitus I get voices like someone screaming my name for a period of time or someone angry screaming. I am not sure what’s happened. I will need to get evaluated by a doctor or something or psychiatric.


Probably psychic information or you’re just halucinating…

it was/is similar to schizophrenia.

Eeeexorcism rite, pronto. Relax your mind while you listen.


Observe for a bit longer time and see how it goes…

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I am sure you will be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness even if there is no psychiatric condition. Your condition is like a malevolent entity or a psychiatric condition, but psychiatrists will think you are sick in both cases. I think listen to sapien’s fields against malevolent beings, if nothing changes, go to the psychiatrist.

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Tell us a bit more
Since when, how often, how did it start…

You can loop grounding, focus on lower chakras.

I had something similar when I questioned my sanity about 7 years ago. That was brought on my ungrounded energy work and too much focus on 3rd eye without the lower chakras being all balanced and strong.

Lay off of heavy audios for a while otherwise, take a break.
And yes of course you can listen to exorcism!


I am laying off from audios.
Since a while ago I started living vicariously in spontaneous moments. Fake memories basically. Psychotic breakdowns, demotivation, fear, chaos, confusion. I took the change for the better and I’m beginning to be more scheduled and focused. I can’t say much other than that.

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So listen to exorcism 2x a day;

Get lower chakras audio.
Find other ways to balance/strengthen lower chakras, e.g. there are yoga poses for each.
You can listen to energy blockage removal too as much as you need.

You can do the star exercise 2x a day. It strengthens your energy system overall and things which now “reach the bar” will not phase you after some time.

Some people take these experiences as a sign they’re improving… or wish for it, to experience something beyond “normal”.
Those who do know it’s not that simple lol
It’s rather a sign of imbalance. You can correct it.


Of course it can be better. But not necessarily by talking here. thank you.

Sounds like a typical ‘ascension’ to me.

Exorcism will still do you good. Other than that, lay off of caffeine and other CNS stimulants. Make sure you sleep, eat, yadda yadda.

Isolating yourself for a while might help.


It could either be a bad sign or a very good sign.
Do you hear other things aswell?

Anyways guys I just need to restore. This doesn’t even feel like ‘me’ talking. I will get what I need. thx. With honesty, breaking from addictions, self-induced hallucinations etc I will be better.

i echo this! balanced chakras are one of the best ways to truly experience reality.

from my recent experiences and the guidance of our forum friends, starting with our base and going up is recommended!


Yeah. Always start with the base.

Focusing on the crown or third eye first is like building a pent house in this air. Fun, for a while, but then you realize that laws still exist and it all comes crashing down.