Sovereignty of Being

This def goes to my wishlist :heart_eyes:


I shared this privately with @Ugninis but this deserves to be here also.

Iā€™ve been listening to Sovereignty of the Being and itā€™s epic. It reminds me of Blueprint of Life level epicness. Iā€™ve had some strong emotional releases already. Immensely powerful and freeing.

My heartfelt thanks to you for the project and to our @Dreamweaver for this beautiful creation. :purple_heart::purple_heart::sparkles::sparkles:


Anyone who has replaced BoL with this field?

Always hard to replace golden oldies haha


can always use both



Just bought this one. Anyone else have to wait a while for the digital download link email to come in after purchase?


It works ok on me, laptop chrome :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok, now works for me too, thank you!


Iā€™d say itā€™s the perfect complement :)

By the way, Iā€™m still finding myself confusedā€¦ :laughing: You see, Captain was shown the design of the project, and I put it in x 1 postā€¦ Although it was probably the Captainā€™s wording that deserves the placeā€¦

This is a very deep project. It touches the deepest parts of youā€¦
To understand a little better what this field can offer, I suggest you go into a cozy cafe in your mind
All your past/parallel personalities and your ancestral experience, all your parts and aspects, come into this space and sit opposite each other in resonance, according to the principle of the greatest need for this or that experience or information

For example, someone needs healing, and someone has the right skills to do it. Someone just needs to talk, and someone has enough wisdom to have a harmonizing effect on the speaker by his/her mere presence

Someone needs some knowledge/information, etc. In this way there is a deep mutual exchange of experience and information, a flow of energy like a beautiful dance, a total synchronization and integration of oneself as a Whole, previously fragmented into parts (because of different problems, experiences, resentments, negative feelings, etc.).

Perhaps this ā€œfragmentationā€ supposedly gives rise to the realization of oneself as something greater, not just a current individualā€¦

At the same time, in this imaginary cafe, there is ā€œattunement, healingā€ in a harmonious way, in sync with the current personality, while maintaining awarenessā€¦

this field also helps to manifest the realization that any part of you is not the only part, although very valuable at the current momentā€¦

this field is designed to help the user to reach the depths of himself and from the state of self-love and total acceptance of himself and all his expressions, to hear himself as a Soul, as a creative being living according to natural principles, not according to imposed social algorithmsā€¦

by the way, a few words about Chronopuncture

is a method of treatment and prevention of diseases, which is based on the synthesis of knowledge from chronobiology and acupuncture. It is based on the assumption that a personā€™s biological rhythms have a significant impact on the effectiveness of acupuncture. Chronopuncture uses the time of day, moon phases and other biological cycles to optimize the healing effects of acupuncture.

Iā€™m not 100% certain, but Iā€™ve read that this method is also used to remove phenomena such as ancestral cursesā€¦

And most importantly.
Has anyone ever seen the Austrian TV show Pippi Longstocking?

this field will help you get into that state of mind.
it shows a Child playing with the World on equal terms, a Child-Alchemist, transforming reality and melting it into different forms and melting together with it, drawing the world, or molding it out of clay, then firing and applying patterns that become the fabric of a new realityā€¦

it is from this state that it is good to work with problems that seem serious and difficult to solve. i think there may be some simple and elegant solution, or you may just playfully transform the situation by quitting the game or by setting your own rules

Also through this element you can awaken, help and heal the unhealed child parts of yourself (not just the current personality, but in the broader sense of self) according to the ā€œbird principleā€ described at the beginning

:muscle: :heartpulse:


Truly a gem!


Very happy and grateful for this release! 3 days in and I can already feel such a stronger inner peace. I am much less bothered about things where I did feel a stronger reaction to before. I can very much relate to the following which is stated in the description:

ā€œThis point triggers a process whereby a collection of different aspects, past and parallel personalities and their ancestral experiences begin to interact in such a way as to smooth out and resolve inner contradictions, find common ground between inner parts and bring the being into a more holistic and coherently working form, and gradually increase the overall level of energy that was previously wasted as a result of some inner contradictions.ā€

My energy levels stay more balanced throughout the day, I feel more at ease, not so much in a rush, and I donā€™t get so much lost anymore in my own thought process. When I do and I gain the awareness of it, I can more easily let it go and be present again.

I feel much more ā€œput togetherā€ if that makes sense :sweat_smile: I also experience some bodily sensations such as heat on certain parts of my body while I am playing it.

Thank you for this beautiful project, I feel very grateful to have this tool in my life. These healing audios are definitely next level <3


:100: This has been my experience so far.


Itā€™s no longer available

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Nah, man, itā€™s still there. Try another browser.

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I had tried on 4 browsers and none of them show up

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@DeepOcean Try this link. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks! It seems like itā€™s now an unlisted product

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With the same link, I still see it using Chrome on desktop.


It seems I have detected the error; it is shown on:

but not on:

It might also happen with other products

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So underrated my friends. Was in overwhelming state of being since one week, tried everything from a lot of fields to hypnosis, nutrition and co.
I can only now feel a real sense of relief by looping it.
I wasnā€™t really able to tell what this field was really made me feel, but from now I feel something stronger that smart cord cutter in term of deepness.
Itā€™s really like I was trying to heal, balance, fight some energies and this came just to clean them all, allowing you to see the deep illusion of all this game.
Some said thereā€™re some correspondance with Bol, I can tell yes but here you do not try to harmonize anything, you just leave the game lightly.

Feel complete and serene as never before like my 100% phone battery :dove:


I have a question about this productā€¦ because it closely resembles the description of The Blueprint of Life. It seems like an update with added creativity and light to the heart center, but it doesnā€™t mention negentropy, which is a key feature of Blueprintā€¦ and it adds negentropy to our entire being, across all aspects, spaces and timelines, implying the removal of diseases we might be born with, as well as allergies (due to genetics) and other biological processes related to DNA (as inā€¦ epigenetics, inherited mutations and all that macedonia). In this context, it appears thereā€™s a sort of factory reset, but not an enhancement. Am I explaining myself well? Is this the case, or am I overthinking it? :see_no_evil: