Sovereignty of Being

Sovereignty of Being

Imagine thousands of white birds woven with light, representing wholeness, creativity, healing and love. They fly to all corners of your Being to provide help, support and healing to the parts that need it most. These light messengers also remind each part of you that it is not alone. Together with the other parts, they form something larger, incredibly beautiful and powerful. Each bird, having implemented its purpose, reaches into your heart center, igniting your inner light and healing your memory. This is a deep, multi-layered re-visioning at various levels of your being, cleansing you of the distortions accumulated over a lifetime and bringing you back to your True Self.

:one:Energy-information Correction

:black_small_square: Unraveling of information-energy knots

This point is intended for unraveling information knots formed during the long journey of the Soul and many incarnations in synchronization with the Subconsciousness of the user.

:black_small_square: Restoration of DNA on the informational level

Helping the Subconscious mind to remove distortions introduced into the genome or acquired by it, restoring its harmonious structure for the current personality, removing information garbage and interference. This element works for a long-term perspective.

:black_small_square: Chronopuncture

This point is an additional help in synchronizing the inner aspects, soul with the body, in general all energies with each other, as well as harmonizing ongoing life processes. It can cleanse the user of various negative programs, and can also help to avoid or smooth out negative events and trigger more positive events by fitting into the flows of the world and inner synchronization.

:two:Grand Revision Alchemy

:black_small_square: Mutual healing of Aspects

This point triggers a process whereby a collection of different aspects, past and parallel personalities and their ancestral experiences begin to interact in such a way as to smooth out and resolve inner contradictions, find common ground between inner parts and bring the being into a more holistic and coherently working form, and gradually increase the overall level of energy that was previously wasted as a result of some inner contradictions.

:black_small_square: Revision

This point, which triggers the actual algorithm of the well-known technique of revisiting, helps to return the energy invested in complex interactions to its place, as well as to heal the parts damaged by such interactions and to cleanse oneself of dissonant patterns acquired from other people.

:black_small_square: Inner Creator Child

In each of us there is a beautiful, cheerful, spouting creative energy part in the form of the Inner Child, who is beyond the imposed unnatural programs and dogmas, alien to the creative nature of man and limiting his manifestation and natural and spontaneous self-expression, creating out of joy and pleasure, but also out of wisdom and deep understanding of himself and the world. It is not just the inner child of the current personality, but the inner child in a broad sense, one might say the childlike manifestation of the Soul as Whole, which harmonizes childlike innocence, spontaneity and playfulness with wisdom and awareness as well as magick.

:three:The way to yourself

:black_small_square: Finding and strengthening the connection to your own Essence

Who you are beyond the patterns of perception accumulated over lifetimes, the various roles and masks, even if some are generally helpful and positive. In other words, it is a kind of tuning for a pure, clear, holistic state and perception of one’s own Being.

:black_small_square: Creativity in all its aspects

Connecting with one’s creative potential and nature. Realization of oneself as a creative being, capable of naturally influencing oneself and the world around in harmony with it and with oneself. Creative non-trivial approach to what is happening inside and outside, freedom of manifestation, spontaneity, flexibility, imagination.

:black_small_square: New Self

As a result of the above described processes and cleansing and liberating transformations, having returned to the origins and taking into account all the experience gained during the existence, as well as going beyond the imposed and built-up distortions, it is possible to “recreate” oneself, to create a New Self, but from a new creative position, as if looking from above, and like an artist to draw his new transformed Magical Being. As for the current personality in this process, it may change its character traits, behavioral algorithms, appearance, perception and/or other manifestations.


Special thanks to Jojo for help with the name


I’m going to have to accept that I can’t keep up and get all the releases, congratulations on such a beautiful concept :heartpulse:


Glad to see this one get made

Much appreciated :pray:


Such an OP project. Big thanks to dream and yourself for this one.



Amazing project :heart::heart:


Best Described as this wonderful song;

Awaken the Whole Within
From the depths of your being, a radiant light shines
Thousands of white birds take flight, their wings align
Soaring to the far reaches of your soul’s design
Healing, loving, reminding each part they’re divine

Awaken the whole within
Let the true self begin
United we’re powerful, beautiful
Sovereignty of being, let it flow through you

Unravelling the knots of incarnations past
DNA restored, the blueprint built to last
Chrono puncture aligns the universal flow
Negative patterns release, positive unfolds

Awaken the whole within
Let the true self begin
United we’re powerful, beautiful
Sovereignty of being, let it flow through you

Aspects merge in harmony’s sweet song
The inner child dances, creative and strong
Reconnect to your essence, pure and true
Birthing the magical, the self anew

Awaken the whole within
Let the true self begin
United we’re powerful, beautiful
Sovereignty of being, let it flow through you

Creativity springs in each thought and deed
A masterpiece of your being, from it you’ll be freed
Sovereign, whole, and healed from the inside out
This is your rebirth, let your true colours out

From our Captain :heart:
Thank You :heartpulse:


Wow… thank you, Dream and Ugnis!! :purple_heart: :sparkles:

I love the song! It reaches deep within


The keys to ‘god’? :eyes: @Jojo


Such a Beautiful project :heart_eyes:
Thank you Dream. :hugs:
Congratulations @Ugninis it truly is a beautiful concept :heartpulse:


incredible field.

like Blueprint of Life on steroids


Thank You Jenny :muscle:
These were our impressions in the group:

from veh:

from Rose:

from me:


This seems like a really nice field, detailed and complete, but there is something in the description that made me think, when it refers to reincarnation; so the question is: is there any programming to this concept in the implementation of this? Thank you.


Maybe this was mentioned in the past (?), but how would you describe ‘energy-information knots’?


it is a concept concerning energetic and informational intersection points in the body and in space . These nodes are considered important for energy harmonization and balance, as well as for information exchange in energy systems


In order To understand more about the terms “Energy”, “Information”, “Energy-information Body” and how are they related to “Spirit/Consciousness” and “Matter/Energy” , I would suggest you to read the description of “A Twist of Energy and Time” Field , especially the section that describes the Sankhya Philosophy.

The entire description of that field is a Gold Mine of Priceless Knowledge and Wisdom IMHO…A lot of Light Bulbs in My Mind’s Eye suddenly Turned ON when I read that entire description regarding the very nature of Consciousness and Energy as the fundamental Building Blocks of Our Reality.


Therefore the reference to past incarnations is only scenographic,
does this deal with tidying up the tangle of situations that arose after birth?


Thank you! :)


now it’s clearer to me
yes, since the main goal is to harmonize and improve your current life
but we all come into this world with certain data, base, baggage :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you :muscle:


Many thanks for your full explanations.