Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

It’s also a brain/dignity shielding field!!


Yes. I have been unable to get below 2mg of Suboxone while still being able to function at work. I almost gave up til I saw this field come out. Hopefully this field is the answer.

As Captain has warned me, due to the re-sensitization of the opioid receptors, it’ll make the current dose I am at hit me much stronger like it’s a higher dose. Therefore, while using this field I’ll need to take way less, which actually supports the goal of weaning down to eventually nothing. I will keep y’all updated.


I was literally thinking about a field like this, that allows us to naturally upgrade the brains whole system regarding this, with all of us being exposed to supernormal stimulus now, it only makes sense to upgrade like that


So even tough we have all this external stimuli in the world we live in, this field keeps us in a state , like we never abused or fried our receptors at all? am i getting this right? like lets say im a heroine addict but the only thing that will keep me injecting heroine hypothetically would be the habit in and of itself or me actively making the decision but not the physical dependency so to say? So years of porn use would not affect my receptors and they would come back to the normal natural healthy state?


Where do I start…

I bought this field a few hours ago, as soon as it came out,

And honestly I can confidently say, it is THE BEST field I have used BY FAR.

With all the external stimuli and dopamine frying activities such as video games, P*rn, scrolling, tv shows, etc. This is a MUST.

To speak from my experience, I played this field for maybe 30 mins before my workout, 15 mins in, I started enjoying the music from the field, felt PUMPED to workout, and I literally had my most fun workout.

Mind you it was leg day, which I freaking hate. Yet I felt like I was working out for the first time (been working out consistently for 2 years), it was euphoric. Driving home was more fun, listening to music was extremely fun, I am a nicotine addict and using one nicotine pouch felt AMAZING.

Trust me when I say, I own almost all brain fields, and this had the FASTEST effect. I am so excited for what’s to come with this field.

I was even excited to share my experience with you guys, writing this is FUN.

I don’t know how to explain my feeling with words, but this field is a must buy. Thank you for reading, and thanks to the admins who made this field,

Sending love to you all! :heart::fire:🫡


Only 30 mins using this field, and I can confirm that for all the years I fried my dopamine receptors, I can feel my dopamine reseting. So from experience I would say yes, it heals your brain and upgrades it in fact.


I agree with previous comments, also it’s semi folk knowledge that people who are “happy” naturally are very resilient both to depression and forming addictive behaviors, while depression, anxiety and low motivation often precipitate the destructive behavior, also people continue harming themselves in reoccurring patterns because even if they return to their natural baseline, it still remains depressive and unhappy. So this field is acting from practical knowledge.

Not that it doesn’t mean a people who are extremely engaged and driven don’t exhibit behavior that harms their health potentially if it’s something that gives them advantage, so many drink coffee like water, Paul Erdos famously did and also consumed amphetamines for like last 25 years of his life doing and teaching mathematics till his last hours. Interestingly part of how fulfilling his life was, was that he formed friendships and connections with an incredible ease.


damn, the sale is on and i was thinking of buying the conceptual conglomerate but now, im not so sure…

Depends on your goals, I have CC, and if I were you I would get this one.

It just makes even showering feel amazing :joy:


would u reccomemd playing this overnight?

my receptors are frieddd as usual :skull:



Some people seem to find it a bit strong for that. Definitely use your best judgement.

You will feel better, more relaxed and focused right now but when something intense happens, movies, video game, sex or weed if you smoke some, it will be very very intense

This is permanent, we won’t waste a release making a receptor sensitizer to reverse this mutation.

I should make a disclaimer in the OP


You keep using you will get more permanent hulk mutant receptors more sensitive to chemicals

Abuse this and you will feel high, stoned all the time

When you’re good, leave it there


Wowww so this is a dopamine detox cheat code lol , i feel like that when im on a high dopamine detox streak and u go to a source and its just so stimulating. Ok thanks Doc and the team who helped make this and thank u dream ofc :heart: :heart:

So im gonna get the munchies and giggle all the time lol? Nah but seriously what do u mean by stoned? not acutally stoned im guessing, sory if that was a dumb question lol


No that stoned but you can definitely over do it I think.

I haven’t been using this for long. More is better up to a point, but this is not a natural mutation that has been studied in mortals. The limits haven’t been studied.

The mutation itself is safe, but it also increases sensitivity.

I haven’t been using it long.

So far people love it, if you ever feel uncomfortable, stop.


I’m assuming the people who didn’t read the disclaimer and proceeded to use the field would respond in this manner “Oh sh*t, can’t go wrong with this one!”


So what was the most noticeable effect u got after your week of testing?

What week of testing ?
I just got it. I answered questions, ate, prepared my suitcase for the retreat. Now I’m starting the journey.

You’ll get better and better, if you ever feel it’s too much stop playing it.


Ok, the wording “not long” sounded like it was some considerable amount of time. :sweat_smile:

Everyone wants more receptors, stronger receptors. More is better.

There is no studies on someone having too much of them, it doesn’t really happen.

We fixed the issue. You might just love it but if you ever feel it’s enough, stop using it.

While it’s not very likely to be a problem sober, if you ever do drugs or alcohol in your life who knows… it makes drugs stronger, stuff you may not consider drugs but act like it.

I don’t yet see a particular problem, but who knows. It’s definitely a power and it might bring responsibilities… that’s not too much of a leap