Spirethion Max (Frontier Series)

I don’t wanna be the guy to ask that question but I’m curious, how would this affect porn usage? Would it be the same with other drugs by making them more intense and as a side effect more addictive?


Yeah, more intense and enjoyable. Somehow I didn’t think of that one.

Idle hands are the devils play things


So would this field not be good to use if you’re actively addicted to something? Or is the risk for addiction considered?

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If you’re taking a break, it makes that break easier. It heals you faster and let’s you enjoy healthier things more, reducing your cravings.

If you are not trying to stop and keep binging then it’s more potent and enjoyable and will stay stronger.

It should reduce the cravings, but if you feel tempted to have the cheap thrill, you’re starting fresh.

Think of it as a reset


Double-edged sword.

But it might decrease the need a bit. Theoretically.

Would focus on getting rid of the addiction if that’s your goal, and then getting it so you can enjoy more other things, decreasing the need for stuff like these.


But lol, imagine ppl taking it so they could finally be totally enjoying their addictions in long-term consistently.


Oh man, that’s a depressing thought

We do have some planned releases for addictions and self-control though

The worst case scenario although not necessarily likely was anticipated to some degree.


I’ve played this field about ~15 minutes.

My sushi lunch was one of the most delicious meals I’ve ever eaten. Last week, eating nearly the same meal, I probably would’ve described it as ‘nothing special’. While eating, started jamming out to the music being played in the restaurant – not in my usual wheelhouse – but I loved it. Since playing it, I enjoy all music a lot more than I did yesterday. The colors in the sky seem brighter, the feeling of the wind on my skin is glorious. The music of the birds sounds almost like a symphony.

“Has life always been this good?”, I found myself asking. And the answer is YES – I just forgot. :man_shrugging:

Feels like a really potent way to inject joy back into life. A little clearly goes a long way, so go carefully friends!



That’s the expected response haha

Happier and smarter people


Yep getting rid of the addiction isn’t all that bad it’s just after using the dopamine repair field I feel so groggy and zombified so maybe this field would help with that

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Now that I think of this. Actually, it may be one of the most important additions to Eternal stack, as after hundreds of years, you may tend to be more joyless, unless Eternal would evolve in many different aspects.



This is a great take. I regret I have only a single Like to give.


I do feel the relaxation and positivity, I feel good

I can’t wait to play video games after this


The word that comes to mind is ‘buoyant’.


Very light and mellow

I hesitated with the Oxytocin receptors, would have made relationships much better, more social and confident but probably would have made breakups and loss of friends a nightmare, torture


Perhaps it could one field on its own and for a very high price, so ppl can do their considerations very carefully.

Maybe combined with a secure attachment style or something.


Feeling very relaxed, focused and happy, 20 min. Gonna take a break for now.

Got back to it, all is good and well. I doubt spamming it would have negative consequences for most people.


I don’t think it would help.


Listened for 15 minutes and walked outside to do some errands. Decided to reactivate my long ago abandoned modding of walking that involves cutting through building lobbies and parking lots. I don’t do it to save time but just to make things interesting. A locked gate meant I had to take a new path. That’s when I stairway mostly hidden by ivy, I’m in Seventh Heaven. It’s a little thing, but it’s a hint at what awaits. I think Spirethion could turn buttering a piece of toast into an adventure.


I think the addiction comes from rapid decline of the pleasure produced by an activity, and people trying to get back that feeling. Mostly the people chasing that feeling are doing so because ordinary life does not produce enough satisfaction for them. Children can be happy with one toy; adults can easily become miserable even with a buffet of available desires, which are mostly means to a feeling. Drugs are one such means. If you’re already happy, then they are not as attractive, and, if you partake, it is easier to move away from them, if your natural resting happy state is more secure.