Spiritual and Traditional Music (Carols and other Songs)

A Beautiful Traditional Romanian CAROL, if you want to hear it (please do) - - - -

Post anything, any (spiritual) song, whether traditional/religious or not, which you find to be beautiful (hope this thread is not a problem).
Also, please, let’s not argue on this thread and just let it be a place for sacredness and beauty.

This is a Christian Orthodox song, honouring Mary, Mother of Jesus, a beautiful song, the language is Greek; it is a song from a long and old tradition, called Byzantine (music/art), going back to the days of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Edit: The following is The Music Thread (it is for all genres)


Posts Hells Bells

I like the orthodox chant, mystical, powerful :slight_smile:


Latin and Byzantine (rite) songs?
Wow! :100:


Beautiful pieces! :relaxed: Perfect for this time of the year. I feel so soothed and grounded now.

Let me introduce a piece from Japanese imperial court music, or “Gagaku”. “Etenraku” is the most famous piece of Gagaku, typically played during the New Year days. However, as this genre of music can rarely be played live, for the majority of people this piece will be “that music of the New Year, the BGM at shrines and department stores”.
Anyway, I leave a link for more information if anyone is interested, and enjoy this unique harmony :sparkling_heart:




It is a beautiful song.

I am somewhat acquianted with Japanese music, thanks to anime; here is a beautiful song (perhaps not the most traditional one) from one of my favorite series, Naruto Shippuden, but I would not like to post a spoiler, for those who have not watched it, so I will hide the link:



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From Putna, a Romanian Christian Orthodox Monastery - here are some Heavenly Songs.

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Some Sacred and Beautiful Romanian Orthodox Byzantine Chants (they contain Greek phrases or words too, since Eastern Christianity has its Roots in the Beautiful Hellenic World):

Edit: The second song may not be Byzantine though, but still a Beautiful Song.

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this sounds beautiful

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If you want to hear non commercial Christmas Carols, sung by Angelic Voices from a Humble Choir of a Monastery, then Be My Guest:

God Bless You, Dear Stranger.

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I will add the lyrics later, and a better translation than what Google provides, in case it’s needed.

This is a traditional/folk Carol from România,one of MANY.

Do you guys like this song/how she sings?

  • Yes. I like how she sings/her voice.
  • No.
  • It’s OK.
0 voters

If there are other votes on this poll (1 vote is mine), I will know that some of you enjoy or at least listen to these linked audios, otherwise, no point in adding these Carols and other Songs.