Spiritual awakening and loneliness

Has spiritual awakening made people lonely? I feel like I’m loosing all of relationships gradually. It’s scary as well.


Consciousness is freeing up space in which new, more suitable people, situations can emerge. You are the lucky one cause it all happens by itself. Welcome this space. She is like a womb of the universe. There is no thing as loneliness. It all happens in the head. The ego cannot tolerate the space, the silence. Loneliness does not exist. We are constantly interconnected to everything and everyone.


And well, it can. Depending on what kinds of ppl u surrounded yourself with and their picture about you, what they expect of u, etc. As u then become someone who has less and less common with them.

If the connection is deep and meaningful, you don’t lose them usually.

But in any case, u should try:


:mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm:


Attract More Love Into Your Life: Energetic and Morphic programming - Patreon

Could help as well here


No its the opposite spiritual awakening will make you feel interconnected to everyone and everything, there is a sense of oneness to it.

It is actually living with wrong people when you feel loneliness.


I used to interconnect spiritual with loneliness. As @RobbyHa said it’s all in your head and ego. The available space you have created for your consciousness should be looked as a positive.

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Being lonely and feeling lonely are very different things. I think that the further I have advanced on the spiritual path I never feel alone, I could be physically alone at certain times but I don’t feel lonely, I even think that I like being alone more than before, spending time alone with my thoughts. Although I also enjoy socializing when it’s time for that. Are you lonely or do you feel lonely?

If you mean that your friends are moving away, it could be because you have already reached a level of vibration that no longer resonates with them (so to speak), you are no longer compatible, it may even be that the things you had in common with them no longer exist, because with spiritual awakening it is normal for you to change your mentality and perception.

But that’s a good thing because you will find other new people who will be more compatible with you and your new mindset and lifestyle.

This can speed the proccess:


I agree with this.
Thinking back, the times I’ve felt lonely were when I was overly busy or distracted and consequently had less time to go within. The environment and people play a role to a certain extent, but most occurs within. Tuning into the space is the remedy.


Am glad i seen this comment, as i also have been feeling lonely, this all started after listening to soul conntiuum.


Being dettached from ego may cause that you are unable to relate to others’ egos.

Being social is a 100% ego activity.

Ego is mostly low vibration and economic.

People are hooked by their sense of scarcity and lack.

Political economy is a great way to understand ego as an intersubjective and interobjective experience.

You can also bond based on love and compassion but that is rare.

Compassion is also kinda low vibe because you need to understand suffering to relate to others in that way. And relating to suffering is low vibe IMO.

Unconditional love is high vibe because it is not based on retroactive mind.


I also like being alone. Always wanted my own space, immersed in my own own world. Since, 2021, I had major fights with my with my family. I started Iving separate since then. But now, maybe I feel insecure about my future. As I am already 42, single. Never had any relationship. Just a few Friends and family members whom I visit occasionally.

I really don’t know what to do. As my parents are getting older. I feel I wouldn’t have anyone.

I use to meditate few years back. But now I don’t get enough time and peace of mind to start it again.

How did you do that. I really don’t get time. Or maybe it takes a lot of time to go within.