Spiritually High Blood Pressure

I wanted to share a way to banish your thoughts, without using a magical circle or evoking higher beings for protection.

So, what I’m talking about is called “compartmentalization.” It’s unreasonably effective when put into practice. Here’s the deal: when a negative thought pops up, you just need to realize that you and your thoughts are separate. You’re not your thoughts.

The moment you get that you can step back from all that mental chatter, you’re free. You gain control. But if you get too caught up in your thoughts, you’re gonna feel stuck or identify with it.

Remember, everyone’s got this pure, calm part of their being. You’ve got it too. So, if something negative comes up today, just notice it, but don’t let it become part of you.

Here’s a little exercise: imagine your mind is split into two parts. One part is you, and the other part is whatever negative stuff or unwanted emotions that come up. When something negative arises, just think/remember, “That’s not me,” acknowledge it with an “okay,” and then tell yourself, “time to move on.” Then, just go back to your chill, peaceful state. Some days may be easier than others but stick with it. See what happens.

This mental strategy will train you, if this is a cyclical pattern that you want to break away from.

So the next time you know what to do.


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