Spooky stuff

Hi there,

Hope this is the right place for my story. Let me recall…

I was out shopping at this large shopping mall probably about a year ago when I encountered something fairly peculiar.

I was walking through store after store and finally reached an electronics store. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular. Stopped at the mobile phones section and inspected some more closely.

I picked up the first phone on the table, tapped on the home button, the phone goes to home screen and… It’s background picture is the same as the one on my laptop!

Now mind you, I’m not using a stock photo on my laptop but a rather special one.

Still confused, the phone turned black again after a few seconds, as it should, automatically. So i thought, wait a second, let me check the picture again.

The second time i pressed the home button the background picture had changed, but i thought it could still be saved on the phone, went through it’s gallery and found nothing.

The last thought i had was that perhaps the same photo was stored in some kind of cloud storage which got refreshed after my first unlocking of the phone.

Anyways i felt pretty creeped out and as it was a bit late i called a taxi back home. Only to realize that said taxi’s numberplate had the exact final four digits matching my phone number…

Spooky stuff!

What do you think happened there or what the hell could it mean?



I turn it back to you.
What do u think/feel happened?

What do u think/feel it means?

What does your gut feeling/ instinct say?

The best person to answer these questions is YOU, since it happened to you.
You know your circumstances and the problems u are dealing with.


Example: This background picture-what does it mean to you?


This is probably the key actually.

I chose this image deliberately to remind me of the magic in the world. Magic in the sense of sheer beauty, but also in the sense of there existing unseen forces in the world.

Now that i think of this, it is little to no surprise that I’m on this forum now.

I’ve other pretty meaningful stories, in fact I’m gonna search for a meditation sub forum here now and share it…


So yes I’d say in the broadest sense it was my own perceived evidence of the fact that this whole world might be some sort of simulation in which an observer can send you messages of any kind, a bit like a video game avatar i suppose


anyone has clue what is this about?..my friend taped… before last night…


Just curios, geographically where was this taped?


Is that spacex rocket?
Or is it spacex?

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Is it my computer, that I can only see a pic (of something) when first looking at that page. When I click the arrow…the smart phone disappears.

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South Eastern Europe

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Looks like crop-dusting to me. And by crop I mean people…

I guess all the forum members were looping too much alien intercession Last night


not aliens I think …she says she was petrified because she was in an empty place and out of emotion she didn’t manage to record everything …she was filming it for someone to messanger at that moment


Great conclusion to a lovely story, really enjoyed reading!

When I go for my daily walk, before I go out the door I ask the universe to show me something magical. Some stuff has been truly mind boggling. But one really cute time was when I suddenly felt like walking on a different street than the one I usually take and when I looked down, at the same time as I heard it in my headphones, I saw written on the sidewalk: “you are loved” :blush: