Stack for social mastery?

Hey guys I know sapienmed has a social mastery pendant but I just bought best path and id rather not get anything else before it assimilates

What audios do you use to be more socially calibrated and even outright become a leader? the current me is awkward and introverted but I know for a fact that I am on my best path in life


confidence boost, androstensol, become whole, and banish insecurities should help a lot with that. Also use the subconscious limits dissolver as it can remove limiting beliefs like “I am too shy to be a leader or I am not good at socializing”. These audios should help quite a bit in addition to social mastery.


banish insecurities? is that on patreon

It is the same one as the become whole. Sorry my mistake

If you got the money vibration of creation would do most of that and more.

What about vibration of love and transcendence?

Creation brings you back to the source of everything so that involves removing in securities, lower vibrational thought patterns, negative entities. Manifestation becomes much easier at this state from what another thread has started. Divine love is more about feeling whole and accepted unconditional love for all things and people, where as transcendence is about the ego disconnection. They’re all great I own all three but I would say for this thread creation would fit best.


Oh okay I see… thanks for the response brotha! Will be purchasing vibration of creation first later on when I can :slight_smile:

You could also add the charisma and glamour on gumroad


Social Mastery Dog Tag

Ego Dissolution
Subconscious Limits Remover
Root and Sacral Chakra
Extreme Confidence
Become Whole
Gratitude, Love, and Appreciation
Charisma + Glamour
Jing + QI


Charisma and glamour on gumroad is incredible
And I second KingMerch suggestions
I personally use Subconscious limit removal
and Gratitude love and appreciation
And because of that I feel much more at peace with myself and in social interaction
I don’t feel this anxiety in big crowds like I used to, I sort of like feel like I am just allowing people be the way they are and with an open heart and they always express their authentic true self.
Vibration of creation is something else, if you can I suggest you purchase it and meditate with it


Funny enough social mastery is more about “you” then it is about other people. Stripping away insecurities, boosting self esteem, uncovering your natural confidence, and loving yourself are so important.

That stack I posted is more or less what I use. I have the Social Mastery tag and wear it about 24/7


There’s a new version of the love gratiutde appreciation in the new Mental Health album.

Also if you like add the love alchemy album

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The Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra Clearing with Growth and Stimulation from gumroad should be added. List of benefits from the description:

  • A greater flow of love and compassion will flow within and all throughout life
  • Love between you and others will strengthen and you will gain more appreciation for yourself and others
  • Overall more joyful state of being and enhanced self esteem
  • Any feelings of anxiety or depression will quickly cease to be
  • Become much more attractive to the opposite sex
  • Attract the things you want effortlessly

And Aventurine (feat. Eilish Hassett) from Energetic Aclhemy

Promotes personal growth, creates a calm, collected emotional state and boosts your heart chakra as well.


The new courage tag could be a cheaper alternative but EXTREMELY good to own.


Which tag is that?

At the time of that reply (some 2 years ago) we were able to dog tags. The dog tag program has since been discontinued.

The search engine gave me this as its first choice:
New released item: Lion’s Confidence and Courage

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I’m literally buying that tag from @Mac in a few days for $250, heard it’s incredibly good for inner confidence (im a firm believer that confidence and self love goes hand in hand and is absolute key and crucial for any sort of manifestation and spiritual growth), luckily we live in the same country