Stack for stubborn children who don't want to study

Hello all,
So, just as my title says, can you guys advise what would be the right fields for a child who is not interested in studying at all? My sister’s daughter is not even tiny bit interested in studying, what fields can we get for her so that she develops interest naturally in studying?


Amazing, will look into right away!
So this should suffice?

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I don’t know, everyone is different. But it looks like it matches directly with what you are looking for.

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productivity mandala from instagram


childlike wonder


Does the child want to improve in studies? If she doesn’t want to, I think you shouldn’t use fields in her without her consent. There are other ways to stimulate her intellect, with games, with music, with art… not all people can be rationalists.


She was very studious, and suddenly she lost all the interest!

Thank you!!


Mental resilience would be great. Have you thought maybe the reason why your child lost interest in study is because of stress or other factors you may not be aware of? Also incorporate silent mind for your child if you can.

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Yes, I own that nft and I have asked my sister to create a phantom wallet so that I can transfer it to her and then she can print it for her daughter.
There is no specific reason, honestly, my sister is doing well and there is no reason at all that her daughter would be affected due to any reason especially stressed.

Hmm, it seems to me that this is a dopamine problem, an imbalance can happen to anyone, it usually happens due to the continuous instant gratification that social networks offer us (especially tik tok is addictive for children), also the tv, video games, music, even reading, when those easy stimuli deplete your dopamine or provide you with all the dopamine you can produce, you no longer feel like doing difficult things, not fun things will be zero interesting and that is probably what happens to your niece.

An effective alternative is a dopamine fast, no instant gratification for 24 hours that resets the brain and balances dopamine levels. although it may be difficult to achieve for some.

Another alternative is the Dopamine Redux field from Energetic alchemy, I must say that this field is very powerful at least in my opinion and I don’t know if it is recommended for a child, so I recommend dopamine fasting as the first option, you can find out more about how to do it and its benefits on youtube.

Edit: ah the field childlike wonder could also work, as a milder version of dopamine redux, but don’t use both.

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Thank you so much for the kind suggestions, will do the needful, have a great day!

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